
Mrs Wade blames her family for Joylen's misfortune,,,!!

"I don't understand what you are talking about kid" she said

"Playing dumb, show her the picture" he said

The two guards showed her the pictures of the two twin brothers,

"Now that you know them, you tried to kill them, this is what I will do, 

I will cripple you and send you back home, make sure you ask for forgiveness or else your entire family will disappear from Nation A,

Guys break her legs and let her stay there for three days, if she does survive you can send her to her poor family" Xavier said

This kid is ruthlesss when Joylen heard of this she understood why king could not carry out her plans and task

"Sorry kid please forgive me don't cripple my precious legs, 

Please I will not offend your family again kid please"

"Sorry you are crying to the wrong person, sorry the damage has been done, cripple her!" Xavier shouted

"Please, I beg you I will serve you with my life" she said, but Xavier was never taught how to carry favors

"Hahaaa, miss didn't you say you can be our masters sex slave and concubine, that is our young lord, for  having such I'll intentions towards a seven years old you are dead"

Crack! Crack! Bam !

Her legs were broken and her body was thrown, Joylen could not contain the pain therefore she fainted

At the Wade's**

"Joylen is missing Dad it's now three days and we don't know where she is*

"How about the police? How is the search?" The second brother asked

"The car was found around home this only mean that she was coming back home when she was taken away" the second brother said

"My girl, go and look for her I know she is not perfect she is arrogant she has made a lot of enemies but please go look for her,,," the mother was crying out , her eyes were swollen

"We can not find her dad" "ooh!! Woooooh! Woooh!" She was crying her eyes out

Within a short period of time the news of Joylen Wade's disappearance had spread all over, most of people she had wronged were criticizing her, 

Some of her find were crying for the Justice, 

"This model Joylen Wade has not face the worst I wonder who she offended, this lady has always been ruthlesss and evil

Just because her bankrupt family has follen she decided to disappear, what a drama queen, " 

"Stop being a pushover, who said she is evil she is not"

The search of Joylen was in vein

On the ice cape mountain

"Joylen was now gaining conscious,

"Hey she is waking up" someone's voice could be heard

"Let her wake up we want to send her back to her people" the other person said

'ooh no! Am still alive better be dead than being a live, it's very cold, it's cold, my throat is dry, my body is like a statue didn't they broke my leg two days ago why is it that 

I am not feeling any pain, was I dreaming about that, the kid that called, was it because of those two twin brothers one of them did this to me, those  kids' she was talking to herself her eyes closed

"Young lady, don't pretend we know you are awake, your family is looking for you go home, we will drop you" when she heard what they said her eyes opened

But she realized she could not talk

They picked her up like some rugs, and shoved in the truck

After sometimes they arrived at the entrance to the  Wade's and was dropped there,,, 

She was in pain she could not call or talk her voice was dry therefore, she just lyed down there waiting for some help,

At the Wade's a voice came from the TV and said go and pick your daughter just like that

They all rushed out, "ooh my God, what happened to my daughter?"

Joylen could not talk, "she can't talk? "

"The person that did this to her will pay ooh my poor child mommy is sorry am really sorry"

"Call the ambulance immediately and take her to the hospital make sure this news doesn't go out okay or else?" Father Wade said as a warning

Joylen was taken to the hospital, later on they discovered that, she was crippled and will no longer walk again

""The person that did this really, is heartless, he wanted to kill my child, what did my beautiful girl had to suffer like this she is too fragile

She was starved almost to death, she now has even some chest disease, mmh I wonder what else did she went through over there and what was the exact place that made her body sadder and pale like that, like my girl is looking like a ghost very while and her once pink lips are black oooh my God" Mrs Wade was crying and wailing 

"Don't worry mother, sister will be okay and she will tell us everything once she will be awake I can't just understand, who is this person that sister offended" 

"People are cruel, my sister mmmh "

"Not that your sister who is my only daughter innocent, she probably might have done something wrong, 

Maybe she went out there and did something we are actually not aware of like 

How our company went bankrupt after meeting that kid apart from that Unknown family who else can do such a thing to her I feel like maybe she didn't listed to us" Father wade said

"It's all your problem you were the once that kept on spoiling her, if she wanted to do something like hurting other person,

You guys could send over your men, to either kill or do something terrifying to to the other person

How many people lost there job because of her, like the other day how that photographer came here and complained, that she had his wife killed 

Are you still asking why, when I tried to stop all of you, you all said that mother you are being too mean to her she is our only sister she is my only daughter now that is what you get for all the deads" she was pissed off

*At the Fernandez*

"I tell you if Colin think that he will marry the mother of those kids then believe me you, that will only happen over my dead body, " Mrs Fernandez said

How can she allow a woman who gave birth outside to come and spoil her family name,? A dinner who knows how she conceived, my God I can't accept it

"I will go and look for her personally and give her all the amount of money that she wants to make sure she stays out of our lives for good I don't need a dinner in our house much less a daughter in law" she said

"Sweet heart, why can't you stay out of Colin's privet life, what if you mess up will you pay for it, will you dear can you please stop pushing our kids away

Look at our cute trios, they rarely come home because you kept on pestering them with this issues, now if you start with Colin you will loose them all is that what you want?"

"Sweet heart you don't understand I can't allow our family to be a laughing stock, and I can't allow a daughter in law is who is unkept, just think about it 

Whole this years this woman was no where to be seen but out of blues when our son was about to get married she appeared and that with two kids what was her motives for hiding from us all this years

Why did she time exactly when Colin was getting engaged and I have to say this woman successfully ruined that union" she said

"Mother what is wrong with you ahah! Do you want to have this house by yourselves the two of you? You pushed Josh away then the three of us and now you want to mess with big brother too? " Shasa asked

"I don't think if anything you are talking to our mother will make any sense to her, 

I think Mom should be going for some exercises every time now and then, so that she can reason like a mother not like a fake mother" Olivia said

"Mother let me tell you, those kids you don't like and that woman you think is here for your son or something

Is someone you can't afford to offend" Line said

"Why do I feel like am not your mother are you really my children I have birth to you are you sure?" She asked "and why can't I offend just a dinner like her, why?" She asked

"Mother that is because if you want to end up like the Wade's and Joylen the try and offend her, if you want your family to fall mother then try to even call her a dinner next to those grandsons of yours" Shasa said

💕💕 Helloo, my beautiful people, should I call you my beautiful family, my next update is on 1st of June, until then stay safe,,, lots of love from me to yah💕💕💕🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰