
Marrow pill: king of the underworld boxing,,,!

"okay, but don't think that if you try to  treat mommy and this brother of mine nicely I will accept you, 

It will take time cause I have watched videos online how men pretend to nice then later kill there wife's

And for what you did to mommy seven years ago there is no difference between you and then" Liam said

Colin is clearly aware of his son's personality so he wasn't ready to push him to accept him, rather he knew too well that, this son was going to accept him eventually

Meanwhile, Joylen went straight to Colin's mansion to wait for him but Colin didn't come home that night

"Does he think that I will accept him leaving just now, no! 

I Joylen Wade I get whatever I want therefore I will eliminate anybody or anything that tries to take my happiness away from me they can not go Scott free therefore 

Those kids and the mother must die" with this I'll intentions she decided to call the head of the underworld boxing known as king

King had met Joylen once and had taken a liking on her, therefore this was the time to use this man to achieve her goals,

"Mr king's how are you? " She asked

"Am cool , why did beauty call today" when he saw a number saved as "my woman" calling he was overwhelmed with missed feeling

For the first time this lady has called him, even though he liked her and someone can say, this is the first woman he had loved, he knew truly well who this woman has always loved

Therefore it was one way love, and he dare not to compete for her, he was a gentleman and knew that if somethings are ment to be they will eventually be, maybe if she come to realization that that man doesn't love her,

She will come for him, and this man in question, was not a simple man either, 

"King, I just called you because I need you to do me a favor" Joylen said

"Go ahead, what can I do for you?" He asked

"I need you to kill me some three idiots" Joylen was firm and hostile

"What? You want me to kill ? What for? And why" king was aggrieved 'joylen Wade in your eyes am just a killer?' he signed

"King what is your problem, it's not like your hands are clean, your hands are dirty full of blood, why can't you do me this simple task

If you truly like me then do it perhaps I can consider you" Joylen was hurtles

When he heard what Joylen said he then realized that this woman was here to toy with his feelings and took it to advantage therefore he wanted to know the reason behind her motives

"If you say so I can do everything be and anything for our love" 'do not think that am dumb'

"Okay, I knew you would not dare to deny me sweery, then open your phone there is a photo of some kids in there I want them dead plus there Unknown mother,

You have to make sure they don't survive" Joylen said

"Okay I get it my lady your wish is my command" king said

The call ended, when the king saw the two kids he thought that they were one and the same person , but his underline, said 

"Boss, I have seen this two kids on the social media, 

From what I saw in there, this kids are not ordinary people, if this kids can get full marks in there favorite subject to make the matters worse this were highschool papers

Set by masters and they dared to summon that divine doctor Betty too" he said

After listening to this story, King wanted to know why  Joylen wanted them dead, 

But before that he had to test Joylen, what was she up to

"I need information about people close to this kids plus there mother, as for who their father is do not do that it seems they are single home family I give you 5 minutes"


King held the his phone and was staring deeply into the photo of the kids, he had longed for a woman who will love him and cherish him, to be the mother of his kids

But now, just the thought of Joylen trying to kill this exordinary kids made him, push her away like a memory that never excited

He is a human being, being in underworld doesn't mean just killing ruthlessly but this lady made him feel like a dinner therefore no need to waste his feelings on her

5 minutes have passed and now ten minutes, his underline came in

"King, here is the information, it's really interesting, the mother of this two kids will shock you to death, 

I dare not even think of this person's face cause this will be the death of me"

With the news king straighten his back and grabbed the document as he crossed his legs and sip his red wine , immediately he opened the page the wine in his hands fell down

And the got chocked with the wine in his mouth

His entire body trembled, 

"Is Joylen trying to kill me? I can't allow this lady kill me I haven't fallen in love for a second time after breaking up with her in my mind" he said

"King, don't stop continue open the next page"

What is all this? Ahah! Is lady Joylen is dumb

When he opened the next page, where he saw a young beautiful woman holding this kids hands with her back facing them, the second picture shows

This lady at least 19-20 years laughing with her cute dimples, he was stunned, shocked, electrocuted, he was shaking all over,,

"This is the lady, from that night right, Grake, this is her, this,,,," he was shaking

"Yes that is the lady, that gave you the, the marrow pill," Grake said

That day the Italian Mafian, had attacked them from shipping there goods he was badly injured to death, his subordinates were all injured and some of them died on the sea show

They met this young girl coming from school though very late, she was not afraid at all,,,

The girl was not aware that a car could actually pass that route so she was walking freely

They were also running at high speed they almost hit her

"Young lady do you want to die?" His driver asked

"Why must I want to die, heheee, I still have my loved ones who don't on so if you are planning to kill me, then kill me in your dreams"

"Hey move out of the way, my boss is dying" he said

"So, are you afraid" at that time Grake was also disfigured and could not move the girl came closer to our car and said "you never know I might be this boss of yours angel, let me check on him"

"You? Do you know who my boss is out of the way"

"Stop being stupid, if I call tell you the truth, with what am seeing there, if you waste this opportunity your boss is going to die in the next 29 minutes so allow me to help you,

Am a student but am a well know doctor, 

Though not so many people knows but our rule is *in critical time blow your identity and do the good dead* so this is what I am" 

The little girl said as she give her phone to the driver

At the time the driver was shocked

"Okay then check on him, I thank the stars for meeting you,"

"Thank the stars cause you will not see me again in this lifetime" sh said

She approached us and pushed Grake aside and gave him a grey- black pill it was ugly, that Grake didn't take it serious

"If you want to die just throw then I will call the person who refined it to kill you for wasting her time" with that Grake swallowed the pill

"And you you are dying anyways, but this will help you , you will need to go to the hospital, 

Do you know that Queeny gave me this pill as a gift,  they are only two

So if I give you one is like am giving my heart away but I just have to save you after all I brought this up on myself"

With that she opened a small wooden box inside her bag and looked at the pills she almost cried, just how valuable was the pill?

"I will miss you but you have to work on him okay, byee 

Hey swallow this" she said

I swallowed it but immediately a strong sage of energy was flowing through my veins and passed out"that pill is the marrow pill, give this to him when he wakes up

Just like that the lady had disappeared

"I finally meet my savior," he said