
Running From The Wind

Pandora De Mevius’ developed a crush for her childhood best friend, Braxton Goldman, but he suddenly disappeared one day without informing her, leaving her heartbroken and devastated. Now, Pandora has moved on, is now successful, and happily in a relationship, when her father comes with a contract marriage proposal that puts a halt to her perfectly outlined future, and brought her face to face with Braxton, a man she’d rather strangle than be in close proximity with, and what’s worse? He’s the man she was supposed to get into a contract marriage with.

Josephine_Ivy1 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
141 Chs

Chapter 44

" C'mon, let's go! It's getting late. I mean If I'm your mom, I'd probably be freaking out right now, so hop in we gotta go," he said while walking over to where the SUV was parked. He so much wanted to do erotic things to her, but her consent and readiness were all that he needed to proceed. 

All through the ride home, she was silent and all and he was, as promised, playing one of Drake's famous tracks while humming silently. He had expected a reaction from her but from the way she just sat there staring out the tinted window, he could tell that something was off. But before he could ask her what was going on, they had pulled up outside her apartment. The house itself was good to go, even if it wasn't that glamorous. At least it put a roof over her, her dad, Mom, and younger brother. Just as she was about to step down, they exchanged numbers and after sharing a hug, she hassled over to her porch and was in the house in no time.