
Thank you for taking me home,,,,,,!!!

"how unlucky I am to think that he is the man that I was waiting for and I wanted to see this man is crazy" she was talking alone in the bathroom

They took off from the hotel and there they were going to Wembley's

"I just hope that this is not another crazy, adventure if that happens then forget about everything I can't tolerate nonsense" she said

"Darling my nonsense is your nonsense and sweery believe me you will have to tolerate my nonsense" he said

George brought her closer to him and kissed her,,, 

"Eileen, truth be told am not actually strong around you I really really love you, And I want to be with you, I Just don't want to be with you but I want us to start a family real soon and you to be a Wembley I want the whole world to Know that I George Wembley am taken by the most beautiful woman " he said

"Eileen tried real hard to say something but could not say a thing

George started kissing her and his heads moved down her slit, her skin was soft and delicate for once 

George was afraid that if by any chance he exert pressure on her the skin will turn red and ugly,, 

He felt like holding her lightly and smoothly,

"Eileen please be with me am not perfect but I will be perfect for you, sweery" he said

"Are you seriously asking me about that now, when you almost killed a person some few hours ago?"

"Sweery, am sorry I let you see that side of me but the thought of just one man having you and doing that with you...." He paused "that thought could not let me be sweery" "and an overprotective man forgive your husband please" he said

"Boss we are here" the driver said

"Okay darling wait for me I will open the door for you so you have to relax"

With that said he opened the door for her, the Wembley's house hold held their breathe they didn't expect the young master to come home today

What made him come home and he seems to be serious and carefree why, they expected him to go inside immediately but he walked to the other side of the car a pushed the door open,,

"What!!!" That was the first reaction everyone covered their mouths from shock

They saw a white slender hand with maroon like nail polish, but for the nail polish to be seen this clearly it must be of quality

A blender leg stepped on the ground with a crystal like heels ,, this lady is rich 

Her hands had made them fall in love, then 

A woman with full neck black long sleeve dress with slit to the Hem of her hips, 

Her height matched their young master, from just a look you can tell that she is a cool lady but never judge a stranger

Her natural hair was cut into bobcut,, her long neck, her curves are not that big or small but this is what a model look like

"Old master, Mrs Wembley, young master is home with his wife" the Batler said he did not say something like girlfriend since he knows his master quite well, he can't bring a woman home if this woman is not soon to be wife

"Old man, did you say something?" Old Mr Wembley asked

"Yes young master is home with his wife, "

"Old woman what are you still doing our son has brought home his wife and you are still relaxed" 

"Aaah! Old man do you want this old woman to die , if that lady is ugly I won't welcome her I want a perfect granddaughter" she said

"I didn't know that after my wife grows old she will start reasoning backwards who said that you are beautiful?"

"You can't you see how your son look like me his mother?" And if she is ugly what will people think of my grandson to be?" She asked

"Okay, son has brought home a beautiful wife"

"It better be that way"

They came downstairs, but what caught their attention was their daughter Cassy , who was passing from corner to corner and giving orders here and there

"Daughter what is happening , where is your brothe?"

"He is in the garage" she answered

"Eeeh,,! We,,m is she beautiful" she asked, 

"You will see her by yourself" she said

"Daughter do you want to kill your mother ? Can't you tell me and save me?"; 

"Mommy just be at the seating room and wait for your daughter in law will you? If you want to die wait until you bless them first" she said

"You....!". "husband, you old man how can you stand over their and watch?" 

"I will also like to say the same die after you have bless my son's marriage"

Not realizing that their were two more people in the room, when Eileen heard the conversation between the them she felt a warmth of a family something that she saw when she was 9 years old it has been long since her heart felt that warmth

Just through their wards tears fell from her eyes , she didn't know when and how, but after so many years she realized that she still have tears left from her 9 years old self

"Sweery, are you crying, did I do the wrong thing by bringing you here " he was worried

"Thank you" 

The house maids that saw them long time ago and were admiring her beauty looked at each other when they saw tears fell from eyes through her face

"What is wrong, she is too emotional..."

"She is cute while crying I didn't realize it"

"I feel like this lady is different she is honest and what I can see is that she is down to earth"

She is not arrogant, "

"I like her already , she must be my gossip mate" 

"Hey what are you doing over there, you mean my sister in law is coming over and yet you are their doing the gossip?"

"Oooh, sorry Miss Cassy but she is too cute and beautiful we could not help but look it's just that she got us we could not stop staring over" one of the ladies said

"Oooh my goodness, sister in law and Brother are here,, hurry up and take all kinds and sorts of drinks to the table " she walked as she was excited to receive and welcome Eileen to their home her prayer of her being her sister in law has been answered

"Oooh, my goodness Eileen sister welcome to our home, you guys moved very fast I didn't expect that the mysterious delivery man was this brother of mine,

Heheee, I am the most luckiest lady, I gat the most perfect sister in law ever am over the moon 

See, live this man a lone you guys will share the room later during the night sister Eileen, come with me, 

Brother sort yourself" she said

"She is my wife, Cassy how can you take her from, darling tell her you wanna stay by the side of your better half" he was begging like a little cute girl begging for pink candy from the favourite daddy

"Hah,,! Am gone sweery my beautiful sister is here for me, so dear darling who are you? Or sister do you Know him" Eileen asked

"What are you asking big sister, I don't know him have never seen him before " she said

"Whoooo whoop! I wish I knew I could have not brought you home, have been robbed my baby" he pretend like crying"I didn't know that you look this ugly while crying, hahaaaaaaa" Cassy said

And Eileen gave an helpless look 'like my hands are tied can't help darling'

Without actually realizing it, immediately she stepped foot in this compound she had totally forgotten her problems and had follen in love with him (, George)

"Aaah,, did you see that?"

"I saw a goddess walking inside"

"You old man, it's an angel,, from above"

"Heheee, my soon truly has a good eye sight,, indeed my genes didn't fail me through him" old madam said

"Hahaaa old woman it's my genes that he took, can't you see we gat same preferences" old man said

"Hehee, old man, stop talking I know that you can't accept it but, let me welcome this new angel who has stepped in my house" she said

When the two elders set their eyes on her (Eileen)

They both looked at each other

"Aaahah, why is my friend in her old man can you see what am seen"

"Young lady do you know lady Shannon ?" She could not help but asked 

The last time she saw her best friend was when she was in the university and after graduation they lost contacts

"Mmmh yes she is my mother" she answered

"Oooh my goodness son, you brought my best friend back to me thank you" she hugged her before leading her to the seats