
Colin set to go after Jane,,,!

",I hope that the plan is a very good one grandson"

"Yes grandma, let's go take a look" he said 

Xavier explained everything properly the process was cool, and this kind of plan on how to deal with an enemy was the most perfect plan ever

This grandson of mine, is truly my grandson, mmmh, 

"Perfect! Perfect! Just perfect! " Draco exclaimed

"Mmmh, therefore I guarantee that not a single person will explain except for for those that you want to escape" Xavier is truly a ruthlesss person a kid but way too ruthlesss

Back in nation A

"Sir, sir" the maid was afraid but why 


"Madam ,,, she ,,,"

"What happened? Where is she?"before waiting for the answer Colin dropped his coat on the seats and rushed upstairs to check on her,,, 

He could barely concentrate on his work, because of her 

The first thing he imagined doing was to kiss the hell out of her first he really missed her and the kids

Now he has a family, and surely the mother will love and marry him soon

But he was surprised to find that the room was very empty

"Mamaa, mamaa,,," but no answer

He sensed something was a miss, 'could it be?' he recalled how that maid was in fear, ',no she can't just go' he said

The fear of losing the woman he had been looking for trembled in his heart,

Because of them, he had become happy for once but now why is it that what he feared the most beautiful is happening

"Where is everybody?" He roar

The atmosphere of this big mansion turned cold at once, they all prayed that madam could have stayed back

"Where are my kids ?"

"So..... Sir... Ma...da..m le...left with the kids, she said that if you need or want to see her you can go to the nights" this young maid was shacking 

"What,,! Did I see before coming out of this house?

Us like all of you are tired of working with for me,

Then I guess I should send you back to your families" he said the tone was calm but dangerous

"No, sir we tried blocking her, and even set the kids away and threated to eliminate our families if we dare to joke with her" 

"Yes sir that is what actually happened and second young master also said that you should go and wish him good night before sleeping today" they lied

"Jackson to the knights" he said,

"Boss why go there, of what have heard, Ethan knight is not around and had traveled back

And madam didn't go back neither did the kids

When I called the guards that were keeping an eye on them, they said they lost track of them

Boss am a fraid madam is not in the nation" Jackson said

"And you are telling me now? 

I think you are tired of this job here is your plane ticket to nation S go and check the development over that place" he said and hand over the tickets to him

"Boss have just received the information now, please I don't want to go there" he was pleading but all this fell into a deaf ear

"Mr. Gu to the airport we are traveling to the UK now" he has not changed when maids heard of this they could not believe how can boss be so possessed by this love for him not to care at all

"Okay, sir the plane is always ready,"

"The Fernandez jet has a private route only ment for this plane in nation A, 

"Boss is going after madam?" 

"I think that is what I heard,"

"Why is everything so different compared to when he was with that Joylen,"

",For the first time I saw boss smile and laugh"

"I smell love in the air, mmmh this arrogant, ruthlesss man cold hearted, ice king has follen for that cold lady,,,"

"Soon earthquake will be happening in our master's heart, "

"Hahaaa, the compressional forces are on action soon this cold house will be full of joy and smell of love"

"Disaster, two strong people in love, they are rich and powerful how unlucky they are, power hearts"

'this woman dare escape from me again with my kids? Then let's wait and see if you will escape anymore" he said to himself

"What is the matter?"

"Boss we will be on our way within 5 minutes" the pilot said

Colin relaxed his bowtie first and slammed himself on the luxurious couch in the plane this is more than a plane

This is more of a penthouse, this is the real luxury he is not to be called the most richest man in A nation for nothing

Immediately the plane took off, he went for shower to calm himself down,

During this process his mind was only occupied by their kisses how, 

Lovely she was probably after realizing that he was his first man and will be his second and last man

He recalled that night how stupid she looked under her disguise,,, 

He scent was the most unique scent he has ever smelled, as he was deep in his thoughts he smelled the same  sweet smell, she was too pure this lady was only ment to be his

He recalled how she was calling his name that night,, all though she was under drug but that was the very best sex he has ever had,

"Jane,,, Jane,,," great Mr Colin could not believe this girl captured his attention

He went inside the bathroom and allowed the cold water flow down his skin, after several  minutes that turned into hours, he was able to calm down, and walked out the bathroom

"Jane, am coming for you let me see how you will escape this one again" he said as he spin a glass of his favorite red wine from 1987

"Sir your food is ready" the maid said

"No need you can enjoy yourselves with that" he didn't want to be destructed by anybody

Back in nation A†*

"King the lady is from the airport, what should we now?d"his subordinate asked

"I will meet her in person let's go"

Addah was on her way in her Minny car going back in the Villa, though sad but then she knew that at some point it was the best thing to do further more her boss is a busy person

As she was driving her car was blocked and surrounded by six different cars, all she almost lost control

'oooh my God, is this boss's boy friend, is this the end of me,,, what does he want now' she asked herself her heart pounding

Confused she was and terrified she was a slender good looking young man of around 28 years came by the window and knocked

"Please, I didn't do anything please " she was now shading tears

The other party was stunned

"Miss why are you crying did we do anything wrong, we haven't bully yet and you are crying" 

"You scared me to death what were you expecting, furthermore you all are blocking my way, I can't move forward nor can I drive backwards, 

Can't I get scared, if I wronged you in any way, why not summon me and talk on a civilized manner, why block me and surround my car like a wanted thug in nation A

Even if you try to get some information from me then dream in" she said she almost died because of this people

"Madam, we are not here because we want to kill you, how can we kill our boss's. fiancee" the other party lazily said

"What, your boss's fiancee?"

"Yes madam you heard me"

"You must be joking right? Since when did I get a boyfriend, are trying to to scan me with that fake information well tell your boss that I don't know him and am not interested to know him, 

So can you please stop bothering me?"

"Madam sorry but that won't do, " he said

"Are you going to kidnap me, you are not only blocking my way, but also threatening to kidnap me

Go and tell that stupid boss of yours that am not interested in in his small game

And I know that no boss sent you here, I know it that cold blooded Mr Colin, tell him I Know nothing" she said

"Madam you are wrong my boss is over there" he gestured

That is when Addah realised that a very tall and well build gentleman was smoking his cigar from a far, his side profile was real cool though she could not see his face but she was sure that he was very  handsome man,,, 

To quench her curiosity she stepped down from her car.

"You,,why did you block my way, are we quarreling? And I even don't know who are" she said, , Mr King tossed the cigar away

"Is that how you are suppose to be talking to your future husband and your fiancee?" King was calm and his charms were sure working on Addah.