
Eileen is king's blood sister,,!!

"dear come seat next to me, do let him corrode your mind my daughter"

"Okay dear, tell me how is my friend and her company?" She asked she wanted to know about her long lost friend 

Immediately Eileen's appearance changed,,

"Oooh mommy and daddy passed away, when I was 9 years old and my little sister was some few months old" she said

"Oooh poor child see you suffered so much while I was just here enjoying my life, I failed my friend all this while I thought that she was okay" he eyes turned read

"How about Shanlan corporation?" The old man asked

"Well that was taken by my uncle's and even everything they took away including our clothes, since they were most expensive clothes

When papa and mama, we were chased out of the family, I begged and run errands for my sister to survive since she was just a few month old, 

It was terrible experience, you know they threw my sister on a trash can to die in there,, mmmh, 

Letter I joined modeling class and that's how I started earning money, later I met Joylen Wade and she brought me here all thanks to her

But do not worry guys am okay, we are living a peaceful life and my sister is now a grown up, she is married now and I also met him and all of you, and my friends, 

Thank you George at least I realized that apart from my father my mother had a friend,,," she said with a smile like she was not feeling better any pain at all

"Dear, am sorry you passed through all those,but didn't your mommy told you that she had a family?" Old man asked

"She didn't tell us a thing she only gave us bride price to give, and those are the things that I save with my little girl" she answered honestly

George did not expect that the reason as to why this woman never get close to anyone was because of her childhood  memories, 

He felt like holding her hands and never leaving them, he wanted to make those people from Lan family  to feel what his sweetheart when through

They wanted to kill my sister in law, who gave them the right to do that?

"Old man I will travel to visit my friends grave before I leave this world,

And you said that your mothers family members never appeared even for once?" She asked

"Yes, I didn't know she had anyone since she told me back then that she was an orphan" she answered

"Mmmh, those stupid people all this years that old man is enjoying his wealth and has never looked for you?" The old man was enraged

$that old man is almost 120 years and still dare not to look for his only daughter because of one stupid woman with illegitimate child? " 

"It's okay I don't need anyone I only need my sister the few people have met and  and you now am okay, I don't need money anymore I have what is enough for me and I feel that I won't use them since George will not allow me" she said

"Stupid people brother you must avenge my sister in law suffering and her mother" Cassy said 

Even the maids that were hiding behind the corridor, and pillars we're all shading tears

"Have just realized that, I have lived the most blissful life, I don't need anything " she said

"Whoop! Our young madam suffered, I will have to spoil her, "

"Look at her despite her suffering look at her she is very strong rich and beautiful,,"

"I just want to kill that whole lan family how dare they " 

The whole family was troubled

The two old masters went to their room no one knew what they were planning, 

"Old man I want to visit the Qin's, we have to travel to Glonover kingdom, kingdom tomorrow, 

That old man is till a live whereas his brother the Empiror is dead and look his brothers family is straight and no strange  thing has ever happened" she said

Very early in the morning the next day, when they wake up the two old masters were not around any more

Glonover kingdom**

"Old master Win, there are some two old people from Nation A outside" the maid said

"Did they say who they are,,,," he asked at his old age his illegitimate son run away after receiving his inheritance and he has lived by his brother's son's help and support well that  is what people think

But he is way richer and his businesses are ruled by his brother's first son prince Qin Khan

He has always thought of his daughter and how he threw her away from the family but hell no,,,,

He regretted his deads and now he thought that his daughter is back

"Well they are Mrs Wembley and Mr Wembley" she said

"Well show them in" she said

"Hello, old second prince Qin" old Mr Wembley greeted

"Hello, welcome to my home" he said

Immediately they were saved like it is a routine in the royal family

"Well old man we are not here to share the drinks with you, we are here to tell you that your daughter died 22 years ago together with her husband, but we suspect that they were killed, 

We received the news yesterday night and we rushed here to inform you, after she had left 

Shan together with her husband found a corporation that was successful but they were killed

Back then they left a two months old girl and a 9 years old girl,,

The eldest daughter protected her two months old sister and even though the uncle's took everything from them she made sure the kid survived and now 

She is one of the Mysterious doctors around the world they only appear once, and no one knows how they look like that is the youngest girl from two months

And the eldest is the famous and the most modest model that has ever existed, she is famous and she works with Zero and Gold empire I if you have ever heard of this person" the old man said

"You mean Gold empire ? " The seventh prince who was just coming asked

"Yes, you know about it child" Mrs Wembley asked

"Grandpa that is where prince Robinson is working, that is in nation A and yes I saw that lady seven years ago, she look exactly like princess Shannon it's just that I didn't tell anyone and is why I came back here and ask for princess photo back then," he said

"Aaah,, tell the future empire to prepare everything we are going to that dumb Lan family they are are going to bring back my daughter and they are going to die all of them

I don't care who is going to live, not even unborn child should be left in that family"

"One more thing your model super woman is my daughter in law now,," old madam Wembley said

"And  the youngest is married to  prince of northern kingdom" old  man said with a proud look, now see your daughter that you trushed now died without you knowing and now her children that society called names are people

Immediately the news reached the main palace, not only that, the old woman dressed in royal clothing walked out immediately from her resting bed

She is the empress she loved Shannon like her real sister, 

Numerous nights she dreamt of her, that she was in a casket and that her enemies were chasing after her they wanted to kill her

She told everyone to look for her but no one found her,,, one thing that she knew and was a secret was that she was pregnant with a crown prince from northern kingdom, 

But shanny did not tell the crown prince that she was pregnant, Even though the crown prince married after  searching for her for a long time, it was believed that the crown of an empress was kept for her 

And later new got out that the prince heard she was pregnant for him

'Eileeen' is a name that crown prince from northern Kingdom wanted to name his Princess 

So shanny gave that name to the first heiress of the royal blood

'oohy God ! What is happening I can't believe that Eileen is a princess and is she is then that means that King and Eileen are blood related they are sister and brother,, 

What an entanglement

What if king had follen in love with her?  I don't want to think about all this it's crazy

"What did I hear you say?" The empress asked

"Empress take it easy your health,,,"

"They found the location of Shannon but...."

"Bring all the jets' and everything we are going there I Know she is dead by now but that is the end of that family" she said

The Jets were summoned and they took off to nation A