
Run of the Mill or Not?

Give it up for a misanthropic anti-hero of a teen protagonist who hates humanity in general. Grifton Tinroy, a draconic/humanoid hybrid as well as abandoned orphan. He's just trying to survive man, and do so in a comfortable way.

Draeme_Saekyr1 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
163 Chs


Chapter 75

Flange Orphanage, City: Three Prongs Fork, Republic of Shantu, Continent: Barat, the Year 2030, Planet: Grimoire

To say that things had gone differently from what Moline planned was putting it mildly. "Damn, but this isn't looking good." He frowned at the scoundrels he'd caught red-handed just as he'd reached the ground floor. "Where are the officers that I called?" Moline grumbled.

"They've arrived along with Merchant Lamberton." Garnet Shamus informed him. Not far behind her was Commander Darmono. He was frowning at his communication for some reason. At last, he barked a few orders that no one could hear, not even Moline. Huh, he must've cast some kind of interference magic that disallowed people to listen to him speaking. Clever, but at the same time rather rude.

Moline glared at the back of Darmono's head before catching Garnet's eye. She shook her head at him in reproof. This must have something to do with what they stumbled upon him doing. Oh well, Moline wouldn't worry about whatever Darmono was up to. He had his own problems right now.

Fortunately for him, he had the foresight to contact Brinton and other personnel, who would come in handy. Who knew it would be so difficult to find people who were real contracted plumbers and not vandals? Doyle sighed. I'm glad that we had the communal bathhouse facility available.

He was damned if he would accept excuses this time when it came to the vandals. It was even more convenient that there were two of them ready for usage to prevent the mingling of genders. The last thing Moline wanted was for harassment to occur regardless of the reasons. He ensured that officials were mixed in amongst the adults and students to prevent trouble.

Moline was uneasy about how things had just happened to go haywire lately. A sigh escaped him. Now, he just had to handle whatever mischief would splat on the doorstep with his latest plans.

"Sir, they're all here." Garnet caught Moline's eye. "All the officers to haul the vandals caught in the various restrooms on all floors." There was distinct ire in her expression as she spoke. "Along with the other officials who have to do with the intercity competition proposed earlier."

It was good that Moline had her listen to those plans that he and Lamberton discussed. Otherwise, there was no other way to coordinate everything happening. "Thank you, Butler Shamus." He emphasized the title when a few officials glared at Garnet in affront, at least until Moline clarified her role within the orphanage. Damned misogynists were trying to assert their dominance in his domain. They would see how long that bullcrap lasted in his presence.

"How is your afternoon, Butler Shamus?" Lamberton inquired politely. "I trust that it hasn't been too busy..." His voice trailed off when he noticed Commander Darmono off to one side and Moline with his hands full of struggling vandals. "Forget what I said." He immediately came over to Moline's side. "What the hell happened here?"

"Smell for yourself," Doyle growled at him. "It became rather unfortunate timing if I do say so myself."

"Ugh, yes, disgusting. I do agree." Lamberton's expression was horrible. "This is not going to go over well with those officials of delicate disposition." His rolling eyes spoke volumes.

Moline heard a snort of derision from Darmono's general direction. "I take it that you're done ordering lackeys about, now?" He was amused but not willing to show it right then.

"As a matter of fact, yes. I received a most interesting report as well." Darmono's amusement vanished. "I dare say it has to do with this latest proposal about which wild rumors are already abounding." His approval was highly motivational for Moline, who was suffering from a mountain load of self-doubt right then.

Moline had begun wondering if he would ever manage to find someone or something that would make him regain his confidence in any decisions he'd made thus far. A sigh escaped him. "Yes, to a certain extent, I believe it does." He grimaced. "I'm not sure how this latest incident relates to the possibility of an intercity competition between charitable organizations and academies, though." Initially, he'd thought it had to do with some other type of circumstance. Such as petty revenge through retaliation from that previous investor. "Well, I'll have to learn through an interrogation of these idiots who were caught red-handed." He nudged one of them with a foot.

Right then, the butler mentioned. "Brinton and his people have come to detain the vandals, Director."

Alright, well, that was one trouble no longer distracting Doyle from the present arrivals. "Thank you, Shamus. Please escort the officers to where the other vandals are being held separately," he requested of Garnet. In the meantime," Hmm, where should he have his unexpected guests take a rest from their journey?

"Is there not an outer arena where we can assemble for a meeting?" Darmono inquired. "I'm assuming that is where the other meal will be served to the workers, instructors, and students?" He tilted his head slightly.

Doyle blinked. That was where he designated everyone to assemble. He'd also made sure that meals would be provided for everyone once they exited the two bathhouse facilities. Luckily, there was a third one that was reserved for visitors. "If anyone wants to freshen up beforehand, I can lead you to an alternative location."

Doyle was not about to let the visitors remain in the orphanage while the stench was so appalling.

"That would be preferable," Garnet agreed. Since technicians are here to inspect and fix all the broken piping and other locations," she signaled to Director Moline that it would be wise to clear everyone out of there as soon as possible so that the professionals could do their jobs properly.

Doyle had no problem with that. He just hoped that everyone would agree without argument.

As usual, Commander Darmono murmured. "I believe this is the best thing to do. Otherwise, we'll delay the professionals from restoring the orphanage to decent functionality." His tone was firm. He helped escort everyone to the other location without further delay.

Doyle was grateful for his courteous assistance. He would have to thank Darmono somehow later on.