
Have we ever met before,,,?

Meanwhile at the knight construction group of company

A young man was seated, on his long missed chair for many years,

In the knights they are only two grandsons that is his elder brother and him, so it's very easy to rule, unlike many influencial family's theres was very simple

"Sir, am sorry to interrupt your time but there are some few friends who are here to visit you" the secretary said

"Let them come in" he replied

"Man, why did you snap at us, you see we are sorry " George said

"Who the hell let you in my office, hey men I don't have business with you three" Ethan said

"Man, is this all about Joylen, listen if you really fancy Joylen Wade you can have her

But don't break this brotherhood" Jeffrey said

"What? Who the hell is Joylen?" Ethan was now confused

"Man didn't you walk out on us after we had mention her name?" George asked

"You, think that I Walked out on you because of some unknown lady? Hell no I didn't" Ethan said

"Then why?" Now it was Colin who has been silent asked

"Hey, you Colin you I don't want to see or talk to you okay!" Ethan shouted

"Relax, brother what is happening here, am not getting you can you tell us what your problem is with Colin" Jeffrey said

"Mmh, this bitch of a brother,,,," he stopped "anyway forget it I just do want to see you, but he has wronged me big time" Ethan said just as he finished speaking there was a knock at the office door

"Come in"

"Hey brother, am going out to some Joylen Wade occasion I just dropped by to give you this" Jane said and this is the first time he has called Ethan brother not  Greek God

"Hey, what did you call me?" Ethan was excited

"I called you brother, are you surprised or you don't like it" Jane who was not aware of other people being inside said jokingly

"I love it sweet sister,,," he said

"Hey dude when did you have a sister," George asked

"Hey watch it,,,, okay my sister is not anyone anybody like you can know okay, you are lucky you hear her talking" Ethan replied 

"Hey, hey beautiful come in live this livid human being,," Jeffrey hurriedly pushed Ethan aside,

What Ethan was afraid of have actually happened, he didn't want Colin and Jane to meet little did he know that 

Jane knew Colin by his tattoo, but Colin didn't know the woman he slept with, while still holding Jane's hand, Jeffrey exclaimed

"What! " Just by touching her skin he exclaimed, "how can a human skin be this soft?" When he take a look at her face, he was done for

"You???" Jeffrey asked

"You know me?"

"Aren't you Gold? The one from Knight design company?" When Jeffrey said this even George was curious to see this

"What? Why are you looking a like with that lady Colin's sisters were looking for?, Wait this face?? Wendy Knight" when George said that

"Impossible,,,!" Colin exclaimed

"Okay guys this is Jane my niece, daughter of my aunt Wendy Knight  she is the legendary know Ghost, he didn't say anything" He was very proud 'and also the mother to your twins' he said inwordly and smiled devilishly

"Oooh, so today have got to meet the legendary Gold in person that screen didn't do you any favors , my dear sweet sister you are a real beauty" George said " hey Sister Jane, this scumbag to be your brother am better off" George was really happy to the sky

Jeffrey was stunned after having skin contact with Jane, 'how can someone's skin be that soft' he was lost

"Sister am Jeffrey Parker, happy to know you" Jeffrey said

Colin didn't know what was happening to him, he felt this air of familiarity with this lady, when he opened his mouth to say hello

"Jane, have we ever met before?" He was also surprised by what came out of his mouth therefore he touched his lips like someone scolding himself

"Hahaa, not really" she answered but when he saw the tattoo on Colin's hands she recalled that very night the man had a tattoo,  on his fingers with dragon head and the back of his hands and looked exactly the same

'he can't be that, man no, no no he can't be that man

But wait, why he look exactly like his sons including the black mole at the corner of his eye? Jesus! What is this?

God am I dreaming including the eyes,,,' without knowing she was even laughing

"Hahaa, haaahaaa, hahaa!" Jane she can't believe that this is the man that paid her a million dollar after taking her virginity that night that led to her giving birth to those twins

"Oooh,, brother, your friends are real cool they can even fabricate knowing me? 

Sorry brother but I don't have many friends and out of my favorite friends three of them had meet me once so probably you have mistaken me for someone,," 

"Sorry Miss Jane," yet Colin was not convinced, he knew that the only way to know that woman is the dark birthmark on her waist, thinking of this he felt happiness

On the other hand after she hand come across this necked truth she wanted to leave this room immediately, 

"Brother enjoy your stay with your friends, I will go to the Wade's I have an engagement to plan" she said

"Wait! Why are you going didn't the Wade invite that designer from UK?" Jeffrey asked"what was that name again,,, Zero" he said

"Yes, why or Colin Zero didn't make it to your engagement?" George also asked they could not get why Gold is actually replacing Zero

"That is because my sister is the same Zero" Ethan was proud once again

"What!" Everyone exclaimed 

"So you, you" Jeffrey could not finish the rest at the end he ended up starring at her with a black expression of ", I respect you"

But when Jane heard that the engagement she was going to arrange was actually her baby daddy's what can she do, 'anyway he is not aware of the kids, therefore it will be at my advantage as soon as I finish this the better I will fly back with my cuties' she was also happy

At the Wade's**

"Father why did you call me back?" Joylen asked

"Look at you! What type of stupid question is that? " Father Wade was beyond angry all his years of hard work, the sacrifices that he made together with his three sons were destroyed by this daughter whom he has always spoiled

"How dare you ask daddy such a question, Joylen we have always provided you with everything is this how you are paying us

Dad, mommy and us we always give you everything and make sure you have it but you..."

They were pissed off, the news was all over the  internet the TV, and everything yet this sister of theirs want to say that she not aware of anything?

"Take a look" her second brother handed over the tablet to her

All the secret information of the Wade enterprises has been exposed the company is bankrupt

"What! How did this happen dad, brothers and mom, why are all of you blaming me for all this?" For sure not even an old man can suspect Liam to be that capable he is just a seven year old boy, therefore Joylen Wade could not think into that direction

"Sister can you stop acting dumb like you know nothing, what is your problem the reason behind our company bankruptcy is you, you are the cause of our downfall, but it's not entirely your fault,

We have always spoiled you, and you went outside there and misbehaved but this time you messed up a big time" her younger brother said

"What is wrong with all of you, why are you talking of me being the reason, I did not do anything wrong"

"Joylen Wade, you offended a bigshot today, that person take a revenge on you, by exposing our company's secrets and making us bankrupt, 

What are you pretending not to understand now, look this person sent a message to all the shareholders in our company to blame you for crossing his path" first son said

"Now tell us who did you offend today?"

Joylen was lost she didn't offend anyone today

"I didn't offend anyone , I swear" she said


She was slapped by her elder brother

"Brother you..." Before she could finish

"I will slap you again if dare not tell us the truth, we have always spoil you enough" he said

Just then Joylen recalled that the only person she offended was a little boy who's seven years old, but immediately she dismissed the thought of the boy but recalled some words

"You think that that Colin can provide for my cloth, but miss I have a gift for you" 
