
Ruined World (Dropped)

I want to write a cool synopsis, but as I'm not competent enough, here you go: In a distant world where no flora or fauna existed– in a world consumed by horrors, one young man survived. He fought and killed those horrors. The very creatures that destroyed the immense world and devoured every species in their sight couldn't defeat the young human that suddenly appeared one day. They were slaughtered, their flesh eaten and their blood drunken by the human. And in the end, the human made them all extinct. The world was left lifeless. The human who had memories of past lives wished to return to his own world and wished to free the one most dear to him from her prison aswell. So the human Dante, destroyed that wretched world and sacrificed it to warp through dimensions to go back– back to Earth. His powers got sealed in the process due to the recoil. Not lost, only diminuted. But on Earth, there was another surprise waiting for him. His moments on Earth were short as he was once more forced to another world, this time with countless others. But Dante wasn't fazed one bit. Watch as the man who had been reincarnated many times, one who had broken free of the limits of men, one who had embraced madness regains his former strength and goes even beyond. Witness as he finally breaks free of his "shackles"— of his curse. Witness him surpass his current and past lifetimes completely. Note: I'll try to maintain upload rate, and if I'm able to keep up with my schedule during some week, maybe I'll upload an extra chapter. (Due to my examinations being delayed, I have to continue studying and hence am unable to write more chapters for atleast 2 more months. Sry, and thank you bearing it till now.) Its my first time posting something that I'm writing and English is not my first language, so there will be spelling mistakes. Also, even though quite a few characters in the novel are Korean, I myself am not Korean. So, please forgive any discrepancies. Hope you enjoy.

Void_Watcher · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

7_Secret Trial

When we had set out, it was already afternoon.

The first location we decided to explore was the skyscraper covered entirely with huge vines and greenery.

Although I had suggested that we attack the one with dark fleshy tentacles first, but Jungkook said that we should first explore a somewhat familiar/easier environment.

Although it wouldn't have made any difference to me, but I wasnt alone anymore like I was in the that world. I think I should be a bit more cautious, seeing how I'm now looking after 2 subordinates.

With that we journeyed to the the skyscraper overtaken by nature. It's obvious that the monsters we would face there would be beasts or atleast would have nature attribute.

But while we were travelling, we came across something unexpected. Well, atleast to Jungkook and Su-jin.

We came across a goblin settlement. And it's quite developed too, considering the stone houses, barracks and the wells in it.

Considering the location of the train and the open area around the settlement, I would say that the train we came in was in their hunting grounds.

Maybe that's why they attacked us. That we ended up in their territory. The fairies must've put us there intentionally.


Then the goblin king I killed before must be this settlement's chief. While thinking this, I carefully observe the goblins.

Even though their army had been gone for quite some time now. The goblins themselves were calm and carefree, carrying out their routine and stuff.

Even if this world was artificial, it's not possible that there are no other monsters here.

"Either they're confident that their king will return, and they believe they can ward off simple enemies too. It's also possible that they have something powerful hiding to protect them..."

Jungkook and Su-jin looked at me with serious faces. They must've been worried at my deduction.

Another noticable thing was that the goblins and some hobgoblins were going towards a tunnel built into the nearby hill.

A strange energy was present there. It was subtle, but it held power.

There's definitely some secret piece over there. Or atleast there is an interesting boss.

I hope that the thing there is interesting.

But I can't ignore this goblin village either. The Tutorial world will be reset after we clear it. Well, atleast that's what I think.

Nonetheless, this village will help in Jungkook's and Su-jin's growth. So I'm not gonna just leave it for the gangsters back at the train, or the one following us.

Well might as well clear it.

* * * *




Jungkoo and Su-jin were slaughtering goblins now. Before starting our attack here, I told them about the system, status, skills, traits, levels and stats.

Thankfully, they knew about video games (as they should). They already had levelled up a few times back at the train.

So they allocated their stats and used their quota and points to get skills and equipment.

Jungkook got a shield with 800 points and used his quota to get an END enhancing skill. He was always strong but lagged behind a bit in endurance. He made a good decision to cover up his weakness. He had 50 points left.

Su-jin on the other hand used 1200 points to buy 2 new sharper daggers and used her quota to increase her AGI. She had 500 points left. Man she killed alot more than Jungkook.

I also asked them to show me their statuses. Jungkook's statys was above the average man, I mean he was in the military and he underwent training too.

Su-jin also had above average stats for her level (but not as much as Jungkook), she must've exercised alot back earth. I suspect she even did some muscle training too. Other than these, she also had a trait.

[Killer Instinct].

A very rare trait according to Ms.Fairy. Any murderer in the world would want this trait. It not only enhances ones body and instincts, it also allows one to accurately deduce and pinpoint weaknesses in the enemy. But the side effect is the incredible urge to kill.

Usually such people on earth end up in jail during childhood or end up killing themselves. The fact that Su-jin was a college student hanging out with 'friends' when she was brought here, means that she was living a normal life.

That means she had enough strength to keep the urge under control.

Ofcourse, she let it loose as soon as she came here, but nonetheless this proves her strength and fortitude. Even now she's killing goblins like swatting flies.

Ofcourse, I'm not just watching them from a corner. I'm also taking part in the slaughter. I have to gather exp, points and quota too.


By evening, we had killed almost every goblin in the village.

Some did flee to the tunnel/ tunnel in the nearby hill. But I let them go. Maybe the next battle will be less boring if the enemies aren't caught off guard.

As for now, I'm hungry as hell. Literally, I haven't eaten once since I left the Horror World.


Although Su‐jin herself blushed, her stomach agreed with me.

So we decided to camp here and cook some goblin meat.

At first I tried eating the meat raw. Ofcourse it was slightly poisonous, but:

"Updating talents..."

"Gained [Extreme Poison Immunity] (S)"

It was no problem to me.

Albiet Ms.Fairy facepalmed, I was indifferent to it.

A talent was something you became capable of or were already capable of. It makes sense that I have this talent after eating the meat of the Horrors for centuries.

Wait, wouldn't it be stranger if I didn't get such a talent after eating their meat for 500 or more years?

Since the meat was poisonous, it couldn't be eaten raw. But necessity is the mother of inventions.

With my past lifetime experiences and my supreme intuition along with a short series if experiments, I discovered that the monster meat could be made edible by boiling the meat in their blood.

This way most of toxins are dissolved into the blood where they are inactivated and then precipitate out.

Thus way we end up with juicy delicious meat that has a texture of beef.

You did not know how happy I was to eat raw goblin meat, and then the cooked goblin meat. It may not seem much but even Jungkook and Su-jin said that the cooked meat was fairly good.

And they had come directly from the world of delicacies (Earth). If this tasted great to me, then I can't wait to try real food from Earth.

I'm already salivating thinking about it.

If one wondered how we cooked the meat, I had used some of my points to buy some cooking utensils and some metal plates.

I also bought a bag for carrying this stuff.

I still have a lot of points left but I didn't use them. I didn't need anything else for now. Food is the bigger priority here.

Ofcourse, Jungkook sighed when he heard my comment, while Su-jin giggled.

I get the feeling that only Jungkook is the normal one here.

* * * * *

By the time we finished our meal, the sun had set.

After eating disgusting rubbery meat for so long in the Horror World, finally eating tasty food felt like blessing.

I feel like would become a glutton soon. Well I don't hate the thought that much, so all in all everything's alright.

The stars were twinkling and the moon was shining bright in the clear night sky. It was very beautiful. I had always taken such things for granted before my 'kidnapping'.

The constant sense of numbness from that world is gone now too and I can appreciate things around me too.

"Are you going to keep staring into the sky all night?" (Jk)


"Hello, Jin-woo to Earth." (Jk)


"Dante—" (Jk)

"Why are you in such a hurry? Can't you relax and enjoy the view for one second?"

"Haaa.... Says the guy who just declared that we're gonna attack that village and then dragged us in here." (Jk)

"You know you can't follow me forever, right? You guys have to train and grow stronger to survive on your own. That's why attacking the goblin village was necessary.

As for the relaxing, it's nice to take a little break now and then. It helps the body adapt to the strength you gathered during the constant period of stress."

"....." (Jk)

"Oppa, what do you wish for?" (Sj)


"I mean we all are stuck here arent we? And we all want to survive and all, but.... But oppa is already so strong and you are still getting stronger, right?" (Sj)


"So, does oppa have some goal or something?" (Sj)

"Actually, yes."

"Can you tell us?" (Sj)

"To get back to earth and enjoy my life."

"??" (Sj)

"Huu....." (Jk)

"I dont care what others think or say, I am growing stronger to become free, to become 'me'. So that I can relax and enjoy my life. Simple as that."

"Dante-oppa is strange." (Sj)

"Tell me about it.." (Jk)

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Let's just go."

I got up and packed the cooking utensils. Then we left for the tunnel.

As mentioned before, the tunnel is built into a large hill a bit away from the village. And we let some goblins escape too, so most likely they are guarding the inside of the tunnel.

I guess it's about time Jungkook and Su-jin experienced how to perform a full frontal assault on a large group of enemies.

After a few minutes, we reached the entrance of the tunnel. It was 5ft wide and 7ft high. A long straight tunnel with a faint orange light at the end.

I took the lead, while the both of them followed. When we were halfway into the tunnel,


A strange loud roar resounded from within the temple (cave). Ms.Fairy flew up from my hair and snapped her tiny fingers.

— — — — —

"Secret Trial had begun"

— — — — —

"Man, am I lucky!", I spoke with enthusiasm as I looked at the trial window.

— — — — —

"Secret Trial : Dzoavit"

The escaped goblins have warned the shamans of the Devil's Hole Shrine.

The shamans, worried that you may kill them like you killed their king and soldiers, use all their power and the souls of the remaining goblins to unseal the demon trapped in the hole.

Albeit a powerful spell, it took alot of time to prepare and cast. The tardiness of the challengers have given them the needed time.

They have succeeded and now a Dzoavit has been released.

This ogre turned turned demonic beast now hunts for anything that may sate its 300 year hunger.

Condition : Until the Dzoavit is killed, it will remain night time.

Success : Reward

Failure : Become Food

Time limit : None

— — — — —

"Finally, a secret!", I shouted.

|You're the only challenger I've seen that enjoys facing a strong monster.|

"That just means I like exciting things, like a 1-on-1 battle with that thing. "

But I was feeling a little dejected that I couldn't lead an full frontal assault (slaughter) upon the remaining goblins.

But still, I told the two to back away as I would engage the Dzoavit thing.

"Ok, but just try not to die." (Jk)

What does he think I am?

"You looking down on me?"

"Its not that, it just that, that monster seems alot stronger than any other thing we've faced before." (Jk)

"That's true, but that's what makes it all the more exciting!"

"Huu.... What are we gonna do about you..." (Jk)


This time the roar was nearer. I could see the silhouette in the distance at the other side of the tunnel. There seems to be a large chamber on the other side, if not then it would not make sense as to how it could've been standing before it crouched down.

A giant furry body was crouched and was staring at me. Its glowing orange eyes bickering me to come. I stared back with a wide grin.

It would barely fit in the tunnel if it crawled, it was quite large.

After a few moments of the staring contest, it turned around. It wants me to come inside. I laugh inside.

I'm really excited about this. But I should limit my strength a bit too, so that the battle doesn't end too quick, like the one with the goblin king.

Speaking of the goblin king, I had gotten 2 skillstones out of him and I had used none of them. Since one of them was useful for my plan, I decided to use it right now.

"Gained skill [Goblin Kings Reinforcement] (E)"

Getting a Reinforcement skill without quota or points is very rare.

I intend to use this skill in the future, so if I can increase its proficiency now, then it'll be two birds with one stone.

I also intend to grow the other skills I have too, but not too much. Maximizing D rank would be enough for the tutorial.

So with that out of the way, I activate all my skills, not fully but only a small amount their full power. I'll test his strength first then adjust my power accordingly.

I walked forward, one hand lying on the hilt of the dagger tied to my side. It would take a few minutes to reach the other side as the tunnel was quite long.

The fairy then spoke,

|Be careful, the Dzoavit is different from other monsters. It did say that it once was an ogre, but it also said that it became a demonic beast.|


|Did you hear me? I said a demonic beast. Demonic! Not only that, its demonic power has accumulated over time as the goblins made sacrifices to it and revered it.|


|Stop taking this lightly!! That thing is a demonic beast! It may be a lesser than a demon, but it's still a DEMON!|

"Ok ok, I get it. No need to shout."

|Are you seriously not afraid!?|

"Why should I fear demons, when they should fear me."


▪︎Precipitate — "Cause (a substance) to be deposited in solid form from a solution."

Hey there guys! The Dzoavit will be described in the next chapter and its link will be given too. So please be patient.

Also I made IG account for this novel, where I'll post pictures of monsters or characters (for which I have images only).

You can check it out if you want. (Search @anony.mous_avenger with same pic.)

There is a spoiler there too.

Void_Watchercreators' thoughts