
God of war,,,!

Back in the UK*

"Great grandma, we are back " Finn was running towards old madam Sanchez,

"Did I hear my boy's voice or have grown too old?" She asked

"Great grandma, it's us we are back " Finn said

"Oooh my sweery come seat net to grandma" she said

"Hey, Finn, Finn tell me something although I am almost 14 years old have never been into nation A, tell me how is it?" Seven asked

Actually he has not seen the many things, he only know how to do engineering and technology only this little boy, the first person to make a robot with sense of feelings and can sense danger is almost forgetting his real name actually he might not know it if I guess

"Brother, nation A is the worst nation, people can just be arrogant the way they want because they have money can you imagine and if you are poor you get bullied by the powerful 

Brother don't ask that question someone pushed brother Liam, because she suspected that liam was her fiance's son"

"What did you say?" Old Mrs Sanchez asked

"Great grandma, some lady who assume to be our father's fiancee, pushed Liam to the ground and called our beautiful goddess *b*tch*, can you believe it?"

"Jane is what the young boy saying true?" Grandma Sanchez has never allowed her family to be ridiculed

"Yes grandma, when we arrived in nation A the pictures of the boys had went viral and that's how the lady knew, 

And as for Liam being pushed they didn't tell me about it and I didn't know they met this lady, 

And this lady doesn't know who I am plus how I look like but the father of the kids traced me through Ethan

Cause I realized they were childhood Best of friends

When he tried to avoid them they visited his place of work and that is how he found me" Jane said

"And how sure are you he is the father" she asked

"Actually everything from them is from that man plus character, everything grandma" Jane said

"Grandma, this man is Colin Fernandez" Liam who has been silent said

"But I don't like him at all,  to me he doesn't seem like a good person there is this dark side of him that I don't like"

"What did you say? The same Colin Fernandez, the same man know as God of war?

This man is no ordinary man even here in UK, he is powerful no body dates to go against him even the president of the United States Jane" Mrs Sanchez said

"Grandma are you sure dad is that powerful even he seems just like a normal person to  I can't fear him" Finn said

"Grandma you are exaggerating things" Jane said

"Actually your grandma is telling the truth have you ever Google about him in the internet? Try and give us the result" the third father said

Jane pulled her phone from her pocket and placed his name and search but still there was nothing the result is not found

'what is going on, he has no webpage?' she could not believe it, 

"Have you found any article talking about him anywhere?" ",No" 

"Then you have your answers this man is mysterious and has hide his claws well he can  move the unmovable, this man can fight over hundred Taekwondo or kungfu men, you dare not anger him" he warned her

"Grand daughter pray he doesn't come after you cause when he does I don't know what will happen to you and I can't help it"

"Grandma don't worry are you forgetting that I am here, to protect aunty, I will use my technology he can't harm you" seven said

"Yes I will also use my power to protect you beautiful goddess" Finn said pointing his imaginary muscles

"Hahaaaaa, okay son"

Just then Dr Robert came in

"Grandpa, I really really missed you, you can't imagine" Finn was a sweet talker,

"Ooh is that so? But you only came to your great grandma's home but not mine, how should I be sure you missed me

And if you miss me someone doesn't," he said guessing at Liam

"Grandpa, why say that I miss you too" Liam said while giving him a hug

"Ooow my champs immediately i heard of your coming back I left the hospital to come and check on you" he said

"Yeah, grandpa we missed you but guess who we met over there"

"Mmh who did you meet"

"We met our daddy" Dr Robert raised his head and looked at Jane with a raised eye brows

"Yes daddy"

"So who is this man"

"He is Colin Fernandez, daddy "

"What? Daughter how did you get to be involved with such a terrible person?" He exclaimed

"Daddy, why are you surprised?" She asked

"Colin Fernandez is know in the UK as God of war"  he said

'so it's true that this man is more powerful than I thought him to be god how will I help myself' she was crying on the inside

"Excuse me dinner is served" the maid said

"Okay let's go and have some food fill in our stomach" she said

"Yes great grandma I feel famished already" Finn said Liam is always a silent person therefore he held his grandpa's hands and went to the dinning room

"Jane, all this are your favorite " she said

"Grandma are you only seeing her what about me" the legendary well know doctor asked

"You are always here,but she rarely visit us" she said"okay, sister Jane am going to stay with you so that when we visit our food be the favorite" she said whining like a child

"Hey Aunty how old are you? " Liam asked

"Hey your aunty is 24 years old, why do you ask son" she said with a proud look telling everyone 'hey am a grown-up'

"I almost thought you were a newborn" Liam said

"Hey you after this I will knock your head off"

" How can a knew born do that"

The dinner went cool and everyone eat to there feel jokes were made from corner to corner and Dr Robert was the most happiest person he blessed Mrs Wendy Knight wherever she is for giving him this beautiful babies

The next day Jane over slept because she was tired, no one disturbed her from her sleep 

Cause it was an order from old madam Sanchez, she didn't want anyone to disturb her from her sleep she said because of fatigue let her have a sleep, and everyone agreed

"Great grandma, don't you think that it's not normal for mommy to sleep this long?"Liam asked

"Yes, what if mommy catch some cold what will we do then, let me go and check on her" Finn said

"I will join you" Liam said

The two walked together to there mommy's room

They opened the door but they saw no one be one on the bed

"Mommy, good morning?" But still no answer 

"What if mommy faited in the bathroom?"  "Brother let's go and check"

",," " Mommy is missing" Finn shouted the two run down stairs to inform there grand mother that their mother was not in the room

"Can it be she reported to work this early morning?" 

"Ask the gate man if she came out this early morning

"Hello, guys,," Liam greeted the guards

"Good morning young master" 

"Did you see my momma coming out this morning?" He asked

"No, young master apart from Dr Robert no one else passed through the gatethis morning" they said

"And was grandpa with mommy?" 

"No the doctor was in a rush and was picked by the hospital car, he walked through alone" he said

"Then where is mommy, " Liam had a feeling that something might have happened to her

"Grandma have the guards check the flowers garden?" Finn asked

"Yes they have but your mommy is not there" 

"Hey check the CCTV footage," seven shouted

"I have a bad feeling, did somebody break into our house? But why did Jane go  missing?" The first wife said to her Jane is the best friend she missed in Wendy

"The footage has been deleted, "

"What do you mean, that someone break into our home and deleted the CCTV and kidnapped Jane? Where were all this guards call those that were on watch yesterday night" the old grandma roared she was angry

"Where were you when someone break into the Sanchez Castle ? What were you doing ? Do I pay you to be sleeping on your post?"

"Master,, we are sorry we don't know what happened we woke up today morning and nothing seems to be a mess so we didn't check on anything 

We don't know what made us sleep" the guards said

"I want my granddaughter now 8 hours only after 8 hours you won't like it" how can such a thing happen in her family, no one has ever break in her family