
Dispensing Smoke Pac’s Will  

"Smoke Pac! Smoke Pac!" The worry was quite audible in Himeko's voice as she landed beside Smoke Pac to discover his lifeless body. She got scared, so she screamed, "Oh my God! He's dead! Smoke Pac is dead! Who will take care of us now? What am I going to do without him? Oh no, oh no."

"Himeko..." Rodent and the other members of the gang arrived a bit later to see her heightened level of distress and Smoke Pac's body in her hand. They were all terrified, none more than Himeko; she was inconsolable.

"Don't cry. It won't bring him back. Don't go overboard with your emotions okay." Nikurga tried to console her, but she wasn't paying attention; instead, she was sobbing uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry…" Rodent told her, but she continued crying. She didn't hear him at all.