<<Sakamoto Latrice's POV>>
It's been few days now since Vana attacked us and I'm still here in the human world. To be honest, I haven't thought of any resolution for saving Kuro after he went missing. Ruru told me it'll be dangerous for me step into the Netherworld; those demons are expecting me to take their bait but I can't just let them have Kuro. He is an Angel and Euclece told me that his life is in great danger.
I'm currently at the park right now perhaps if I spend time alone... I'll be able to think of a good plan for it. Ruru is not with me, Hubris borrowed him and they look for a possible portal through Netherworld.
I sighed, "It's no good. I can't think of anything good. What am I going to do?". Lifting in the Netherworld realm will only put me in danger, to think that all of the demons are after me. I shifted my eyes to the ground when a volleyball ball rolled within the spot, I was in.