
Leveling up

Arriving at the outskirts of the Forest he saw a

[Adult Wolf](Common monster)

Level 4

HP 200

The wolf appeared to be searching for food in a bush" perfect" Alex thought and formed a plan in his mind, from his previous encounters with the level 2 and 3 wolf's he gathered that they could detect him by smelling him even if he hid behind a rock but only if he was in a 3 or 4 meter radius so he is pretty sure that this one can detect him in a 5 meter radius.

To be safe Alex stopped going towards the wolf when he was 6 meters away then he looked for a tree which he will use as cover and cast a Fireball this was his first time using the spell as Ice arrow was faster which makes it a lot better to hunt wolves as they are agile monsters

but for this situation it was perfect as it would take 2 seconds to hit the wolf because of that he instantly started casting an Ice arrow.



Both spell hit the wolf almost at the same time this caused the wolf to jump up and look around then:


Another Ice arrow hit the wolf but it couldn't see the attacker then the wolf saw something glowing to his left and ran towards it, while running it got hit by 2 more Ice arrow's. Once the wolf arrived at the glowing light it had already disappeared and the wolf was clueless again this continued for 2 more minutes until the wolf finally died.

System: Level 4 Adult wolf killed. Level differences 4. Exp obtained increased by 400%. Obtained.75 EXP

"Finally, Alex thought that took like 12 spells, to confuse the wolf Alex would cast fireballs away from him targeting trees so whenever the wolf arrived at the fireball it would have already crashed against a tree. He also made sure to move away from the wolf so it couldn't smell him, overall it was a solid plan the only downside being that he has to cast an extra 4 fireballs but without them he would never be able to kill a Level 4 monster but now he questioned if it was even worth it all of that just to get 75 EXP.

That's when he went over to the corpse to see if anything dropped he saw a pair of boots and a couple of copper coins

[Simple Leather Boots](Common Equipment)

Level 3

Agility +3

Defense +2

Durability 20/20

" Guess that makes up for the difficulty every common equipment should be worth at least a Silver at the moment plus i have the quest for the hide so I'll get more EXP from that to make up for the slow kill rate"

So after picking the boots up he rested for a while to regenerate some MP and went to look for his next target and hunt them using the same tactic.

About 40 minutes later Alex was enveloped in a golden shower signifying that he had levelt up, he instantly used his new attributes the same way as before.The weakness of Elementalist had also become apparent for him as he had to spent as much time resting as it took him to hunt a wolf but because of the level up his MP had filled up again now sitting at 175 so now he had to make a decision solo he would need to kill 27 wolves to level up again but he'd need at least 864 MP so even though he had a quest it may not be efficient enough he would need to use his water for it to be, or he could try and find a group to do it with which meant it would probably take twice as long but he wouldn't be in danger of dying and still have his water.

And then he realized that it was never a decision as he would gain way more from doing it solo the beginner consumables were meant to be used anyways. He'd also have to split any drops from the dead wolves and they were the main attraction anyways.

With the decision made Alex set out to hunt as he killed one after another he became better and better exactly knowing how far he had to stay away from them and how to lure them he also learned how to split groups of wolfs up, he achieved this by laying a small controlled fire with the help of fireball and then using another one as a distraction to lure one of the wolves away because of this the time needed to hunt and kill a wolf went down from an average of 5 minutes to 4, then as he was killing his 10th he got a message he completely forgot about.

System: Ice Arrow levelt up

After finishing up

Ice Arrow. Active skill.Deals 10 points of damage base. Mana cost 2 Skill Level: 2 (Proficiency 6/600)

Its base damage had doubled which meant he could now deal 23 damage with each Ice Arrow and it will only take 9 Ice spears or 8 plus a Fireball if he can ambush them correctly.

Because of this it only took him an hour to finish off the rest of the wolves and become level 3.

But EXP wasn't the only thing he gained; he also got 3 copper for each kill, 9 hides and 3 pieces of equipment, sadly one of them being a chest plate restricted to warriors and weapon specialists. All of them dropped at level 3 which means he can equip them now. After doing so and spending his new attributes he opened his Attribute panel:

Character: Nightmare (Human)

Affiliated Kingdom: Twin Tower Kingdom

Title: None

Class: Elementalist

Level: 3

HP: 75/75

MP 300/300

Magical Attack Power: 27

Defense: 9

Attack Speed: 8

Movement Speed: 8

Attributes: Strength 2, Agility 11, Endurance 2, Intelligence 12, Vitality 5..

Free Attribute Points: 4

Spell Mastery:

Fire Mastery +5 (Apprentice Rank - Increases Fire Damage by 5%)

Frost Mastery + 5 (Apprentice Rank - Increases Frost Damage by 5%)

Free Mastery Points: 0

Class Talent:

Elementalist Talent 1: Elemental-related Mastery +5

Elementalist Talent 2: Obtain 8 Free Mastery Points every 5 Levels.

Elementalist Talent 3:Elemental-related skills proficiency increased by 50%.


FireBall. Active skill. Deals 5 points of damage base. Mana cost 2 Skill Level: 1 (Proficiency 36/300)

Ice Arrow. Active skill.Deals 5 points of damage base. Mana cost 2 Skill Level: 2 (Proficiency 150/600)


[Simple Leather Boots](Common Equipment)

Level 3

Agility +2

Defense +2

Durability 20/20

[Simple Leather Shoulder Pats]

Level 3

Intelligenz +2

Defense +2

[Simple Leather Cap]

Level 3


Defense +2

Durability 20/20

[Elementalist's Robe] (Gray Trash)

Level 0

Defense +1

Durability 8/10

[Novice Wand] (Gray Trash)

Level 0

Equipment Requirement: Intelligence 3

Magical Attack Power +3

Durability 4/15

Seeing his stats he was satisfied being solo and hunting high level monsters had paid off he guessed that common equipment was very rare at this point of the game as it had been released about 3 hours ago.

While wandering around in the forest he had found an area with Forest Wolves they seemed to be patrolling around a cave, he guessed it was the location of a Wolf den but from what he had observed 4 of them were outside at all times and 1 could be seen at the entrance.

This was too much to handle for him so maybe he could try and find a group to raid it together.

But for now he'll return to the White Leaf Town to restock his consumables, sell the chestplate and complete his quest. Maybe he'll find a good group as well to raid the wolf den.

As he was returning he could see groups of players hunting wolves most of them were in groups of at least 3 people with a tank and 2 damage dealer some of them had a healer as well though almost none of them had any equipment so he attracted a lot of attention on his way back though nobody dared to talk to him. He knew most of these players were casuals as he had seen some teams hunting wolves in the forest, in these teams it was a lot more common to have equipment. These teams were also the ones he wanted to raid the wolf's den with.

Once in town the first thing he did was go to the Tailor shop as he entered Tailor Martin welcomed him "back so soon adventurer I hope u brought many hides with u"

Walking up to him Alex said"Yes I managed to collect 3 hides of baby wolves, 4 from Level 2 Teenage wolves, 3 from Level 3 Teenage wolves and 9 from Adult Wolves." Alex then gave them all to Tailor Martin.

System: Common Quest "gather wolf hides" completed. Rewarding 560 EXP, 112 Copper.

This was the power of a collection quest even though it was just a normal quest the rewards were very good as he had collected a lot of hides.

After the tailor thanked him he left the shop and went towards the marketplace to sell his chestplate and buy a new weapon.

He now had 232 Copper or 2 Silver and 32 Copper he planned to use 1 Silver in combination with his chestplate to get a new weapon and some magic water, the upgraded version of the one he was using at the moment. Magic Water price is 5 Copper but it regenerates 30 MP per second So having 10 was enough for now. After spending 50 Copper on it he went towards a stall which was selling different trash and common weapons. "Excuse me how much for the Common wand over there."

The shopkeeper replied "2 Silver and 10 Copper the prices are not negotiable"

"What if I give you this common chestplate as well?"

"In that case 1 Silver and you got yourself a deal"

"It's a deal then"

While they were trading Alex curiously asked" How come you already sell so many pieces of equipment?"

Smiling, the shopkeeper replied" I sell all the equipment my friends get dropped and don't really need and I'm responsible for looking out for any pieces they might need were a small community which decided we all would have an advantage if we bounded together."

"Can you ask your friends if they're interested in raising a Wolf den?"

"Sure but you can ask them yourself they should be coming over in a couple of minutes"

While waiting Alex equip his new Wand

[Common Wood Wand"

Level 3

Magic Attack power: +6

Durability 30/30

Equipment Requirement: Intelligence 8

Remeber this is the beginner area Monsters are easier to kill and with that his leveling speed will also go down

The_last_Guardincreators' thoughts