
Running From The Wind

Pandora De Mevius’ developed a crush for her childhood best friend, Braxton Goldman, but he suddenly disappeared one day without informing her, leaving her heartbroken and devastated. Now, Pandora has moved on, is now successful, and happily in a relationship, when her father comes with a contract marriage proposal that puts a halt to her perfectly outlined future, and brought her face to face with Braxton, a man she’d rather strangle than be in close proximity with, and what’s worse? He’s the man she was supposed to get into a contract marriage with.

Josephine_Ivy1 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
141 Chs

Chapter 105

"Marco will tell us when it is ready," Daniel said flippantly, his dark eyes bright with mirth. "And what you don't know is that Cleo craves to be dominated." 

"Dominated?" Ezra frowned. "Have you been taking weed? Where's Cam?"

"No, I haven't! And listen, Ez-"

"Order up for table six!" Marco heralded from the kitchen. 

"That's your cue isn't it?" Ezra nodded in the kitchen's direction while Daniel gave him a look that the conversation was not over before walking off. 

"There's no escaping her, is there?" He murmured to himself. 

His heart squeezed guiltily but he ignored it. He had done so two days before when he had ignored all her texts. He did the right thing. He really had. His mind assured him, his head assured him, but the darned organ in his chest tightened every time her name came up. 

Which had to be every freaking hour.