
Running From The Wind

Pandora De Mevius’ developed a crush for her childhood best friend, Braxton Goldman, but he suddenly disappeared one day without informing her, leaving her heartbroken and devastated. Now, Pandora has moved on, is now successful, and happily in a relationship, when her father comes with a contract marriage proposal that puts a halt to her perfectly outlined future, and brought her face to face with Braxton, a man she’d rather strangle than be in close proximity with, and what’s worse? He’s the man she was supposed to get into a contract marriage with.

Josephine_Ivy1 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
141 Chs

Chapter 50

" My parents told me nothing about that. They only insisted I forget about you in the meantime and move on with my life. As you left, Ethan came with his nice nature and you being out of the picture, I saw no reason not to give my heart to him," she said as she spun her chair to face the pool. It must have been torture for him to stay all these years without finding love. 

" So after all we went through, you ain't gonna give me any second chances?" He asked, his hands wrapped around his knees. This was the only way he could be relaxed as her words shot through him, dividing his heart into different triangles and squares of pieces. 

" Brax, why don't we put the past behind us? Let's just get over this marriage of a thing and let me be with Etha…" she lost her voice. The way he jumped and stomped over to where she sat had her flinching.