
The twins passed the interview,,,!!!

They arranged themselves, the exams was difficult this was meant to tame this kids not, but it seems the plan has backfired

Jane just wanted to scare her two cute kids, but it seems that, they are taking it serious even the Masters in this particular subjects were wondering

If this renound doctor gave birth to two little crazy boys

"Nicole, did my babies leave your sight at a particular time or something?" Jane asked she was confused by her kids reaction

"No Jane it seems you don't know your own son's,,,


"Nicole, can you tell me something that I don't understand" Jane said

"Let's wait for the kids here" as they were busy doing there own things, 

The news of two seven years old kids are the ones doing the exams, had spread all over the internet and even the photos uploaded

"What,, this seven years old kids, summoned all the mathematics and physics, biology and business teachers in nation A?" 

"Are they crazy?"

"Have never met this kind of kids but I find them really cute" another person

"They are my babies I love them, babies even if you are joking around am here to protect you"

"That is so rude of this little kids how dare they summon masters?"


Have you ever heard of doctor Betty before, the Divine doctor she is also present in the interview of this two kids"

"Are you for real, am going to see her today I have to meet my idol today byee"

"Let's wait and see what this funny kids are going to write"

After some time someone posted this kids writing exams


"What are they drawing or, this kids are too much"

""Babies draw my head please don't draw cats are not interesting,,,"

"I feel for them, hehe I pity there mother, with this kids

She is passing through hell"

The exams was difficult but to Liam he has done a lot of mathematics before so to him this not a problem,

He relaxed and started his test,

When the lectures saw the two writing they wondered if they gave out the wrong paper

They wanted them to surrender and go back home and join kindergarten for there future but he'll no that is not what is happening this kids are serious

"Mr pang is like our aim has not been achieved this kids are persistent hehee"

"You are right but I think they are just drawing nothing much" he said

Liam was smiling all over and you can tell that the kid was happy, 

"Mommy today you will realize our ability, if you managed to break through thick and thin why not us" he talked to himself

"Hey brother am done are you?" Finn asked 

"Bro, I was done 30 minutes ago didn't you say I reason some 1 minutes away" he said

"Mmh, let's go " he said 

"But didn't mommy want to see our work, let them mark our work then we follow them late"

"Excuse me Sir can you mark our papers now" Finn asked

"Sure kids" after all it's just a drawing'

But after taking a look at the two papers infront of him he finally realize something,. The question were all done and they were correct some formulas were even simpler compared to what they had expected...

"Hey come all of you can you take a look am I dreaming " the teachers came in

"You mean that seven year old boy can do this?" Mr Alphonce who was staying in school by God's favor said

"What! mark it I want to see the score " Dean could not believe his eyes he wanted confirmation

In the school forum

"Can you believe that the two kids did the test and we're not drawing?" 

"Are you for real?"

"Yes it's real one of the kids said he completed the test before time"

"What, are they normal kids, maybe there is a spirit of old masters in education staying in them" 

"I think you are right"

"What are you guys saying do you think that if you don't love reading, other people doesn't and moreover you were not in the hall"

"Am sorry I didn't mean to offend anyone"

"Better be"

"Guys don't forget that lady of class 3 that said she will call them daddy"

"We can't forget her, infact she must not escape the school "


 After some time the exams were marked and the results were out

Liam got a total of 395 in both maths and physics  with maths of 200, and physics of 195 full marks

Finn got 391, with a biology of191 and business of 200 , full marks

"The results caught everyone by surprise

Jane looked at her kids and for once was lost of words on what to say or do

"Babies look at mommy, I want you to forgive mommy okay, but babies, when did realize you can do such kind of tasks?" She was straight into there eyes filled with tears,

"Mommy ever since we were 3, and when we were four and could go through internet brother realized he like mathematics and physics things with technology,

Even though I like technology but I love art, biology and business" Finn said

"Then we hired a tutor so we broke through the walls just like that, at 5 we participated in contestants mathematics Olympic that brother broke the record and I was number three number two was a boy named Xavier" Finn said

"All this but I don't know, babies why didn't you tell mommy about am I a bad mother ?" She was crying

"Mommy, you are the best mommy, mommy have you heard of Mr P?" She answered by nodding

"Yes, the number 1 mathematician in UK, have heard of him" she said 

"That person is big brother Liam, here" Finn said and Zinc the business man is me mother" he said 

"We know we have wronged you but forgive us" he said and the little kids bow down infront of there goddess

"Mommy forgive us, we didn't mean to" Liam said

"Okay, sorry forgive mommy for being ignorant, mommy will take you to study your best preferences okay,  if you want to be a doctor mommy will make sure you study that

And you like business mommy will take you to school of business okay

Mommy loves the both of you, so very much" she was overwhelmed with happiness her tears were still flowing how can she have two genius kids but didn't know at all?

"Mommy aunty Nicole knows about it and uncle Ethan too" Finn said 

"What! So I was the odd one out" 

"Not like that Jane but they thought you will not agree that is why we kept it a secret okay will you forgive us?"

"Sure let's go and grab something's, I want to surprise my two friends"

"Mommy are you talking about uncle Ethan and aunty Tasha?" Finn asked

"Yes cutie"

"Then let's go and eat very first I want to go and see them mommy" Finn said

At Fernandez corporation*

"Colin, what type of crazy kids do you have? Can you take a look at the internet,

If not hacking my phone, then bankruptcy then now they ordered all masters of mathematics and physics, business and biology to set them questions

Because it is believed that there mother wanted to take them to  school at the kindergarten,,," George said

"And there second name is Sanchez, in nation A we don't have the Sanchez that are powerful, except for the prominent and wealthy Sanchez of the UK,,," Jeffrey said

"When I saw the score of that kid called Liam in mathematics dude, at seven and he has a full score, mmmh I wonder the type of mother they have" George said

"And this one called Finn loves business, heheee, this family is exceptional now everybody want this kids they are very cute at such a young age "

"I think they took after me" Colin smiled

"Dude shut up! Who took after you?" At that time Colin received a call a video call

"Hello?" It was a young boy with mask

"Hello, how may I help you" Colin was polite considering the age of the one calling it seems he was from a royal blood his golden attire. And mask said it all

"Should I be the one to ask about that? How should I help you?" This is the second time he is making a long sentence

Then someone came in and said 

"Young lord calm down"

"Okay" when Jeffrey and George heard a kid shouting again they rush to Colin side at once

"Have I offended you"

"You don't know? Or you are playing dumb, tell that useless woman to respect my mother or else she is dead, we don't need you to be our dad okay!

Anyway don't worry I have a present for you and that psychopath of a woman of your" Xavier said

"Another one?" George and Jeffrey were shocked not to mention Jackson Colin was sent to stroke hahaaa