An ordinary grey rabbit after gaining his soul rune find’s himself on the journey to be the apex predator in a world full of predators against his will. As he climbs to the top he discovers others like him from other races only more lucky, talented or hardworking so he uses any trick he can to climb higher. and learns more about the world Oneiros.
Seeing her sick fascination with him he felt chill down his spine. Taking a minute to breathe he thought up a plan to help elder oaks if she really needed them he could use that against her or so grey thought.
"What exactly do you want from me vixen depending on what it is I might help you if you help me." Grey stated trying his best to be intimidating but failing.
"Oh what a schemer are sure not a fox in disguise. JAJAJAJA."
Giving her a stern but menacing stare to calm her down, grey thought that would shut her up.
"AWWWW." Unfortunately for him to her he was just a cute little rabbit trying to scare someone far above. "I might keep you all to my self after everything is over but unfortunately the you right now is too weak.
"But you do have the potential to help me defeat the dreaded fox king, turning me from his slave to a queen! And when that happens you can be my royal toy… I mean servent."
"Hmmm if you're queen what will happen to the truce between our tribes." Grey said trying his best to ignore how she almost called him a royal toy of all things.
" well…" pretending to pounder about the this as a sly smile appeared on her face a few seconds after "If you aid me and visit me every now and then I don't mind staying away from rabbit meat. Plus both foxes and rabbits are polyamorous as well as fertile. And a queen could always use a king beneath her."
She said as she gave some of her red luck aura to his weapons.
Ignoring her very implied statements "So scarlet what exactly is this red glow and how will it help me." Knowing how she is willing to help him albeit indirectly in exchange for his somehow high potential to help her in the future.
With a pouting face scarlet mockingly said. "Hmp your no fun why so serious. Oh right many folk are dying on both sides. ~sigh~ fine, I just gave them a mixture of luck and unluck to help assist you. The luck is to help you stay alive and the unluck inside the weapons however can make the weapon do critical damage to foes."
"Interesting… just don't tell me how long it last, i need to think it will run out any moment to get me to fight in the right mindset." Grey said as he was packing his equipment to go battle.
Curiosily scarlet asked what are those cords he had were.
" these are rope hooks they are rope darts. Very useful weapons but they need a lot of practice to use fortunately only nine of us young ones learned it. But now any rope can be a weapon for me givin enough time."
Scarlet just nodded "well you just need to damage the leader critically, I will then swoop in and save him have the foxes retreat, while you can save as many as you can. But they will comeback for revenge after he's done healing because his brother so they can kill together next time because the king is overprotective of his little brother."
Grey was pissed that he couldn't totally kill off the one that started the raid on his friends home before a thought crossed his mind. "Are they only gonna attack this burrow?" With slight fear in his tone.
While scarlet just nodded. "But with my luck on your side I'll be able to hole them of for another three moon cycles at least and at most four."
Relizing how he had a limited time frame to prepare to take down the leader grey frowned.
'Speed is key no time to rest unfortunately.' He thought to himself.
As he was leaving the damaged building he stopped in the door frame then looked back at the fox "Just know a queen can still be a puppet to someone overlooked, no beast is absolutely safe" before hopping away in the midst of the chaos.
Scarlet stood there shock on her face a shiver going down her spine as a crazy smile appeared on her face. "JAJAJAJAJAJAJA" loud cackling was hear echoing through the room. "Interesting, please resist it'll be all the more fun when you submit young one."
After hoping around all the debris for a while grey used is rune hesitantly still remembering how he hurt his throat yelling and his head felt like blowing up due to enhancing his ears.
After a quick scan of the area he noticed a few things one there was a massive battle by the schoolhouse area, the elder and fox leader were both out of breath and something heavy was moving towards them.
After some planing he came up with a dangerous plan. Hopping towards the elders battle he saw the fox on the attack pouncing after the elder absolutely focused on the hunt.
Whilst the elder was evading with everything he had. Hidden behind some rubble grey had his big boomerang ready to launch at the first sight of an opening.
Some time passed and elder oaks mashed to trip the fox with some string he had set up mid fight. When abruptly a huge boomerang came out of nowhere hitting the fox on head and snout with a loud ~crack~ knocking it out.
The fox snout was now crooked and eye pierced by the end of the tool due to some unlucky events. Effectively blinding his right eye and disabling his sense of smell
Elder oaks was crouched down gasping for breath while looking for the buck that helped him.
Grey ran up from behind the fox looking at the now burnt rabbit in a cracked brown armor. "Damm old geezer if I knew you were this strong I wouldn't have hair grease with syrup. Won't happen again scout's honor."
In a tired but raspy voice the elder said "I had that handled… but since you helped I'll forget all your pranks for now."
"Yeah; whatever just head to the school district they really need you over there they are being swarmed."
"UGH, OW my face hurts." The fox said in a pained voice stumbling to his feet but still dizzy.
"Look out, let me finish this guy and then I'll go." Said elder oaks.
"NO! Go now they really need your support. And don't worry about me I can hold him off until back up arrives they are three minutes out." Grey said with a straight face lying as if it was as easy as breathing.
The elder looked at grey for a moment while thinking before hopping to the school house shouting "No one but me is allowed to kill you, otherwise your mother would kill me so stay alive till backup comes."
Grey stared at the fox that now looked him in the eyes. "Sorry this might be my final trick."