
Ruin of Heaven

This story is the record of the journey of a mortal who received a second chance in the form of another life.It is the record of struggles and success faced by Hadrian in his new life.He is thrown into the body of someone who has scars of his own to be discovered.He becomes intrigued by this new and wild life.He forms new bonds and begins a new journey which may ultimately lead to his own....demise?The boundaries between his past and present life begins to thin until all that is left......is salvation.

NamelessPioneer · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs


'I am definitely alive as I can hear my heartbeat but it seems I can't open my eyes and neither open my mouth to speak.So I survived and now I am just mute and blind and maybe even deaf by the sounds of it,how tragic,' to say Hadrian's thought were a mess would be an understatement.

It seemed like an eternity had passed and yet he couldn't do shit.Living alone with nothing but his thoughts was a nightmare.He would constantly reminisce about his life and would drown in his grief, sometimes he would remember something funny and laugh like a madman.And there were also times he would think about that certain weirdo who spewed nonsense about next life.

It didn't make sense,how was it that the memories of how he was stab was blurry but he still remembered older stuffs in detail.Also he remembered how he bleed to death and how his heart had given one final bleep before abandoning him and now it was here drumming like no tomorrow.

He put his thoughts to a halt as he finally heard something in a distance.

'Maybe I was just in a coma till now and now I'm finally waking up,that has to be it until it really is'—Hadrian stopped himself from thinking about illogical stuffs.

Now that he focused his senses on hearing,he understood that the voices that he was hearing were speaking a foreign language that he wasn't familiar with.

"No use looking for survivors my lord , everyone of this tribe seemed to have already been massacred by the fallen,"That was the very first words Hadrian heard and that made him panic.

He didn't realise since when that he started to feel his body.He only became aware of the fact when his body started to ache and he couldn't bear the pain that suddenly bear him.He tried to scream but his voice still wouldn't come and that only made him panic more.Atlast,after many futile attempts he managed to feel his fingers and without missing a beat he managed to move two of them.

"Ahh, seems like you are mistaken kaizen,I sensed a faint life force from that child lying near the dead horse,"A deep manly voice soon informed the man from before.

Hadrian then felt footsteps nearing over his body.The man then kneeled near him with a thud and after checking his pulse and after making sure that the child was alive.

"The boy is indeed alive but I am afraid he needs to be given medical attention and that to before the night comes or the winter will for sure claim another soul,"The man replied gravely as he took the boy in his arms and carried him with caution as he got up and started walking slowly.

"Search the houses and see if something can be used as a first aid.We need to make sure that the child survives for atleast a week so that we can hunt down the fallen and then head back to the nearest settlement to give him a proper medical treatment,"The lord said after a while.

Kaizen then carried Hadrian to one of the houses in the ruins and gently put him down on the surface.Kaizen then lit a fire nearby to keep Hadrian warm.He then left the house to look for first aid.

'Judging by their words,I can conclude that I have indeed been transmigrated to another world and that to in a body of a boy who is gravely injured due to someone called fallen,'Hadrian tried to put together things that he heard and felt.

It was not longer before someone entered the house and sat near him.

"Count yourself lucky child,if it was not for my lord and I investigating the fallen's tracks and finding you in time"—Ahh,it was the man named kaizen, Hadrian deduced upon hearing his husky voice.

It took a while for kaizen to find every injury,clean the wounds,apply an antibiotic, stitch them all and finally cover his wounds with bandage.

"Ahh,it's all I could do,now you should be fine ,"Kaizen said as he finally completed with the treatment with tremendous focus."Although you suffered a wound near your heart,you still managed to make it alive huh,your a tough child,"Kaizen continued as he gave one last look over Hadrian.

'This fcker,does he not know the existence of anesthesia,'Hadrian thought as he felt the type of pain he had never before.If only he could shout,then he would have for sure made kaizen deaf by now.

"Kaizen,it seems like you are done with providing medication to the boy,"The lord from before said as he entered the house and took a look .

"That I did,my lord,but that's all thanks to the fact that there were enough supplies in these ruins—"Kaizen paused as he gave Hadrian a look—"The child unfortunately seems to be suffering from Transient blindnes due to insufficient blood flow to the eye and also from temporary mutism due to reasons unknown."

"That's unfortunate but there's nothing we can do except hope that he gets better on his own or survive till we slay the fallen and then we can take him to a medic,"The lord replied with a hint of pity.

'Well as long as it's not permanent .Although what am I supposed to do now?I can feel most of my body now and given a little time ,I should be able to move just about fine.Lets just wait and hear this lord's and Kaizen's conversation.'Hadrian was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice when Kaizen came close and carried him in his arms again.

"Don't be cautious,we have decided that it would be better if u accompany us for this week rather than being all alone in this ruins with the fallen rampant and also beasts that are bound to come here to feast at all these bodies",Kaizen explained his reasons as he carried Hadrian all the way to a horse.He then carefully lifted Hadrian on top the horse while he sat behind him to make sure Hadrian doesn't fall.

"Give me a little shake if you feel sick or nauseas on the way as it might be a while till we find somewhere to stop,"Kaizen said trying to make sure Hadrian was not feeling uncomfortable or sick.

Hadrian nodded in response even tho even doing that caused him a lot a pain.He now needed to gain knowledge about this new world and what was faster then travelling with two hunters who were out for the blood of a fallen.

It was a long and peaceful journey.There was no other sound then his and kaisen hearbeats and the two horses footsteps on the pale .Although the peace was interrupted suddenly by the Lord sudden ly raising his hand and gesturing to halt.

"Let's stop here for the night,"The lord said as he climbed down his horse.

Soon after that kaizen carried Hadrian as he jumped from the horse with a thud.After finding some wood,kaisen lit a fire and made Hadrian sit at a comfortable distance while he went out to hunt something to eat for the three of them.

Hadrian enjoyed the moments of warmth and silence .He really like a quiet and warmth atmosphere and moments like this made him love those more.Suddenly,out of the blue,a ray of light hit him in the face like a truck.

He quickly closed his eyes and opened them after gaining a bit composure.He saw a fire burning in all its glory before him providing warmth to his cold body.He then saw himself sitting on a pile of snow as white as Santa's beard.He then looked at himself and realised that his body looked like that of a boy in his early teens.Most of his body was covered his bandages except his legs and his right arm.

"I c-can see,"He blurted those words out in a rather raspy voice.

"Well it was only a matter of time that you did so kid,"It was the lord who he kept hearing from when he was blind.

He was sitting at the opposite side of the fire looking at him with cold grey eyes that seemed to contain the entirety of winter in them and matching long grey hair.He seemed to be a man on his thirties who has experienced and survived many trials and battles due to the various scars on his pale almost white skin.Although he was sitted,it was not hard to say that he was a tall and rugged main.He wore a black robe and pants and seemed ineffected by the cold.

But the main attraction was the long sword that was beside him.It was the lord's closest and oldest companion.The one that was with him through all his victories and also his losses.It had an intimidating appearance and edge so sharp that even a touch might leave a scar.

"This beauty is Malum"—The lord said suddenly which surprised Hadrian—"It's my only other companion other than that dork,Kaisen,"He finished with a smile.

"So,you gotta a name boy?,"The man asked simply and waited for the response.

"It's Hadrian,And if I may ask , What's your name stranger?,"Hadrian replied with a question of his own.He didn't want to call someone lord ,so he asked his name while also being sure not to be rude as that man sitting infront of him was strong, strong enough to sent shivers down his spine with a simple gaze.

"Stranger,huh,that has a nice ring to it—The man chuckled—but if you need a name then you can call me,Salvus."The man or now Salvus anwered Hadrian's question.

Suddenly,a footsteps begun approach their settlement.Upon arriving it revealed to be a boy in his late teens with black hair and rather bright black eyes.He seemed tall for his age and his skin was of fair complexion.He wore a brown shirt ,pants and leather boots and had a sword in a scabbard in his right hand.There was also the fact that he was gifted in the looks department.

"Traces...I found traces of the fallen,at North from here ,"The boy said while huffing from all the running.

'That's kaizen huh,'Hadrian realised after hearing his voice.He was a little suprise as earlier he thought kaizen was a grown adult but now that he could see,he realised how wrong he was.

"I am sorry, Hadrian,but we have to leave at once or we might fall behind,"Salvus said in hurry as he got up and lifted his longsword with one hand and put it inside a circle that appeared in his other hand.He then climbed up at his horse and gestured for them to hurry soon.

Hadrian was mesmerized by the scene before him that he didn't realise when Kaizen picked him up and started walking towards their horse.He wanted to say something but decided it was better to just observe the situation for now.

No sooner did they mounted the horse that they heard a scream.A scream so horrifying that it caused Hadrian to fear for his life.He knew what it meant know to go near that fallen,it meant death.

"Calm yourself,My lord is here with us and he is not someone who will lose to a fallen who hasn't even mature yet,"Kaizen said assuringly trying to stop Hadrian from shaking.

Hadrian reprimanded himself at his own cowardice.He had already died once and didn't care if it happened a second time.

"Time to hunt the fallen kiddos,just stay behind and support me if needed,"Salvus said as picked up his pace and rushed towards the abhorring scream.

Hadrian could feel his curiosity rising.

'I have to find out if a Fallen bleeds red too,'Hadrian thought excitedly as he was not longer trapped by the feeling of death.He now look forward to meeting the fallen as the moon in nightsky shone a bright red.