
Running Rings

Warning: No system or Gold Finger. A tale of pure grit,sweat,tears and blood. What's New/Different: What makes Running Rings stand out is its emotional depth and the way it portrays the impact of perseverance on both personal and societal levels. It’s a powerful read that not only celebrates the spirit of sports but also resonates with anyone who has ever chased a dream against all odds. Running Rings is an epic novel that follows the inspiring journey of Rohan Singh, a young runner from a small Indian village, as he rises from humble beginnings to compete on the world stage at the Olympics. Drawing on the spirit of underdog tales like Hajime no Ippo and the legendary life of Milkha Singh, this novel captures financial hardships, injuries, and intense competition—which are depicted with raw authenticity, making his triumphs feel earned and deeply satisfying From his early struggles with poverty and self-doubt to facing fierce rivals and overcoming crippling injuries, Rohan’s story is a compelling narrative of highs and lows. Guided by a series of dedicated mentors, Rohan evolves from an unknown village boy to a national hero, ultimately earning a place among the world’s elite athletes. Running Rings not only explores the physical challenges of becoming an Olympian but also delves into the emotional and psychological battles that accompany such a journey. With universal themes of determination, personal loss, and legacy, the novel will resonate you offering a captivating blend of sports drama, personal growth, and the pursuit of dreams. Chapter Schedule:- 2 chapters daily (So add it to your library to stay tuned to Rohan's journey)

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96 Chs

Chapter 27: Facing the Competition

The routine at the National Sports Academy quickly became familiar to Rohan—early mornings, intense training sessions, and long days filled with drills, conditioning, and strategy meetings. Each day was a test of endurance, skill, and mental toughness, and Rohan found himself pushed to his limits in ways he had never experienced before.

But as challenging as the training was, Rohan thrived in the high-pressure environment. He had always been driven by a desire to prove himself, to show that he was capable of competing with the best. And now, surrounded by some of the top athletes in the country, Rohan had the opportunity to do just that.

One of the biggest challenges Rohan faced at the Academy was the level of competition. Every athlete there was incredibly talented, and the competition between them was fierce. Rohan quickly realized that he could no longer rely on just his natural ability—he had to constantly push himself to improve, to find new ways to gain an edge over his competitors.

The first few weeks at the Academy were an eye-opener for Rohan. He had always considered himself a strong runner, but here, he was just one of many. The sprints and drills that had once come easily to him were now a struggle, as he faced off against athletes who were faster, stronger, and more experienced.

But instead of being discouraged, Rohan saw the competition as an opportunity to learn and grow. He studied the other athletes, observing their techniques, their strategies, and their mental approaches. He sought out advice from the coaches, asking them for tips on how to improve his form, his speed, and his endurance. And most importantly, Rohan pushed himself harder than ever, determined to close the gap between himself and the top performers.

One day, after a particularly tough training session, Rohan sat down with Sandeep in the cafeteria, both of them exhausted but satisfied with their efforts.

"Man, today was brutal," Sandeep said, shaking his head as he took a sip of water. "Coach Prakash really knows how to push us to our limits."

Rohan nodded, feeling the strain in his muscles. "Yeah, but it's what we need if we want to get better. The competition here is no joke."

Sandeep leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "You know, when I first got here, I thought I was the best. I had won a bunch of regional competitions, and I figured I could just coast on my talent. But then I got here, and I realized that everyone is good. If you want to stand out, you have to work harder than you ever thought possible."

Rohan could relate to that feeling. "I've been thinking the same thing. The level here is so much higher than anything I've experienced before. But it's also motivating. It makes you realize just how much more you can achieve if you're willing to put in the work."

Sandeep nodded, a determined look in his eyes. "Exactly. And that's why we're here, right? To push ourselves, to see how far we can go."

Rohan smiled, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "Yeah. To see how far we can go."

The days at the Academy were filled with intense training, but they were also filled with moments of camaraderie and friendship. Rohan quickly became close with a group of athletes who, like him, were determined to make the most of their time at the Academy. They trained together, pushed each other to be better, and supported each other through the challenges they faced.

Among Rohan's closest friends at the Academy were Sandeep, who had become his roommate and training partner; Priya, a talented sprinter with a fierce competitive spirit; and Akash, a high jumper with a laid-back personality but a relentless drive to succeed. Together, they formed a tight-knit group that pushed each other to be their best, both on and off the track.

One afternoon, after a particularly grueling training session, the group decided to take a break and explore the city that lay just beyond the Academy's gates. It was a rare opportunity to relax and unwind, and they were eager to take advantage of it.

The city was bustling with energy, its streets filled with people, shops, and restaurants. It was a stark contrast to the intense, focused atmosphere of the Academy, and Rohan found himself enjoying the change of pace.

As they wandered through the city, they stumbled upon a small café tucked away on a quiet side street. It was a cozy, welcoming place, and the group decided to stop in for a quick meal.

As they sat around a table, sipping on cold drinks and enjoying a well-deserved break, the conversation turned to their experiences at the Academy.

"You know," Priya said, leaning back in her chair, "when I first got to the Academy, I was terrified. Everyone was so good, and I felt like I didn't belong. But then I realized that everyone feels that way at some point. It's normal to doubt yourself when you're surrounded by so much talent."

Akash nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I felt the same way. But I also realized that it's that fear, that doubt, that pushes you to be better. If you let it, it can motivate you to work harder, to prove to yourself that you do belong here."

Rohan listened intently, taking in their words. He had experienced those same feelings of doubt, but he had also felt the same drive to prove himself. The Academy was a place of intense competition, but it was also a place of growth, where athletes could push past their limits and discover what they were truly capable of.

"You're right," Rohan said, nodding. "I think the key is to embrace the competition, to use it as motivation to keep getting better. It's not about being the best right away—it's about constantly improving, constantly pushing yourself to reach new heights."

The group nodded in agreement, a sense of camaraderie and understanding passing between them. They were all in this together, and they were all committed to making the most of their time at the Academy.

As they finished their meal and prepared to head back to the Academy, Rohan felt a renewed sense of determination. The competition at the Academy was intense, but it was also what made the experience so rewarding. It pushed him to be better, to work harder, and to strive for greatness.

And Rohan was ready to embrace that challenge, to face the competition head-on, and to see just how far he could go.


The weeks continued to pass, and the routine at the Academy became more intense with each passing day. The coaches were relentless in their pursuit of excellence, pushing the athletes to improve in every aspect of their performance. Rohan found himself training harder than ever before, his days filled with sprints, endurance runs, strength training, and mental conditioning.

One of the most challenging aspects of the training was the constant focus on mental toughness. The coaches at the Academy believed that success in athletics was not just about physical ability, but also about mental strength—the ability to stay focused, to push through pain and fatigue, and to perform under pressure.

Rohan quickly realized that this was an area where he needed to improve. He had always been a strong runner, but there were times when doubt and fear had crept into his mind, holding him back from reaching his full potential. The coaches at the Academy were determined to help him overcome those mental barriers, using a combination of visualization techniques, meditation, and intense mental conditioning drills.

One day, after a particularly tough session focused on mental toughness, Rohan sat down with Coach Prakash to discuss his progress.

"Rohan," Coach Prakash began, his tone serious, "you've made a lot of progress since you arrived at the Academy. Your physical abilities are impressive, but if you want to reach the next level, you need to work on your mental game. The mind is just as important as the body in athletics. It can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy."

Rohan nodded, understanding the importance of what Coach Prakash was saying. "I've been working on it, sir. But sometimes, it's hard to stay focused, especially when the pressure is high."

"That's exactly why we focus so much on mental conditioning here," Coach Prakash replied. "It's about training your mind to stay calm and focused, even in the most challenging situations. It's about learning to push through pain and fatigue, to block out distractions, and to stay in the zone when it matters most."

Rohan listened intently, taking in every word.

He knew that this was an area where he needed to improve, and he was determined to do whatever it took to strengthen his mental game.

"How can I get better at this, sir?" Rohan asked, eager to learn. "What can I do to improve my mental toughness?"

Coach Prakash smiled, pleased with Rohan's eagerness to learn. "There are a few things you can do. First, visualization is key. Before every race or training session, take some time to visualize yourself succeeding. Picture yourself running the perfect race, hitting every stride, crossing the finish line first. The more you visualize success, the more confident and focused you'll be when it's time to perform."

Rohan nodded, making a mental note to start incorporating visualization into his routine.

"Second," Coach Prakash continued, "meditation and mindfulness can help you stay calm and focused, even when the pressure is high. It's about training your mind to stay in the present moment, to block out distractions, and to stay focused on what's important. We'll be incorporating more of this into your training over the coming weeks."

Rohan felt a sense of anticipation at the prospect of this new training. He had never really focused on mental conditioning before, but he was eager to see how it could help him improve.

"And finally," Coach Prakash said, his tone firm, "you need to learn to embrace the pain and fatigue that come with training. It's not about ignoring the pain—it's about pushing through it, knowing that it's making you stronger. When you feel like you can't go any further, that's when you need to dig deep and find that extra reserve of strength."

Rohan nodded, feeling a surge of determination. He knew that this was the key to reaching the next level, to becoming the best athlete he could be. The physical training was important, but the mental training was what would set him apart from the competition.

As the days turned into weeks, Rohan threw himself into his training with renewed focus. He started incorporating visualization into his daily routine, picturing himself succeeding in every race, every drill, every challenge. He also began practicing meditation and mindfulness, learning to stay calm and focused even when the pressure was high.

The results were almost immediate. Rohan found that he was able to stay more focused during training, pushing through pain and fatigue with a sense of calm determination. He felt more confident, more in control, and more prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

But the competition at the Academy continued to intensify. Every day, Rohan found himself going head-to-head with some of the best athletes in the country, each one determined to prove themselves. The pressure was high, but Rohan was determined to rise to the occasion.

One afternoon, after a particularly intense training session, Rohan and his friends gathered in the common room to relax and unwind. The atmosphere was lighthearted, with everyone sharing stories and joking around, but there was also an undercurrent of tension as they all prepared for the upcoming inter-Academy competition—a major event that would pit the best athletes from different sports academies against each other.

"Are you guys ready for the competition?" Priya asked, her tone teasing but with a hint of seriousness. "I hear the athletes from the other academies are no joke."

Akash grinned, his laid-back demeanor masking the intense focus that lay beneath. "We'll be ready. We've been training hard, and we've got some serious talent on our side."

Rohan nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we've got this. We just need to stay focused and give it everything we've got."

Sandeep leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "The competition is going to be tough, but we've been preparing for this. We've all made so much progress since we got here, and this is our chance to show what we're made of."

Rohan felt a surge of anticipation as he thought about the upcoming competition. It would be a true test of everything they had learned at the Academy, a chance to prove themselves on a big stage.

But as the day of the competition drew closer, Rohan also felt the weight of the expectations that had been placed on him. He had come to the Academy with a reputation as one of the top junior athletes in the country, and now, everyone was watching to see if he could live up to that reputation.

The night before the competition, Rohan sat alone in his room, reflecting on everything that had brought him to this point. He thought about the countless hours of training, the sacrifices he had made, and the lessons he had learned. He thought about Mr. Kumar, who had believed in him when no one else did, and who had guided him through the toughest moments of his journey.

Rohan felt a deep sense of responsibility to honor Mr. Kumar's memory by giving everything he had in the competition. He knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but he was ready to face it head-on.

The next morning, the day of the competition arrived. The atmosphere at the Academy was electric, with athletes from different sports disciplines gearing up for their events. The tension was palpable, but so was the excitement—this was what they had been training for, and now it was time to prove themselves.

Rohan felt a sense of calm as he prepared for his race. He had done everything he could to prepare, and now it was time to put it all on the line. As he stepped onto the track, the roar of the crowd filled his ears, but Rohan blocked it out, focusing on the race ahead.

The starting gun fired, and Rohan surged forward, his body moving with the speed and power that had been honed through months of intense training. The competition was fierce, with athletes from different academies pushing each other to the limit, but Rohan stayed focused, staying in the zone, pushing himself to maintain his speed and control.

As the race progressed, Rohan found himself locked in a battle for the lead with another runner—a tall, muscular athlete from a rival academy. The two of them were neck and neck, neither one willing to give an inch.

But Rohan felt a surge of determination as he thought about everything that had brought him to this point. The training, the sacrifices, the lessons from Mr. Kumar—it had all led to this moment. He wasn't about to let it slip away.

With one final burst of speed, Rohan pulled ahead, crossing the finish line just ahead of his rival. The roar of the crowd was deafening as Rohan stumbled to a stop, gasping for breath.

He had done it. He had won.

As Rohan stood on the podium, accepting his medal, he felt a deep sense of pride and accomplishment. The competition had been intense, but he had proven to himself—and to everyone else—that he was capable of greatness.

But even as he basked in the glory of his victory, Rohan knew that this was just the beginning. The road ahead was still long, and there were many more challenges to face.

But Rohan was ready. He had the strength, the determination, and the mental toughness to keep pushing forward, to keep striving for greatness.

And as he looked out at the crowd, his heart filled with determination, Rohan knew that he was ready to take on whatever the future held.