
Ghost in search for her son in law

"Boss the meeting with Ghost is about to start,," Jackson said, he was tensed he know the reason as to why his 

Playboy boss has turned this cold.

"Okay, what are you waiting for? Let's go" he said

The moment he entered the conference room he couldn't believe his eyes, Ghost is this man? And who is this woman they are intimate is this his play toy

"Hello, sorry I kept you waiting" 

"Not really, nice to meet you Beast, this is my wife Blue and am Draco,

We are here under the order of Ghost our boss

We heard that Italian Mafian group are trying to make some advances towards nation A?" 

After he realized that this people were no Ghost, we weaved a sign of relief,

"Mmh, we have felt with the person and information sold were all fake, 

So there is nothing in Zhino's hands"

"That's okay but we can't seat and wait for him we have to expand our wings in Italy too" Blue said personally she has a grudge with Zhino for killing her parents

"Don't worry about that have conquered his place and he has only those around him but even his second hand man, 

Is on our side, we are still playing low-key but once we will strike he will be confused" Beast said

"Then we will have to inform boss then, underworld don't mean illegal businesses must be done we can stop all this and make people live in a world of peace right now Italian Mafian group 

Is the problem but with what you have said I feel relieved" Draco said

"And one thing our boss is looking for young man who impregnated her daughter...." Before Blue could finish she was cut 

"Wait a minute you said her,,? Like her,,, please explain me "

"Her,,, our boss Ghost is a woman not a man,,," he could not believe his ears mmmh okay

"Then go on what was bosses request"

"Our boss is looking for this man who impregnated her daughter, and left her, this man is said to be in this nation and country

Boss said her daughter is the only reason she has been strong and only has a meaningful living

But somebody messed with her daughter, since her daughter has suffered a terrible childhood she is looking for this man " Draco said

What they didn't know all of them was that Beast was that man and what Beast didn't know was that he was the wanted criminal

"Okay, I will look for that man, what place did the incident happened, so I can trace it and her appearance"

"That is what we don't know we haven't met her daughter yet, 

And the incident happened in this club next to knight design complex..."


"Yes it's 4-5 months ever since that happen,

Even our boss has communicating with her through a website

She doesn't know that that is her mother, she goes by the name Gold" Blue said

"And that is what I gathered after hacking in the system of Ghost" Blue said with shame

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'how can that be? That is the same club that I slept with that Unknown lady at the same time if it's count, no but I believe Ghost daughter must be rude arrogant and beautiful,

She can't be her but wait Gold? The designer?

No though this Gold is mysterious she can't be her' he concluded her thoughts and sent a message to George

Colin :Ghost is looking for, a man who impregnated her daughter in club Sexy that same month go check the camera and give back the I formation.

George: Do you mean the same month that you met that lady?

Colin: yes but this is the top designer Gold

"George : the same friend to your sisters?

Colin: yes

George: impossible but wait I will check on you after a minute

Colin didn't reply but sat there waiting for George he dare not think of the out come what so ever, 

"Let's wait for a second, my friend will be here with the information" he said

"Okay then I hope we can find this man or else we are done sweery" 

"That won't happen", but they could tell that Ghost was hurting and needed to set things straight for her daughter

After sometime George came in 

"Hello boss, how are you guys am sorry I couldn't make it to the meeting" he apologized

"It's okay have found out about our boss's daughter?" He didn't know what to reply or say he didn't know whether she was to be happy or not

As a gentleman he is he mastered courage

"Actually designer Gold has never stepped foot in any restaurant or club or hotels in this nation, he only place of residence was the company of which not a single person in that building has seen her real face" he said

"What are you talking about, what about my sisters what about the the model that showcase that dress?" Colin asked

" That lady doesn't exist even that face that your sisters saw and that we saw is not existing and that person sealed her appearance because your sisters insisted of taking her

That sports car was gifted by her to your sisters and the person who sold it  said it was registered under your three sisters name," George said

"So this boss Ghost daughter is like her too? But this people don't know each other why are there characteristics the same?"

"That is because blood is thicker than water and that same blood is running in this ladies blood"

"Colin could not help but send messages to George

Colin: so you mean that this people are two different people

George: yes they are two different people

Colin: I was freaked out man I thought it was the same person I tell you I can live in peace.

"We will have to go back and report back to the boss," Draco and Blue said


Both George and Colin escorted the two out but to there surprise this people, removed face mask at the door step and chenged there clothes

George, Colin"ahaah" what else don't they know now they could not allow this people go they have to hold them and call Ghost to confirm for there release, underworld is interesting you can not trust anyone 

"Okay you can go"

"Man how is everything as we speak ?"

"That gang leader has been rendered useless and his daughter has been taken care of,"

"Okay, I have a meeting at 9:00 pm with our group in UK, I will be heading home see you friend" 

"Okay friend take care and stop looking for that lady move on already" 

With that George could not wait to get answers from Colin 

"To the mansion"  he said

After returning to the mansion all the maids and the chief maid could not believe that there boss actually today greeted them but before they could sink in the happiness in there hearts

"Who, allowed her in my house?" Colin's voice was heard

"Are you all dumb?"

"Sorry boss she said she was your girlfriend and that she was to wait for you here

If we refused to let her in we were to get fired"

"Sorry, sorry sorry boss we didn't know "

"Is she the one paying you?"

"No boss we are sorry"

"Now call those guards to throw her out and let this not repeat itself again or else you won't like what I will do to you,

Do you understand!"

"Yes boss yess boss" 

Joylen could not believe her ears he has loved him but this how Colin was going to humiliate her infront of his maids just a mare maid?

"Colin what have done wrong aren't we suppose to get close to each other? And,,, and tr..yyy to to to know each other? Did I do something that didn't please you and I don't know, please Colin can you give us a chance

We are going to be husband and wife sooner or later why can't we try making things work for us?"

"Are you still standing there like a statue? I see you are tired of working well you,,," before he could finish Joylen was drugged out immediately 

Who is willing to loose his/ her job infact Colin is paying more than those people and other bosses out there.

"As for you Joylen, I didn't propose to you and it was your stupid idear for use to get married

So deal with it, am not interested and let me not see you in my house again " he didn't stand to look at her

He turn around and went straight to his dinning table and eat his meals like nothing has happened

"Let that not repeat itself or else you are all fired"