
Runaway Cinderella

Have you ever wondered what happened to Cinderella after she married her prince? Most would say, she lived happily ever after. But as she found out, ‘happy ever after’ was only a hyperbolic phrase that was only used to end many fairy tales. Not many women could say she that had married her prince, so imagine her shock when average 19-year-old Lee Kara was forcibly engaged to wed the Crown Prince of Korea, Kwon Tae Hyun! Despite their hatred for each other, both unwilling parties agree to the marriage, each with their own agenda. Entering the dark lonely palace, Kara searches for love and peace as she fought through snobbish imperial relatives, lies and deceit, eventually getting entangled in the fight for the throne. Behind the luxury and glamour of her newfound royal lifestyle, the secrets of a murder were slowing unfolding and she found herself as a chess piece between a game of thrones. Amidst it all, she found herself relying on her husband, the heartthrob of Korea Kwon Tae Hyun for guidance as her only grip for stability. Revenge, betrayal, secrets, love. Falling for a prince has its consequences and in a society where love will never conquer all, Kara will find out if their love was truly worth it. “Cinderella never asked for a prince,” she said bleakly, tears running down her face. “She asked for a night off, and a beautiful dress… I... don’t want this anymore, I can’t do this. Cinderella… Wouldn’t want this...” “But Cinderella was in love,” he replied stoically. “And so was her prince.” “But I am not Cinderella,” she said firmly, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “And you are not my prince.” Set in an alternate reality where a Korean constitutional monarchy existed in the 21st century. --------------------------------------------- Genre: Romance Fiction Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incident are products of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. 5-7 chapters every week! Inspired by the K-Drama "The Last Empress". I have always been so intrigued by the fights among royalty. I hope you do give this novel a chance! I apologize in advance for any errors, I am still learning and brushing up on my writing. Please do leave a review as well! I would love to hear what you think! Cover art is not owned by me, credits to the owner!

xDollfie · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs

Chapter 11: Why Her?

"I have got a question though." Tae Hyun started, crossing his arms. "Why must it be her, Lee Kara? I'm sure there much more suitable candidates. Though her looks are acceptable – I just don't see anything special about her."

His mother lips tightened, placing her cup back down onto a floral designed saucer. "Though it might not look like it. She is of nobility class. Her grandfather was descended from the royal Min clan that Empress Myeongseong of Korea originated from. Though the male-line of the clan had disappeared during the First Sino-Japanese War, the female line still lived. Her clan had produced numerous senior government officials and 4 queens throughout Joseon dynasty. She has a good bloodline."

"You're telling me someone who was from such an influential family is living like an impoverished citizen now?" Tae Hyun couldn't help lace his words with sarcasm, he had seen the background checks of Lee Kara – to say that she needed help was irrefutable.

Queen Soo Hyun shot him a look, as if to warn him that others might hear him talk about his future wife in such an impolite manner. "From what I've heard, her father chose another route and neglected his status and chose to marry with a commoner. Her grandfather and your royal grandfather had promised originally to let their children be wedded, but their Lee family failed to produce a female. So the promised engagement had been passed down, to your generation now. You know the Queen dowager… To her, tradition and promises are everything." She shrugged when she finished her explanation.

"You mean father was supposed to marry a woman from their family? But because there were no female descendants, the engagement got passed down to me?" Tae Hyun concluded starkly.

It was ridiculous to him; sometimes he wondered why the royal family functions so old-fashionably even till this day. To think that they were the most respected family in Korea when their members cling onto stupid promises like this.

"That is correct." She nodded her head. Then her eyes caught sight of her son's red scalded hand. She gasped loudly and reached out to grab it, her worrisome gaze widen in horror. "What happened to you?!"

He pulled away his hand roughly away from his mother grasp. "Nothing, just some small incident when I was pouring tea for myself this afternoon. I have already had the royal physician checked it."

Tae Hyun had lied. He knew what would happen if he told her that their future daughter in law did it, she would probably freak out and worry. As much as he didn't want to admit it, it was his fault for provoking her first and ultimately he was the one at fault if the elders found out about it.

"Why didn't you let one of the court ladies pour the tea for you?" She had a trouble look on her face, Tae Hyun was relieved to found out she bought his lie. She turned to the servants, calling out to the head lady. "Lady Han! Increase the amount of servants for the crown prince! How could you allow him to get injured like this?"

He shot a look at the Lady Han who scurried over to face the queen. Lady Han frowned when she was put in a difficult position. "I apologize, your highness. I would see to it that the court ladies are reprimanded and punished. This will not happen again." She bowed down.

Queen Soo Yeon scoffed and looked away. Her hard gaze softened when it landed on her son with his usual expressionless countenance, just like a lifeless puppet. She knew it well; the royal family was always an example, a role model for the citizen, the perfectionist that was deprived from feeling emotions for the well-being of the royal family and nation.

"Do try, to find happiness with her." She said softly at him, wishing nothing but the best for her son. "The weight of the crown is heavy, but I know that you are able to withstand it."

"Yes, Queen mother." He replied stoically, like it was a routine to him. Obey every command that the elders have given you; this was something that he constantly reminded of in the span of his life. He willingly became the puppet of the royal family, the perfect crown prince that they wanted – all for the sake of his late father.

"We will announce the engagement soon, so in the meantime do refrain yourself from getting caught in the media when you visit her." Queen Soo Yeon warned. She looked over the area where the servants were waiting. "Choi Jaesoong, please inform the media department. I will go over shortly to discuss the date."

A middle-aged man stepped forward and bowed, his graying hair slightly bald. His black tailcoat suit was crimp and perfect. "Yes, your highness."

"She has accepted the engagement already?" He raised his brow speculatively while he waited for his mother reply. He had honestly never expected her to agree to easily. "When is the wedding date?"

"I have summoned her mother to the palace this afternoon and she had consented to the engagement." She replied, picking up her antique teacup. "Queen Dowager have arranged for the bride to come by on Sunday for her agreement. The wedding date is already set early spring."

"So she hasn't agreed by herself?" Tae Hyun questioned, his mind went back to incident this afternoon where he had visited her at her workplace. "I don't think that she would accept. More ever so, she is certainly not fit to be the next crown princess." He stated honestly.

"Yes, I acknowledged that. But as Queen Dowager has insisted and have chosen her, I have to carry it out regardless. I do admit that I worry about the crown princess-to-be, because she was not raised in a strict environment such as this. As her husband, you must be there for her. Of course, I would be here to guide her through her studies and duties as well."

"What makes you say that she would accept it then?" Tae Hyun challenged, judging from their meeting today and her reaction; he could tell that she had a headstrong and stubborn personality.

Frankly, he couldn't see her accepting a marriage proposal to an unknown man like that, especially when that man happened to be the crown prince she so despised.

Queen Soo Yeon smiled gently. "Don't worry about it and just concentrate on your current affairs. I will take care of the wedding and everything. Last that I remember, her family is debt ridden. By marrying in, she could save her family."

"Hm." Was all that Tae Hyun replied, he was deep in thought. Honestly, he knew that it would be a hard task to convince her.

"Do me proud." She said almost sadly, holding onto his not injured hand and clasping it tightly in hers. They locked gazes and she smiled gently. "Be a great king and a wonderful husband."

"I will be taking my leave." He stood up and shook her hand off him awhile his mother stared at him slightly hurt. He looked at his watch, noticing his tight schedule. He bowed down to her in respect, announcing his reason to leave. "I have royal business to attend to as well as my royal studies."

"Yes." She wanted to badly to reach out to him, asking him to stay and have a chat with her.

But she knew better, the royal duties came first regardless. She too was just an emotionless puppet, deprived from feeling any emotions. Soo Yeon had tried again and again, countless of times in the past to get her son to open up to her. But no matter what she did, she couldn't get through the hard shell around his heart.

Her heart felt heavy that very moment. She knew that he was the perfect crown prince, bought up with strict traditions and forced to push away his own happiness and not seek it. She too was forced to do it when she came into the palace years ago, it was the sacrifice that every royal had to do. But as a mother, it pained her to see her son like this.

"Oh, and Queen mother?" Tae Hyun called out just as he was about to leave the room. "Do you want to know my impression of her?"

"Hm?" Soo Yeon turned around curiously to face him.

"She is going to be needing a lot of hard training."