
Ruin of Heaven

This story is the record of the journey of a mortal who received a second chance in the form of another life.It is the record of struggles and success faced by Hadrian in his new life.He is thrown into the body of someone who has scars of his own to be discovered.He becomes intrigued by this new and wild life.He forms new bonds and begins a new journey which may ultimately lead to his own....demise?The boundaries between his past and present life begins to thin until all that is left......is salvation.

NamelessPioneer · Fantasi
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5 Chs

A deeper Understanding

Hadrian knew that his question may not be answered but he still needed to give it a shot. Depending upon Kaizen's answer would he decide whether to seperate himself from the pair of lord and servant after he recovers or tag along with them and gain knowledge about this world.

"I am sorry to say, but the only thing ,I can reveal at the moment,is that I am just a humble servant who follows the path that my lord has decided to take".

Kaizen's answer was unsurprisingly as vague as Hadrian predicted it would be.

'He probably doesn't trust me yet. I don't mind it as it means that I am with someone who knows that even a weak person can defeat you if they have all the knowledge about you'.

'But it doesn't mean I can't try to dig out information from him later on'.

Hadrian's internal monologue echoed through the dimly lit chamber. The cryptic response from Kaizen, the enigmatic lord, left him with more questions than answers. Yet, Hadrian's determination burned brighter than ever. He had survived death, transmigrated into a new world , and was currently residing in a ruined body. Now, he faced a different kind of challenge—one that required not just physical strength, but cunning and wit.

As he lay there, recovering from his injuries,

His mind raced, weaving threads of possibility. Perhaps Kaizen held the key—some knowledge that would earn him a favour from Salvus. As the servant's role was more significant than it seemed. Could he learn from Salvus, shadowing him like a silent apprentice? The path ahead split into diverging trails, each shrouded in mist.

Hadrian resolved to be patient. Trust would come with time, and secrets would unravel. For now, he would observe, listen, and gather fragments of understanding. The dance of power awaited him, and he would learn its steps—one cautious, silent movement at a time.

And so, as the fire flickered in at the side, Hadrian closed his eyes, envisioning the currents of something unknown flowing around him. He would rise, not just as a weakling, but as a seeker—an unraveler of mysteries, a weaver of fate. The world held its breath, unaware of the forces converging within its hidden corners.

And so, he waited—for answers, for revelations, and for the moment when the veil would lift, revealing the truth that lay beyond the enigma of Kaizen.


The Fallen somehow managed to escape from Salvus' attacks.It realised since a while ago that it's opponent was not someone it could defeat in it's current phase.

The Fallen had began to develop some sense of rational thinking during the fight and after a moment it decided that retreat was the best course of action for now. Afterall,making a masterpiece of an art takes time and preparation.

Salvus' could feel victory at a distance.But he realised all of it was futile until he could find the core. After taking a good look of the fallen he could see a red light coming from the cracks of the exoskeleton at it's chest area .

'Time to put an end to this pathetic lifeform',Salvus thought as he picked up his longsword and covered it in profectio as he dashed forward to finish the battle.

After a clash of blade and exoskeleton.It was Salvus who had the upperhand.Each swing of his sword pushed the fallen back untill it lost it's balance by a powerful blow and laid fallen on the snow,defeated by a human.

As Salvus' blade pierced the fallen's core that resided at it's chest, a sudden shift occurred. The Fallen convulsed, its exoskeleton crackling with energy. The blue glow in its eyes intensified, and for a moment, it seemed as if the fallen would explode.

But then, with a blinding flash, it vanished.

Salvus stumbled forward, sword now impaling empty air. The battlefield echoed with his bewildered curses. How had the creature escaped? Had it teleported? Disintegrated?

As the snow settled, the answer revealed itself. The creature had left behind a holographic projection—a perfect replica of its form. The swordsman's blade had pierced nothing but light and illusion.

The fallen was adapting, learning, evolving mid-battle. Perhaps it wasn't just a mindless beast—it had consciousness, strategy.

For in battles beyond steel and sparks, wits and strategy prevailed. And the freshly evolved fallen had proven itself a master of both.


The bleeding moon hung low, casting ominous blood red threads upon the land of snow. Hadrian, wounded and bewildered, clung to the edge of consciousness. His memory was a fractured mosaic—his mysterious demise, blood-soaked earth, and the sudden tranmigration.

Hadrian was laying on the hard surface, his body swathed in bandages—a living tapestry of pain and resilience. The silver-white strands of his hair clung to his forehead, damp with sweat. His skin bore the pallor of a moonlit night. The room's dim light traced the contours of his face—the sharp jawline, the curve of his lips, and two dull grey eyes that hid his curious nature.

"It seems like your recovering at a good pace,Hadrian,at this rate it might recover in the span of week ".

Salvus' voice caught Hadrian off-guard.He saw Salvus standing infront of him with eyes that contained curiosity.

"I think it's due to the Profectio that flows in his body that accelerated his recovery speed".

Kaizen who was standing behind Salvus spoke up as he voiced his opinion and gave his reason behind the recovery speed.

"So you , yourself were not aware of it,huh. You must have manifested it subconsciously then. A rare phenomenon is it".

Salvus' said after seeing the expression of confusion that still lingered on Hadrian's face.

"Maybe, I don't know. I don't even know what a Perfectio is? Let alone how I manifested it subconsciously".

Hadrian voiced out his confusion and waited for them to explain the foreign and yet familiar term.

"Perfectio, my friend, is more than mere power; it's the very essence that bridges the gap between vulnerability and might. Imagine it as a cosmic force, woven into the fabric of existence since time immemorial. This energy permeates all realms, waiting to be harnessed by those who seek its secrets".

"To wield Perfectio effectively, one must understand its nature intimately. It's not a brute force; rather, it flows within us like lifeblood. Picture it coursing through your veins, connecting you to the very essence of creation. When mastered, Perfectio transforms a novice into a formidable adversary—one who can perform miracles and defy fate".

It was Kaizen who started the explanation but it was Salvus who finished it.

"Although, It's complex but I think I get the gist of it".

Hadrian's mind spun like a gyroscope caught in a tempest. The room, the bandages, even his own body—all faded into insignificance against the weight of this revelation. Perfectio, a term that echoed through the ages, now coursed through his veins. But what did it mean? What purpose did it serve?

He closed his eyes, seeking clarity amidst the storm of thoughts:

Hadrian imagined it—a river of light winding through his bones, pulsing with forgotten memories. Was this why he clung to life despite wounds that should have claimed him?

Salvus spoke of miracles—of bending reality. Could he heal others? Unravel time? And defiance—against fate itself. Hadrian's grey eyes narrowed. Fate had dealt him a cruel hand; perhaps it was time to shuffle the deck.

He opened his eyes, meeting Salvus' gaze.

"What about the fallen?",Hadrian would take his time thinking of Perfectio late. "Did you kill it",For now he asked the question that he was most curious of.

"I underestimated it," Salvus admitted, voice low. "The Fallen adapts. Learns. It managed to trick me and escape."

"Our next move?" Hadrian asked, voice raw.

Salvus clenched his fists. "We hunt".

The room seemed to hold its breath, awaiting their resolve. The bleeding moon bore witness, casting crimson upon their intertwined destinies. Battles were won not only with blades but with cunning—the Fallen had taught them that much.

"So,when do we begin the hunt?",Hadrian said with a small smile at the aspect of seeing what Salvus' was capable of .

He wouldn't run away this time not even when danger loomed over his head .

Salvus chuckled, a rare glimmer of camaraderie. "I like your spirit, kid. We'll track its traces at sunrise."

"And if we fail?"

Salvus turned, eyes flinty. "Then you'll be another whisper in the wind." His words carried weight. "Remember, power isn't just about manifesting Perfectio or wielding a weapon. It's about choices—when to strike, when to withhold. Rest now, Hadrian. Tomorrow, your journey begins."

As Salvus and kaizen stepped out of the room, Hadrian's mind raced. Fate had dealt him a cruel hand, but perhaps defiance was the wild card he needed. Tomorrow, he'd step into the unknown, chasing echoes of the Fallen and unraveling secrets woven into moonlight.

He cleared off his head from any thoughts and decided to get the much needed rest. He closed his eyes and after a while drifted away into the realm of dreams and nightmare.
