
Liking the same person,,!!

"so what next,,, don't you know that, Boss is waiting for us,,, am done"

"Wait let me see the picture and load it into the system,,"

After 2 minutes, "This is not a real face you see it's a mask, a makeup mask and it seems she is not a simple person this lady I think she is a figure in this country"

"Boss, the information states that, this particular lady has no relation with the young miss of the Young family

No pictures taken together, apart from the Young's and that her best friend Roby,, no other pictures or chats, "

"So this lady can't be found" he was lost this is when he wished to have, not let her go or leave her,,, he wished that this lady was by his side and his side alone

Not with any other man, he was wondering if this lady is still thinking about this man that took away her V- card,

But the thought of giving her money came back and now he knew that this lady must have hate him the most

He recalled when she was saying that she is not the one but I don't listen

"mmm,, why didn't I listen to her, she was begging she was resisting but I was dumb and full of my selfish desires, blinded by lust that I could not help it

She was even drugged that night she was drugged, but it was not meant for her, I always like it when they are drugged but

Why did they assume that it was her?"

"Jackson, take me home, I need some rest,,,"

"Sure boss" why is this unshakable ruthlesss, CEO so worked up by this lady, it was just a night stand but she can't be that innocent or she was 

But then again she was not the lady we paid to spend the night with the boss what happened, that lady was drugged to another room and this Unknown one was taken to Boss's room, what a twist

"Hello, babes where are you?" George asked

"On my way to my house ,what is the problem,,"

"I wanted us to have lunch together, how about that,," this son of a devil

"Not in the mood,,," the beast answered

"Okay, thank you we are coming, Jeffrey place the order our babes is at home, so we will just join him"

"Okay, the orders has been placed let's go join him,," Jeffrey said

So this two ugly men want to disturb my peace

"Jackson, how did I get to know this two, friends,,"

'so boss how should I answer that, I don't have an answer to that question'

"Never mind ,,,"

At the Villa,

"Colin don't tell us that you are like this because of her,,, " This George can't he assume things

"Hey, George it is only you who hasn't experience heartbreak,  always think of that lady in mask with Olivia, Shasa and Line,,, I don't know but it's her that I want"

What if they realize that they like the same person???