
Early rest is healthy,,,!!

"hello, mama, how are you,," I greeted

"Am fine my dear,how  are you, your new place and your friends, eehe tell me about your work,," she was speaking endlessly

"Mamaa if you keep on talking like that then I don't know what to answer  mamaaa, okay I will start with the first one

Am fine mama, my place is cool not noicy, my friends are charming as always, work is fantastic as long as I keep your words by me

But,,, "

"But what dear,,did somebody bully you?"

"No,, mama am pregnant the months" 

"That is good news,, wait don't tell me you don't like the idear," old madam Linda asked worried that maybe because I didn't like the idea of one night stand I won't hold it and terminate the baby

"Mama, even though I didn't like the idea and I regret even going out that night but I can not kill this child who knows maybe this is my blessings " I said

"Okay,, okay,, that's my girl take care of your pregnancy and make sure nothing happens to the child you are carrying"  she has always been like a family so whatever she says I will abide by it 

"Old mamaa, I am planning of flying out the country to United kingdom, to nurse my pregnancy and expand the business now that I am free from work ,,," I said to her

"Okay my dear, you can do just that, but when you are there do not trust anybody, trust only you okay, take some people with you I will send you this male and female companions to help while you are there , they know of this person that will introduce you to the business world abroad do not disappoint me in any way my dear"

Okay, always be a good girl I will do just that, thanks for your help,," 

"Okay, freshen up and have a rest it is healthy for the baby"

"Hahaaa,okay good night old madam"

How wealthy is this old madam now am giving what Tasha and Roy said a second thought, she even know the best person to go to in the United Kingdom? Let alone that when it comes to texture , she knows the best 

Crazy designs she knows them fully, those designs that my own mommy used to like are her best too, but I just that sometimes have good eye on good things sure she is my savior

"Tasha, Roy I might be leaving tomorrow morning to the United Kingdom, and you can not believe what am going to tell you

Old madam Linda she has organized me everything in the UK, and she is even sending two people to go with me there, 

Why do I feel like she is no ordinary person, she is rich but will she be staying in that place if she that rich?, " I said

"Oooh, babes you shouldn't worry about that you don't know that this rich people also have family problems no family is perfect that is all I know"