
The funny Wembley's,,,,!

"George, why do I feel that you are behaving like a virgin? Am starting to doubt that George is dead and you are someone else

Mmmh! Since when did you fear approaching a lady? Heheeee, I don't need a dumb brother like you or you rather go and join King when he will be back that old man is also loveless" Jeffrey was mocking George

"Let me tell you brother, I too, don't know what is wrong with me or what is happening, 

Have never feared a lady before, but when it comes to her it's different, I want her to be in my arms like right now!

And I want her to be far away from everyone out there except me, but am afraid brother I wish you find yourself in my situation too, very soon" George said 

"Jeffrey Tyson, let me tell you , when you will fall in love you will be wild more than a wild Lion, you will

Know how it feels" he said

"George Wembley I tell you falling in love for me not now, I once liked Gold, who turns out to be Jane who we later realized was the woman Colin was looking for now I want to heal my wound in silence" Jeffrey said for sure he was possessed by Jane's beauty that night

"Sorry sorry brother, let me think on how to win my woman be any thing else" George said

That night George traveled to his home to his parents  home, this was a shocking news as to why is elder young master Wembley back home,

"Husband your big headed son is down stairs " his mother said

"Hey, I don't want to see him in my house he was waiting for my death but 

He has realized that his father is not dying soon, I don't know whether he has come now to kill me directly" his father complained

"Husband, how can you say that at least he didn't disappoint us, he is living according to our expectations 

And let's go and hear the reason for his coming back home"

"I don't want to, how old is that boy? I need to see my grandchildren yet he is still moving around with ladies Changing them like clothes, do you know how I feel

Dear wife tell me was I not good, you see when I was schooling back then I didn't see any lady except you in my eyes

After that I proposed directly and married you, we were not this wealthy we made this together, wife where did we go wrong

Not even a single path, then why is my son like this, if we didn't do DNA test back then , I would have doubted if he is my son" he said

"Old man what are you trying to say? Are you trying to say that I cheated or something, remember you were the one that ' taught me those naughty things' back then I was innocent and naive 

That is why you cheated me into marrying you" she said

"Hey wifey I didn't cheat you, were you not the one that liked me and loved me back then" he asked

"How was I to like you and yet you were two years ahead of me, hehee, old man I think you are growing old, how dare you say that to me infact am going to join my son" she said

"Hey wifey, wait for me he is my son tooo, you know you and I did it together"

"Old man how can you be shameful, at your old age?" 

"Okay, okay, let's go " he said

How can they be so loving at there old age, sure now I understand this is where George character is coming from,,, this house is full of drama 

"Hey older brother you forgot about me, when you are with those three, friends of yours you can't even think of little sister at home, brother am sad am sad that,,,,, that,,,,,, that ,,,," she was forcing her tears out till they oooze out

"Hey silly girl brother has been busy, but brother didn't forget about you, brother love you very much" he said this adopted sister of his is a drama queen

"Then where is my gift why can't I see,,," "and brother where is my sister in law??  I have been watching you on TV, and magazine, that those ladies are not cool at all I only like those two  at the knight's

Brother can you marry, one of them I will be the happiest sister if, be you do" she said

Actually, Cassy is number one Finn of Eileen she didn't want to tell his brother directly of who she thinks is the best

She has dug all the dirt about this lady Eileen before becoming her fun and she found her interesting, no boyfriend, zero men scandals, humble background, caring sister to the mysterious doctor,, heheee 

She has been reading news papers to seen when will her brother appear with her in any new headline but that won't happen soon

"Okay sister that is why brother is home today to give a sweet news to everyone heheee

You will like it when you hear it don't worry,,," he said

"But brother the only girl who is clean around you is far from your reach and even if I like her you can't like her too so it's okay I will just make friends with her online" she said she was clearly sad 

"Sister I promise that you will like to hear this" 

Meanwhile the two elders were halfway the stairs listen to the two kids nagging each other, about who to like and who not, old master Wembley was happy to hear his Younger daughter push his older brother to bring home a good wife

"Cough! Cough!" This was to alert them that some two has added in the seating room

"Hello, old man!" George greater his father "the most beautiful woman, how are you" he greeted his mother

"Hello, handsome,, mommy missed you" she said

"Hey, old boy, how dare you call me old when my beautiful queen is around do want her to leave me?" He gave him sides

"Hahaaa, daddy, you are not old, you are not old,,," he said

"Better" he answered

"Old man, how can you be shameless, what is better about that? You are old heheee, son let me not hear you telling him that he is young he is old too old" she said

"Hahaaaa, mommy, you are right" Cassy said

"Aaah! Even you my beautiful daughter? 

Son can you see how this old man always suffer injustice when you are away, I can't even grow fat,, if you find me dead one day,

Blame themm" he said

"Aaah! Pappa! No no nooo brother if you find old man dead blame the love between the two okay ,am still young I don't know anything

Infact brother am not in this room and no one has see me,, mmmh" she pretended like she running out to the dinning table

"Heheeee, old man if you keep on hinging up on me I might as well go back to my family" mother Wembley said

"Hahaaaa, son,, am going to faint', with how old she is Hahaaaa, she can't even try going back there"

"Okay daddy stop teasing mommy okay, let's go seat down" George said

"Heheee, son today you made us feel at home, your sister came back afew days ago so we are happy" 

"Okay daddy, am happy to have meet sister here too today" 

The house was warm, they were all laughing there hearts out like it's has been hundred years before they met, actually this is a loving home, there is no dull atmosphere around, what a cool home it clearly shows why George is a carefree person

"Old, master, old madam and Miss and young Master dinner is ready"  Sarah said

"Oooooh,, at least am going to eat the best  food today if mommy Sarah is around hehee I can't wait,

Hey guys take your time before you join me okay" George said

Mrs Sarah blushed, "Young master all your favorite has been prepared and are a there including sea food that you like the most" she said , George didn't give her time to continue he hugged her and said "thank you mommy Sarah" 

Mrs Sarah has been working in the Wembley since she was 27 years to to date she is 45 years

"What will I do to this child" she was helpless

"Brother! Brother! Don't even think of eating it alone, or else this house will not be safe for you! " Cassy was shouting

"Suit yourself" he answered back

"Mommy, daddy,, can't you see brother is bulling me?"

The two old parents shared a look before they node taking their steps forward, "mmmh, we can see,"

"Mmh,! Now let me see how you are going to bully me again brother I tell you we must share that crab together"