
If not her then no one else,,,!!!

"Why can't I find her, George I need her and her alone have tried my best to look for her have tried but 

Do you know what is funny, that face that I saw, wasn't her she used mask, and here I slept with her and gave her money,,

I don't know why I feel guilty,,," Colin said  not very happy but sad why must it be her, he has slept with many ladies, models that needed game, and more beautiful than her  

But why must the ugly one stuck into my mind

"Therefore we made a surprise for you, let's go out, today night, we have these beautiful ladies with beautiful shape that we think are more than hers therefore

You will have to come with use and enjoy the fun, " this guy called George is a womanizer but the level at which Colin uses ladies is much higher than his

Colin's appearance only, is enough for any lady to drop her pants down for him and beg to be in bed with him even for some seconds, this man is devilishly handsome, 

"Okay, we will go together I need to forget this lady, that I even don't know her name,,"he said

"Now that is Mr Billionaire,,, " with all the money that you have Hahaaaa, and how bewitching you are no lady will resist having you into them, you need to be that Colin that we know" 

"Anyway if you two were destined to be together I tell you she will come back to you and be with you , what's ment to be yours will always be yours" Jeffrey said

"Sure man,,,"

Colin signed without them knowing this ruthlesss, arrogant ,cold blooded, manipulative CEO, and boss of other bosses, , who never cared for any lady no matter her beauty, now is in love

But because he can't be with his heart desire, he was going to turn into a sex maniac, he was going to use ladies 

If he can't find her, and apologize to her, or be by her side then no woman is worth his time or attention, he had decided to forget her and move on of what use is it if her face was also fake,

And those that he thought were her friends also have not a single picture of her, meaning this lady was not there friend 

Or they met on there way to the club, and she was dressed up like a poor lady, perhaps I slept with a terrorist...

"Hello, brother how are you,,"

"Hey, brother is fine, why did the three of you called

I'm very sure it's not all about money, the three of you never called because of financial issue am starting to get worried,,," Colin joked with her sisters

"No brother, but we need your technology to find us our friend whom we have been looking for and a certain old madam Linda the pictures are in your WhatsApp,,,"

"Okay, let me check first ,,"

"Okay we  are not ending the call"