
Ladies, thanks for your invitation,,,!!!!

Colin could not help, it has been 5 days and yet that check of $1,000,000, is untouched did she take it or left it in that room,

He was feeling more guilt, 

The party was over, and the four ladies had to part ways,

"Ladies, thank you for everything for inviting me here, for sure this is my first time coming to the outside world,,,,

I will give you this sports car for opening my eyes and now I feel like I should hide myself anymore 

If we will meet in future I hope we will be happy as a family otherwise good byee,,, here is my office card if you will need any designs call me I will be happy to work for you" Jane said

"Girl are you saying that we won't meet any time soon?" Shasa asked

No, we will meet, my friends but each and every one here will be going back to work and we will busy, so it will no be easy,, " I said

"Okay then, we will add you into our group to keep in contact " 

"Okay, take this as a token of gift from me" 

To tell the truth I don't know if I will meet them any time soon cause after coming from this place am going to say my good Byers to the cafe and move to my house just near the office so that I won't be  having some hard work 

Since I have decided to make some marks on the surface I have to do this, if old madam Linda will be happy

Don't ask me about my family but ask me about old madam Linda I will answer you, the only memory that I gat from the Carlos are only painful parts that cause heartache that by any chance I look back at them I my fall down, break into pieces and never stand up or have the feeling of recollecting myself and moving on

The beatings, putting on tone clothes, eating leftovers that at some points water was added into them but sure one day I will have to find out what led to that

Why she hate me so much with passion, like we are swine enemies from our previous lifes, why?

Anyway there are some answers that you can never find no matter what but those dark hidden things will surely come out one day.

Few moments later**

"Young lady, you are back did you meet any rich handsome man over there" this old madam will not stop at anything right?

"Hey, hey, besty, we have been all Waiting for you, tell us, how many men looked your way, how many of them wanted to hold your hands, 

Just to feel the warmth of touching them, and how many wanted to sweep the floor just for you" Tashaaa

"And do not lie to us or else,,,," Roy said

"Alright alright I will answer your questions one at time but" look at how ugly they seem to beee