
Running Home To Him

In a world where humans prey on creatures, harvesting them for parts to serve their frivolous wants, the Monster Hunter Coalition was formed. They hunt and capture creatures to do experiments and use their parts, or even keep them as slaves. Azaria is among the rarest of creatures, a hybrid of two species on the brink of extinction, fallen into the M.H.C.'s hands. But only one member knows what she truly is and his obsession with collecting creatures has turned his sights on her. But, she has escaped! now the chase begins! Will she evade his clutches or fall into his his grasp again?

GameNerdMom_Garden · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
93 Chs



I stared at the door and smiled at how sweet he was, I knew he wanted to feed me again and I the meaning behind it just made me smile even bigger, but a knock on the door jolted me out of my thoughts. Instinctively I grabbed the sheet to cover up and somehow became smaller. I sighed deeply, realizing that I was jumpy for some reason.

"Come in!" I squeaked out trying not to sound nervous. A strawberry blonde came in with a basket loaded with herbs, a sweet smile on her face she started to speak.

" I brought everything you need Al.....oh... hello..." she awkwardly paused as she looked up in surprise like she was expecting someone else.

"Are you in the wrong room or something?" I looked at her confused and she shook her head.

"No i just thought Alaric was here, Shaman said these were for him, so I assumed...

" I chuckled " oh he was here, he left for a moment to get us some lunch, he will be back soon though" I said just thinking she had a private matter, but her expression stiffened.

"He was here with you. How generous of Alaric to personally look after the charity cases. My alpha is very kind, you should feel lucky he gives someone like you attention." Someone likes me. Charity case? My alpha? Why is she saying that like she means he belongs to her. Who even is this woman coming in my room acting all high and mighty?! My body started to feel warm, but the heat mostly gathered at my back, in my shoulder blades.

"Can you please tell me what you mean by that?" I asked her, hoping it was just a misunderstanding. The woman sucked her teeth looking annoyed, the soft demeanor now gone.

" I just don't want you to get your hopes up, Alaric is a handsome man but don't expect more because he shows you some attention. He will be Alpha someday and he will need a strong Luna to help him lead the pack.... you're not exactly Luna material" she giggled setting the basket down on a table by the door as she looked me over, I clutched the sheets to my chest trying to evade her invasive gaze.

"I'm just looking out for you, best not get your hopes up and getting a broken heart later." I stuck my knees to my chest as I was sitting upright in bed and hugged them to my body. I put my head down trying to hide my face and mumbled.

"Al is not like that...." she outright laughed at that, and my body started to heat up more. Who was I kidding though? I'm not strong, it took me years to get the courage to escape and I didn't even try in the beginning. I just gave in and did what they said like the weakling I am. I don't even know what to say to this girl and all she is saying are words. But was she wrong? Was I really worthy of him like this? Maybe that is why he didn't mark me right away isn't that what werewolves do? My eyes welled with tears, and I hid my face. I didn't want her to see me crying like a child....I was weak, wasn't I?

"Darling, he is an Alpha, they are all like that. Alphas want strong pups therefore Alpha needs a strong mate...fated or chosen, doesn't really matter. Just don't confuse his attention for affection and be careful addressing him casually, I know you're not a wolf, but we have rules here. Ignorance is no excuse for disrespect. "She said and I heard the door open and close as she left, and I let the tears fall and cried into my knees. 


I got down to the cafeteria and went up to a kiosk to order some food. I looked dumbfounded at the menu realizing I didn't ask her what she wanted. Shit! I sighed and just decided to bring a variety, there was bound to be something she liked in the mix. I finished putting in my order and sat at one of the tables near the pickup counter. I sat there for about 5 minutes before my phone buzzed saying my order was ready. The food was already cooked and just needed to be put in takeaway boxes, which made getting lunch very easy and very little time wasted and I could get back to mate. I thanked the person handing me the four bags of food and grabbed them, I went over to the station with plates and utensils and grabbed some shoving them in one of the bags but as I grabbed a handful of forks my chest started to feel tight and rubbed at it confused at the feeling. I shoved the forks in the bag and started to walk back towards the room, but I stopped, feeling another wave of tightness in my chest, like someone was standing directly on my sternum. I stood there trying to focus on the feeling and Bax grumbled in my head.

"It's mate, something is wrong..." Azaria? I forced my legs to move, and they went on auto pilot, and I focused on the feeling. Anger, fear, and sadness were all I could pick up without bond not complete, very general feeling but clear so whatever she was feeling was strong. I was gone for barely five damn minutes and mate is in distress already. Something must have happened. I felt my shoulder bump into someone, and I growled, agitated that my mate was in distress. I got to the door and barged in with the bags and froze seeing the sight of my mate curled up into herself and sobbing. My Alpha aura flared out seeing her in this state. She should never have tears in her eyes unless they are tears of joy! I sniffed the air...someone else was here....she wolf, and it wasn't Bella. 

"Brandon! Who the hell did you send to Azaria's room?!" I could feel his fear through the link, and he answered cautiously.

" Janet was in the storage room taking inventory so I told her you need the herbs put in room 3" I groaned. Janet's family had a very ancient way of thinking and she had been a very spoiled brat along with her triplet sisters Judy and Jade. They were granddaughters of elder Jamison and a lot of elders tried holding onto any scrap of influence they could like, trying to match make for Alphas. I walked over to her bedside, setting the food down on the table nearby and I went to touch her, and she moved from me like I was going to melt her skin from the contact. My heart sank to my stomach when she rejected my touch. Bax whimpered in my head, and I dropped mine looking at the floor. 

"I don't know what happened but I'm sorry for being such a failure at being what you need." I sighed and sat on the bed next to her and turned to look at her, some sweat dripped down my temple wondering if someone turned the heat on....

"I know I'm doing everything wrong .... but I'm trying to make it right...give me a chance....just don't leave me, ok?" she peeked up from her knees and stared at him. she hid the rest of her face, so I wasn't sure what her eyes were saying but I defiantly felt one significant feeling...anger…. and why is it some damn hot in this room!