
Royalty in the Big City

DaoistjRGFOe · Masa Muda
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Royalty in the big city

The castle sat on top of a hill surrounded by lush gardens and a winding creek that Katherine and her sister, Claire, had played in as little girls. Growing up as princesses in the castle, the sisters experienced many wonderful things, but life was not always there to support them. On many occasions, Katherine would hear her parents fighting. They fought so much that Katherine thought that her parents shouldn't have gotten married in the first place. Their parents would say they loved each other but Katherine was always questioning their love for each other. Katherine promised herself that one day when she gets married that she would never fight in front of her kids because she didn't want to end up like her parents. Katherine took her parents' divorce very hard; she would cry almost everyday trying to see past the barrier of love once provided.

Her parents took on a divorce when she was 10 and her sister, nearly 6. For the longest time, Katherine wished that her parents would get back together but she gave up when she realized how much her father's words had affected the rest of her family in such a negative aspect. She searched for hours trying to find the main cause of their divorce, only finding more secrets to unlock. These secrets tore her heart apart. Not only was her father an alcoholic and an unruly presence on the household, he was a dissatisfactory influence on the kingdom. He was not In any way fit to take care of his family let alone, their kingdom.

England, 2015

One day, Katherine was in the ballroom dancing to classical music with her sister, when her father, William, casually strolled in and kidnapped her sister. She tried to stop him but she wasn't strong enough.

That day was the first time she had seen her father in 5 years. Princess Katherine was distraught . Every palace guard they had was out looking for her sister.

Weeks had passed and they still hadn't found Princess Claire. Princess Katherine was about to give up hope when her mother came running to her with Claire in her arms. She was so happy to see Claire she collapsed to the floor crying.

2020 - New York City, NY

Princess Katherine had always wanted to go to America because she knew she would be able to attend a great college and study childhood development. New York University had the best childhood development program in the U.S.. She took her classes in England very seriously so she could get a full scholarship to NYU without having to pay a single dollar. She had the money to go to college even if she didn't get a full scholarship to NYU. She loved her sister so much that she invited her sister to go with her to America. The only thing was that she was not allowed to do is let anyone know that they were royalty for their safety. Their mother didn't go with them even though she really wanted to, but she had a kingdom to take care of!

A week later, Princess Katherine and Princess Claire had to go shopping because Katherine had to be in Manhattan in 2 months. They had to go shopping soon because Katherine had to get legal papers saying that she was Claire's legal guardian for when they went to New York. Katherine had to be Claire's legal guardian because Claire was only 13 and she could not live alone. Before they went shopping, they had to find a house for them to live in while they were living in New York. They decided to ask their mother for help, because the only place that they had lived was the palace. A week later, they had found a place. They were going to move in one month, so they had less time than they thought.

Katherine had one less thing to worry about so she was happy. But a lot of other things had to work out if Katherine and Claire were to move to New York in one month. Three weeks had passed and it was only one week until they moved to New York. Katherine was officially Claire's guardian and their house was ready to move into. The only thing they had left to do was go shopping. Their mother gave them 1 million dollars to spend. They had to get all new clothes because the only thing they had were gowns and if they were going to fit in they weren't going to wear gowns to school. So first they had to get 20 shirts each and they had to get 10 pairs of jeans each and 10 pairs of shorts each and 5 pairs of shoes each.

A week later it was time to say goodbye to their mother and everyone they cared for. They got their suitcases and got onto their private jet. It took them about 8.5 hours to land in New York. The first thing they had to do was go to a car dealership and get a car. They picked out a small suv. They really liked it. They bought the car and then they were off to get to their house and unload all their stuff. There was already furniture in their house because a week before they left their mother had a famous designer come to their house and decide where all the furniture would go and they were amazed because it looked so pretty. Their house has 6 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms. They had the most beautiful garden in their backyard. They had a really big kitchen and a really big living room.

They had a month before school started for the both of them so they decided to go sightseeing. They were surprised at how many people there were and how crowded it was and how much traffic there was. When they were sight seeing a guy about 19 years old knocked into Katherine and she dropped her bag. He was such a gentleman. He bent down and helped Katherine pick up her things.

"You are new here aren't you?'' He asked.

"Is it that obvious?" Katherine asked.

"Not that much. My name is Josh."

"My name is Kat."

"It's nice to meet you," they both said at the same time.

"You know I can show you girls around if you want," said Josh.

"Yes that would be great," she said. "Oh and by the way this is my sister Claire."

As they walk down the street Katherine says in her English accent,

"We just moved here from England, I will be starting school at NYU in a month."

"Oh cool I will also be going to NYU in the fall. Now what school will you be going to Claire?" Josh asked.

"I will be in the 8th grade at East Side Middle School," Claire answered.

"I have a brother also going into the 8th grade at East Side middle school too, maybe one of these days we could get together and hang out," Josh said.

Katherine and Claire both say "That would be awesome." at the same time.

Katherine then asks "What's your brother's name?''

"My brother's name is Max."

"Wow it's getting late I think we should head back to the house Claire, here's my number call/text me when you get the chance." Katherine says

"Thanks I will hope to see you around soon" Josh says

"Hope to see you soon too, have a goodnight Josh." Then Josh just smiles and says, "Goodnight Kat."

On the car ride home Claire looks at Katherine and says, "You guys were totally flirting."

Katherine says "He is super cute and his smile is cute too."

Later that evening Katherine gets a text. She reads it and then she smiles because it's a text from Josh. It says

"Hey it's Josh I had a really good time tonight we should hang out soon?"

"I had a really good time tonight too, I would love to hang out sometime just give me time and date.

"How about Wednesday night at 7:30 at Carmine's Italian restaurant." Josh says back.

"Sure I would love to go out to eat at Carmine's, I have never been there before but if you are buying I will come. Is this a date?''

"It can be if you want it to." Josh says back.

"Well I want it to be." Katherine says

"Then it's a date.Goodnight Kat."

"Goodnight Josh."

The next day around 10 am Katherine and Claire go out to breakfast at Friedman's and there they bump into Josh and his brother Max. Katherine invites them to sit down. And they accept.

"Are you excited for our date tomorrow?" Josh asks.

"Yes I am very excited for our date," Katherine replies.

"What date?" Claire asks.

"Sorry Claire. I forgot to mention that Josh asked me out last night." Katherine says.

"Can I speak to you real quick,privately?" Claire asks.


As they leave the restaurant to speak privately Katherine asks, "what's up?"

"Why didn't you tell me that Josh asked you out?"

"I forgot."

"No you didn't, you just didn't want to tell me," Claire says.

Meanwhile back in the restaurant Josh says to himself "I think I got her in trouble with her little sister."

Josh asks Max, "What do you think about Claire?"

"She's really pretty," Max replies.

"Just like her older sister," Josh says with a smile.

Meanwhile back outside, the sisters are still arguing.

"I didn't tell you because i didn't know how you would feel about me going out with a guy I just met," Katherine tells Claire.

"We are sisters and I love you and I want you to be able to talk to me about things like boys," Claire tells her. They hug and then they walk back into the restaurant.

"I didn't mean to get you in trouble. I am just really excited about our date tomorrow and i just want to let the whole world know," Josh whispers to Katherine.

The next afternoon, Katherine is getting ready for her date. She goes to get her hair, nails, toes, and makeup done. Before she knows it it's 6:30 and Josh arrives to pick Katherine up for their date. When Josh rings the doorbell Claire answers the door. Claire says to Josh,

"We need to have a talk." So they go outside to talk because Claire doesn't want Katherine to hear what they are saying. Claire starts by asking Josh,

"How old are you."

"I am almost 19."

"Have you ever gotten arrested?"

"Nope," Josh says with a grin. "Can I take your sister out on a date now? I will have her home before 11, I promise." "Okay then. Have fun!"

"Thanks we will."

Katherine comes down the stairs looking very pretty. Josh says,

"Wow you look amazing Kat!"

"Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself!"

"Thank you," Josh replies with his signature grin from ear to ear. Then they are off.

As they get in the car they start to talk about their childhood but Katherine can't say much without exposing herself. She says that when she was little her sister was kidnapped and that she was gone for two weeks and how her dad was the one who kidnapped her sister. When they get to the restaurant all they talk about are their lives. As the waiter walks Katherine and Josh over to their booth Josh and katherine stare into each other's eyes but when they sit down Katherine sees one of the palace guards staring at her and then she asks Josh "Will you excuse me for a minute I see someone I know". Josh says "Sure." She walks over to where the palace guard is sitting in a booth all by himself she asks him "George did my mother send you." He says "Yes." Katherine says "Well I am on a date so you can go back to England and tell my mother that I am perfectly okay taking care of myself and tell her to send no more guards and tell her if she wants to see how I am doing she can call me." Then Katherine walks back over to the booth where Josh is. Katherine says " I am so sorry this is our night and I just left right in the beginning." Josh says "It's ok I get the whole night with you. I am the luckiest man in the world."

Katherine says " That's the most beautiful thing I have ever heard."

As the night comes to an end Josh pays for the dinner and then they both thank the waiter for his service and then they leave. As Josh walks Katherine to her door he presses his lips on hers and then lets go and then she presses her lips on his and starts to run her hands through his soft dark brown hair and he pulls her waist closer to his and then she lets go and kisses him one more time on the lips and then says "Goodnight Josh." and then he says "Goodnight Kat." Then she walks inside the house and looks out the window to see if she still sees him and she does and she waves and him and then he waves back.

3 weeks later. The first day of school for Katherine and Claire. Katherine drops Claire of at school and then she drives herself to school. The first thing Katherine sees when she gets to school is Josh. They have been dating for 3 weeks. When they see each other they walk towards each other and then they kiss for a long time. He puts his hands on her waist and he says "Hey girlfriend." and then Katherine says "Hey boyfriend,I like the sound of that." and then they kiss again and then they realize they are gonna be late for class. As they walk separate ways because their lockers are on different ends of the hallway they realize that they have the exact same schedule and that they both want to major in childhood development and then after they realize that they are in the same class they sit right next to each other and they hold hands the entire time. They hold hands in the hallway to their next class and then when they sit down they hold hands and then they sneak a quick kiss before each class and after. And Katherine realizes she has to leave and pick up Claire so she says "Bye babe" to Josh and then she gets in her car and goes to pick up Claire. Katherine texts Josh and asks "Do you want to meet up later"

Josh texts back "Sure where at?"

Katherine texts back and says "How about you bring Max and yourself and come eat dinner at my place tonight." Josh texts " Sure be there at 6."

As 6 rolls around Katherine looks outside the window to see if Josh and Max are there. They aren't there yet but she sees a familiar face it's her dad walking down the street. Before Katherine has the chance to confront her father Josh pulls up in his big black truck and then gets out and knocks on the door. Katherine answers the door and then Josh comes in and he kisses Katherine on the lips and just walks right in and gives her some flowers she can put on the table. And then Katherine says, "Dinner's almost ready." Josh sneaks up on Katherine in the kitchen and kisses her on the cheek and asks "What's for dinner?" and then she answers with "We are having pot roast and mashed potatoes." Josh then says "That's my favorite." Katherine says "I know. That's why I made it."

Josh tells Katherine that his cousin Danny is coming into town this week and that he wants them to meet.

3 days later. Josh texts Katherine and "Hey my cousin Danny and I are at Friedman's come meet us."

Katherine texts back saying "Ok on my way." So Katherine gets in her car and heads to Friedman's to meet Josh and his cousin Danny. As soon as Katherine gets to Friedman's Danny stares at her like he knows her. But he doesn't know her because the only place she has been is England. As soon as she goes to sit down next to Josh she is hit with a kiss from Josh.

Katherine asks "What was that for?"

Josh says "Because you're my girlfriend."

Katherine asks Danny "Where are you from Danny?" Danny says "I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. Josh would come and visit me in my beach house every summer. He is so lucky to have you in his life Katherine."

Josh says "Thanks bro, yeah she's the best girlfriend ever." Then Josh kisses Katherine on the cheek.

"Well I should get going",Katherine says. I have a lot of school work to do and i need to help Claire with her homework. Katherine kisses Josh and then leaves.

Danny asks Josh "Who's Claire?"

Josh says "Claire is Katherine's sister. She is raising her." Danny asks " Why does she have to raise her?

Josh's response was "Because her mom had to stay back in England. And her dad is out of the picture."

Danny says "Your girlfriend is hot."

Josh says " Hey man i am the only one that can say that about her. And if you have a problem with that you can go back to California."

Danny gets angry and says "I don't even know why she's attracted to you she's the cute one."

Josh gets angry and says "You need to leave town and not come back."

Then Danny says "Well i am not leaving without saying bye to your girlfriend."

Josh asks "What do you mean?"

Danny said "I am taking your girlfriend with me"

Josh said "No you're not" Then Danny took off in his car and then Josh went after him but he got away. Danny went after Katherine but he didn't know where she lived so he followed Josh because he would go to Katherine's. As soon as Josh gets to Katherine's he looks around and realizes that Danny isn't here. Danny still doesn't know what house Katherine lives in. Josh sees Danny walk up to him. And Josh punches Danny out cold. Josh brings Danny to Katherine's because maybe now that has seen Katherine he will leave on his own. 30 minutes later Danny wakes up.

He overheard Katherine saying to Josh "Dang Josh you knocked him out cold."

Danny says "Yeah you sure did it hurts bad right here" Josh says "Oh boo hoo. You tried to kidnap my girlfriend. I will book you a plane ride back to Los Angeles tonight." Danny says "Well I am telling my mom on you."

Josh's reply is "First of all that's really childish and I am going to tell your mom what you did so you will not be able to come back to New York ever again."

1 year later

Josh and Katherine are still dating and Max and Claire are now dating as they go into 9th grade. Josh and Katherine are celebrating their one year anniversary at the place they had their first date, which is at Carmine's Italian restaurant.

Katherine gets a text from Josh saying "Hey are you excited for our 1 year anniversary date tonight."

Katherine responds with "Heck yes.''

Josh says "I am so happy you are my girlfriend."

Katherine says "Me too <3." As Katherine is getting ready for her big night she decides to take a break and walk around the block. Out of nowhere this car comes and hits her. Her dad was there when it happened and he takes her to the hospital immediately because if he had called an ambulance they wouldn't have got there in time. As soon as Josh hears what happened he rushes to the hospital.

They don't let him see her because he is not family and he asks "Can you just put me down for family because I was going to ask her to marry me tonight but i couldn't because she got hit by a car?" The lady at the front lets him see Katherine because he was very persuasive. He is surprised when he sees Katherine's dad [he doesn't know that that man is her father].

Josh asks Katherine's father "Who are you?"

Katherine dad says "My name is William,I am Katherine's father. Who are you?"

Josh asks "Wait your the man who kidnaps his own daughter when she was only 8 years old? Oh and by the way i am Katherine's Boyfriend almost fiance."

William says "Yep that was me but it wasn't that simple.Katherine's Mother Queen Annabelle would not let me see my own daughter. I had no choice."

Josh asks "What do you mean Queen Annabelle?"

William asks "Wait you didn't know that Katherine and Claire are royalty?" Josh says "No i didn't know. We have more pressing matters than the woman that i am going to marry is a princess. Do you have any idea who hit her? William says "I don't know who hit her but i know the licence plate letters."

Josh asks "Wait the licence plate was in all letters. What were the letters?

William said "The licence plate spelled out Danny. Do you know who that is?

Josh says "Yes i know who hit her. It was my cousin." William said "Wait what your cousin did this to my baby girl."

Josh says "Yes he did. We need to go to the police right away and find his car. You should go to the police i should stay here for when Katherine gets out of surgery.

William asks "Are you still going to propose to Katherine? The only reason she didn't tell you she was royalty was to protect herself and Claire."

Josh says "Yes I am still going to propose to Katherine because even though she didn't tell me she was royalty i still love her and i always will."

As soon as William leaves Claire and Max come running in and Claire hug Josh and asks "How is she? Who did this to her?"

Josh says "She just got out of surgery and she is going to be ok. Danny did this to her."

Claire asks "Why would he do this to her? I thought he had a crush on her or something."

Josh said "I didn't tell anyone this but last year when i was taking Danny to the airport he said that "If i can't have her nobody can."

Claire asked "Why didn't you tell anybody about this Josh?"

Josh said "I didn't tell anyone because he always makes empty threats and i just thought this was just another empty threat." When they stop talking they all hear a ugh sound. They turn around and they see Katherine slowly opening her eyes.

Katherine tries to sit up but everyone is telling her to take it easy.

Katherine starts to talk "What happened?"

Josh says "Danny hit you with his car. But you're gonna be ok." Josh kisses Katherine on the forehead. Right after Josh kisses Katherine on the forehead the doctor comes in.

Josh asks "Is she going to be ok?''

the doctor says "She took a bad blow to her right leg but after she does some physical therapy she should make a full recovery."

Josh asks "Thanks doc. When do you think she will be released?"

"Probably in a couple of days we need to do a little bit more observation."

Just then Josh proposes to Katherine right in the hospital room she says "Yes yes yes yes yes. I don't think that this is the best place to propose though. I still say yes but do you mind proposing in a more romantic setting."

Josh says "Sure babe as long as I get to marry you"

Josh kisses Katherine on the lips and then Katherine says "I am not putting on the ring until we go to that romantic setting when I get out of here."

Josh says "Ok."

William comes back not expecting Katherine to be awake or Claire to be there and Katherine starts to get flustered and she asks "What the heck are you doing here dad?" William said "I saw you get hit by a car and I immediately brought you here"

Katherine says "Come here dad" She hugs him. Josh smiles. Claire runs out. Max went after her. He hugged her and tried to make her feel better. Max asks "What's the matter with you and your dad." Claire says "When i was 8 he kidnaped me and i was away from my family for 2 weeks. And Katherine just welcomes him back into her life."

Max says "I don't think it's that simple. He saved her life she was just thanking him."

Claire says "Let's just go back inside." They walk back into the hospital room. Everyone has a smile on their face.

3 days later. They put Katherine in a wheelchair and Josh rolls her to his truck. He picks Katherine up and puts her in his truck.

Josh says "You want to go to Carmine's like we were supposed to the other night."

Katherine says "I would love to. I will put the ring on tonight when you ask me again."

Josh says "Ok." Then he leans over and kisses Katherine at a red light because he doesn't want to risk getting into a car wreck. 5 hours later Josh comes to pick up Katherine for their big date. He wants to make sure she doesn't hurt herself so he carries her to the truck. On the way to the restaurant they talk about where they want to go on their honeymoon. They decided that after they get married they are gonna book a flight to Hawaii and do a lot of fun things. Like surfing going to outside bars, skydiving, and order room service in their hotel room and sleep in. When they get to the restaurant Josh carries Katherine and doesn't let her down until they get to their seat. As soon as they arrive at their seats Josh gets down on one knee and asks Katherine to marry him.

She said "Yes yes yes." Everyone around them clapped and then they kissed.

A week later Katherine started planning for their wedding. Josh was like every guy ever,he didn't care for what kind of flowers or what food they served all he cared about was marrying Katherine on their wedding day. Katherine was very excited about their wedding day. She wanted it to be just like her parents wedding day. She wanted a bouquet with flowers like white lilies and calla lilies. She was going to wear her mother's wedding dress and she wanted to get married at the beach because she had never been there before. She wanted to get married in the spring and Josh was perfectly ok with that. Josh wanted Katherine to stay at his house because she could barely walk and he wanted to take care of her. They decided that they were going to wait to sleep in the same bed together until they were married so Josh let Katherine take the bed and he slept on the couch. He was always a gentleman and he never tried to pressure her into having sex. He always was nice to her and always protected her.

4 months later. It is the night before Josh and Katherine's wedding and Claire,Max,Katherine,and Josh were on their way to England. Everything about the wedding was ready all they needed to do was Claire and Katherine had to introduce Josh and Max to their mother. Claire and Katherine didn't know that Josh and Max already knew that they were royalty so when Josh and Max met Katherine and Claire's mother and when they were not surprised Claire and Katherine were surprised. Katherine was surprised that Josh still wanted to marry her even though he knew who she was. Katherine knew right then and there that they were going to have a great marriage that would last forever.

It was Josh and Katherine's wedding and they were both happy as ever. Claire was Katherine's maid of honor and Max was Josh's best man. Katherine and Claire's mother had just arrived. The wedding was just about to start. Katherine was walking down the aisle. Josh was walking her down the aisle because she didn't have any brothers and she was not letting her father walk her down the aisle. Josh whispers in Katherine's ear "You look magnificent today and you make me feel like the luckiest guy in the world." Then Katherine kisses Josh on the cheek. As Josh and Katherine walk down the aisle they admire all the flowers on each aisle and all the pretty calla lilies and how the water was so beautiful it smelled like flowers and happiness there was beautiful classical music. When the reach the altar Josh stares into Katherine's eyes and then kisses her hand.

As soon as the pastor says if anyone objects to their marriage Danny storms in and says "I object. I should be the one marrying Katherine not you!"

after he says that Josh tackles him and says "I have loved her the second I laid eyes on her she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and nothing is going to stop me from marrying her." Katherine starts to cry.

Then Josh throws Danny out and then he says "Now where were we." the pastor goes on. As the ceremony ends Josh and Katherine look up at the amazing flowers and they are amazed about how much love they have for each other. As soon as the pastor says you may kiss the bride Josh gives Katherine the most passionate kiss that she has ever received and he whispers in her ear "I love you to the moon and back and i always will" Katherine starts to cry again.

There off to honeymoon in Hawaii they stare down at their fingers and smile. As they reach Hawaii they are welcomed with a breath of fresh air. The first thing they do is go to their hotel room.[and you know what happens next. Yep they unpack. Haha you thought i meant something else.] After they unpack they go down to the beach and see if they can get some surfing lessons. They can. They enjoy themselves very much and they know in their hearts that they are going to be together forever.

5 years later. Katherine and Josh loved Hawaii so much that they decided to stay. Katherine tells Josh that she might be pregnant. Josh was so happy that he rushed to the store to pick up a pregnancy test. And when he gets home from the store Katherine does the pregnancy test waits a couple minutes and she finds out that she is pregnant!

Josh was so happy that he picked up Katherine and spinned her around and then he asked "Oh wait did i hurt the baby?"

then Katherine said "Honey the baby is so small that there is nothing to hurt."

then Josh asks "When are you gonna schedule an appointment? I am definitely gonna come." [Just to let you know Josh is now a police officer at HPD and Katherine is a writer.]

1 week later Josh and Katherine are on there way to their first appointment the doctor lets Josh and Katherine know that they should know the sex of the baby in about 18-20 weeks. 6 months later. Katherine is as big as a house. Josh has to help Katherine tie her shoes and help get her dressed. They are on their way to find out the sex of the baby. When they get there the doctor says that he has some important news and he tells them that Katherine and Josh are going to have triplets. 2 boys and 1 girl. They were so surprised that Katherine passed out. Right after Katherine wakes up and they leave Katherine says "Hey hon will you be a dear and go pick up a orange and pickle milkshake from dairy queen?"

Josh says "Sure babe." with a disgusting look on his face.

As soon as they get to the pick-up line at DQ

Josh asks "Hey man can i have a milkshake with pickles and oranges please?"

The cashier asks "You got a pregnant wife don't you?" Josh says "Yep. We are having triplets wish me luck." Katherine calls Claire.[ If you were wondering if Claire and Max are dating still they aren't.]

Katherine asks "Hey Claire, guess what?"

Claire asks "What?"

Katherine says "I am having triplets!"

Claire says "OMG! I am coming to Hawaii right away." Katherine says "Yes you should totally come! We should pick out a minivan."

Claire "Yes i would love to come mini van shopping with you. Be there in a week. Bye."

As soon as Katherine hangs up the phone with Claire Josh asks "Why do we have to get a minivan?"

Katherine responds with "First off i have 3 human beings in my body and whatever i say goes and second your truck is not big enough for 3 car seats. So do you still want to argue with me?"

Josh says "No ma'am."

3 weeks later. Katherine is going into labor and she squeezes Josh's hand so hard that she almost breaks his hand. 8 hours later. Katherine has three beautiful children in her arms Claire, Joshua Jr. ,and Max. 3 days later Katherine is released from the hospital. As you can expect Josh and Katherine didn't get any sleep whatsoever. The only thing that Katherine looked forward to was that she was allowed to drink again. Katherine and Josh would alternate sleep patterns.

1 week later Claire and her boyfriend Jonah come to Hawaii and they take care of the kids and they let Katherine and Josh have a break. As soon as Jonah and Claire get to Josh and Katherine's they are bombarded with crying babies and they want to back out but Claire really wants to help her sister so she takes care of the kids anyways. Claire asks Jonah "Well isn't this a good 1 year anniversary present?"

Jonah says "I think it's a great thing that you are helping out your sister with her 3 children i admire you for that." Claire says "Thanks babe." and then kisses Jonah on the cheek.

1 week later Claire and Jonah are back in New York. And Claire is late,like late,late. She thinks she might be pregnant. Claire calls Katherine right away.

Claire says "Hey sis i have some news."

Katherine asks "Ok what is it?"

Claire says "I think i might be pregnant."

Katherine says "OMG. us sisters just keep getting pregnant. I think i might be pregnant too." Katherine didn't know this but Josh was listening to their conversation. Katherine says "Hey why don't i fly to New York and we can take the pregnancy test together.

Claire says "That would be great. Are you gonna tell Josh? Katherine says "If i am for sure pregnant i will tell him but i am gonna wait until i get back from New York to tell him. Are you gonna tell Jonah?"

Claire says "I don't know. I haven't decided yet. Don't tell Jonah or Josh about this but i have been having an affair with Max and the baby might be his if i am pregnant.

Katherine says "Claire you can't tell me to keep something that big from my husband.''

Claire says "Fine you can tell him but tell him to not tell anyone else. Bye sis see you soon."

Katherine says "Ok bye." As soon as Katherine hangs up Josh walks in he asks "What was that all about?"

Katherine says "Oh nothing our siblings are having an affair and my sister might be pregnant with your brother's child and I might be pregnant again.

Josh says "Well if you think you are going on a plane you are clearly mistaken. If you are pregnant you can not go on a plane. But i will tell you what how about we drive to california and see my brother and take the kids to meet their uncle."

Katherine said "Ok but you can't bring up Claire.''

Josh said "Ok let's get the kids and go to California."

A day later Katherine and josh sit outside to drink their coffee. They hear the chirping of birds and the sun about to rise. As soon as they start to relax they hear all 3 of their children crying. Thank goodness Max was awake. He could help Katherine and Josh get the kids back to sleep. Katherine,Josh and Max each get a child and they each have to put them back to sleep. Katherine gets a call. It's from claire.

Katherine answers the phone and Claire says " I am pregnant."

Katherine asks "Oh goodness do you know who the father is?

Claire says "Yes its Max."

Katherine asks "Oh wow how are you gonna tell Jonah?" Claire says "i am not going to tell him."

Katherine asks"Well hon he's gonna notice in about 4-5 months and what are you gonna tell him?"

Claire says "I am still not going to tell him because i am gonna break up with Jonah and i am gonna move to California to be with Max."

Katherine asks "OMG that's so romantic and when are you planning on telling Max?"

claire says "I don't know probably when i get to california in a week." Katherine didn't know this but Max was actually standing outside the door listening to their conversation. And when Katherine leaves the room she sees Max outside the door.

Katherine says to max "Your family has a problem with eavesdropping."

Max asks "yeah yeah i Know.What did Claire say? Katherine says "Well you are gonna be a father. Please try to act surprised when she tells you in a week." Max shows her his surprised look.

Katherine says "That's pretty good max just keep that face for when claire tells you in a week.

Max asks "ok. Wait she is coming here to tell me she's pregnant in one week?

Katherine says "Yep so get ready. I gotta go talk to Josh about this talk to you later." Katherine goes to find Josh. Katherine says to Josh "Hey hon" and then kisses him. Then Katherine says " Well hon, my sister is pregnant with your brothers baby and they might get married."

Josh asks "Wow. So do you know if you are pregnant yet?"

Katherine says "I haven't taken the test yet."

Josh asks "Ok do you want me to pick up a pregnancy test now?"

Katherine says "Sure I will take it when you get back." Katherine and Josh kiss and then Josh goes to the store. As soon as Josh gets back from the store Katherine takes the test and it says that she is pregnant again. Josh was so happy to be a father again

2 years later Katherine and Josh have a total of 4 kids and Max and Claire have 2 because when claire got pregnant the first time she had twins. Josh and Katherine's triplets are now 2. Josh and Katherine are having a hard time taking care of 4 kids by themselves so they started taking their kids to daycare in the mornings and picking them up in the afternoon after work. Josh and Katherine have already decided that when the kids start preschool that Katherine will be a stay at home mom. She would still do her writing on the side. Claire and Max moved to Hawaii to be closer to Josh and Katherine. About 1 year ago Max and Claire got married. Claire and Max didn't have a big wedding. They needed the money so they could have enough money to take care of their family. Katherine and Claire both have a relationship with their father. William also lives in Hawaii because he wanted to be closer to his children and grandchildren.

1 week later. Katherine finds out that her mother passed away. Katherine is next in line to be the new queen of England.Katherine has a week until she has to move into the palace and be the new queen. Katherine invites Claire and her father to stay with her at the palace. I dont know whats gonna happen when Katherine passes away which one of her children will be next in line to be queen. Josh will have to quit his job at the HPD and Katherine and Josh will have to rule the kingdom together as king and queen of England and their children being princes and princess of England.

1 week later Claire, Max and their 2 children and, Josh ,Katherine and their 4 children and,William get on a plane to England and start their new life in England. Josh and Katherine are really happy that they will have a lot of help raising their children surrounded by the people they love.

1 year later Katherine and Josh are visited by Danny. Danny breaks into the kingdom and kidnaps Katherine. The next day Josh realizes that Katherine is not by his side when he wakes up. Josh has the whole kingdom out looking for Katherine. He blames the guards for not keeping a good eye on the palace so he fires them all and

invites a task force from hawaii to look after the palace while he searches for some new guards. Josh hires Five-0 to find Katherine. Josh heard that they are the best in all of Hawaii. 5 days later they find Katherine. They see that she has been torchered by Danny. Josh hires Five-0 to find Danny and bring him to justice for torturing the queen of England. The Five-0 task force was so good that they found Danny 12 hours later. Josh put Danny in the palace

dungeon so he could look after Danny and to be sure he didn't do anything.William confesses that he was awake when Katherine was kidnapped. He didn't do anything about it because he was too drunk. And now he has been sober ever since.

Someone arrives at the palace. Don't worry it wasn't in an intruder. The child says that he is the son of queen Annabelle. Katherine says to him "Hello i am queen Katherine. Queen Annabelle was my mother also.

He asks "What do you mean she was your mother?"

Katherine says "She passed away about a week ago. I am sorry for your loss. I guess we are brother and sister. We have another sister. Her name is Claire."

The child says "Hello my name is Jacob."

Josh says "Hello i am King Joshua."

Jacob asks " So are you married to my sister?"

Josh says "Yes i am her husband. We have 4 children would you like to meet them?"

Jacob says "Sure i would like to meet my nieces and nephews."

Josh says "Your sister Claire is also married and has kids so you have 6 nieces and nephews. She is actually married to my brother."

Jacob asks "That's funny so Claire is your wife's sister and your brother's wife?"

Josh says "Yeah it is funny isn't it."

They pass Max in the hallway and Josh says "That's max he is my brother and your sister's husband. Hey max wait up. This is Jacob, Claire and Katherine's half brother."

Max says " I didn't know they had a brother."

Josh says "He showed up today. He is Claire and Katherine's mother's child."

Max says "How did Annabelle hide him from us?"

Josh says "She must've had him while we were all living in New York."

Jacob says "Did you and Katherine meet in New York. Josh says "Yes we did. And then we got married a year later."

Jacob asked "Where did you live after New York?"

Josh said "Katherine and I and Max and Claire all lived in Hawaii up until a week ago. When your mother passed away Katherine was next in line to be queen so we all came to England."

Jacob asked "Were you sad that you had to leave Hawaii?" Josh says "Yeah I was sad but I had to get over it because I needed to be there for Katherine and help her rule the kingdom.''

Josh points to his daughter Kate and says "This is my daughter Kate."

Josh then points to his daughter Claire and says "This is my daughter Claire."

Then Josh points to Max and says "this is my son Max." Josh then points to Joshua Jr. and says "This is my son Joshua Jr."

Jacob says "Oh wow Max,Claire and Joshua jr. all look the same age.

Josh says "that's because they are. They are triplets." Jacob says "That's so cool."

Josh says "Lets see how cool you think it is when they all have a tantrum at the same time."

Jacob says "Oh dang that must be pretty insane."

Josh says "Yes it is. Now that we have moved here we have been getting more help with the kids. Its really great. Oh look there's Claire why don't you go get to meet her." Jacob says "Ok.''

Jacob goes over to Claire and says "Hi. I am Jacob your brother."

Claire says "Oh cool i heard that today. It's so good to meet you. Have you met my kids yet?"

Jacob says "I haven't yet but i met your husband max. Do you have triplets too."

Claire says "No but i have twins."

Jacob says "Wow people in this family can't have one kid." Claire says "Apparently not. Would you like to meet my kids?"

Jacob says "sure.''

Claire says "Ok come on they are in the courtyard with my father."

Jacob says "I am 8." Claire says "Cool I am 23."

Jacob asks "Did you have a fun time in New York?"

Claire says "Yes mostly because i met my husband there." Jacob says "That's funny because that's where Josh and Katherine met. " Meanwhile back with Josh and Katherine. Katherine asks Josh "How it go with my brother?"

Josh says "It went really well. He's a good kid. I just can't believe your mom never told us about him."

Katherine says "Yeah it is pretty crazy. I wonder who the father is."

Josh says "Yeah i wonder if we could ask Jacob. Let's go ask him now. I am anxious."

Katherine says "ok let's go see them outside." Josh and Katherine go out to the courtyard.

Josh says to Jacob "Hey Jacob come here.''

Jacob asks "Hey is everything ok?"

Josh says "Yeah. i just got a quick question for you.''

Jacob asks "Ok what is it?"

Josh says "What's your father's name?"

Jacob says "My father's name is George."

then Josh walks over to Katherine and says "Hey take a walk with me.

Katherine says "Ok.''

"Jacob says his father's name is george. Do you know him?"

Katherine says "Yes I know him he is a palace guard and he is the man that interrupted our first date."

Josh says "wow you remember something that happened 8 years ago."

Katherine says "Now i know why he came to New york. He came because he was going to tell me that he had a child with my mother. I wonder why he changed his mind on telling me."

Josh says "I don't know babe but sometimes you're not very approachable."

Katherine says "Well thanks hon."

Josh says "I am sorry. I don't know why they never told you."

A week later Josh and Max's parents come to visit them in England. They are so happy to see that there oldest son is the king of England. Max and Josh's parents names are Steve and Stephanie. This will be Steve and Stephanie's first time to meet their grandchildren. As soon as they arrive they hug Max and Josh really hard and then they hug Katherine and then they hug Claire and they say "You must be Claire."

Then Claire says "Yes i am Claire. Would you like to meet your grandchildren?"

Steve and Stephanie both say "Yes." They walk to see all the kids and Steven and Stephanie are thrilled to meet their grandchildren.

Claire points to Max the toddler not the adult and says "This is Max. He is Katherine and Josh's child."

Then Claire points to Joshua Jr. and says "This is Joshua Jr. .He is also Katherine and Josh's."

Then Claire points to Claire the child and she says "This is Claire she is also Katherine and Josh's child."

Then Claire points to Kate and says "This is Kate she is also Katherine and Josh's. She is the youngest."

Stephanie says "Wow I didn't know that Josh and Katherine had triplets.

Then Claire points to Will and says "This is my son Will. He was named after my father."

Then Claire points to Anna and says "This is my daughter Anna. She was named after my deceased mother." Stephanie says "I am sorry for your loss."

Claire says "Thank you. And i recently found out that while we were all in New York my mother had a child.

Claire then points to Jacob and says "This is my 8 year old brother."

Stephanie says "Oh wow your mother passes away and then you find out that you have a brother that your mother never told you about."

Claire says "Yeah it's a lot to take in. But with my family here it makes it easier."

18 years later. Claire and Max had 3 more kids so now she has 5. The ages of their kids are 20,20,16,12,and 9. Katherine and Josh also had 3 more kids so now they have 7 kids. The ages are 21,21,21,20,17,14, and 10. Jacob is now married and has 4 kids of his own. He is 26 years old. He also lives at the palace with his wife and kids. Max, Joshua Jr. , Claire, Kate, Anna and Will all moved to Washington D.C. to go to the same college. They all live in the same apartment complex. Katherine doesn't have a relationship with her father anymore. She realized that he would not change no matter how hard she tried to have a relationship with him. She wanted to believe that he could change but that was just in her dreams. She wished so hard that he would change but he never did. William started to drink again after he found out that Annabelle had a child that wasn't his and he became a drunk again. William did not physically hurt Katherine or anyone but Katherine couldn't risk getting hurt again by her dad so after he started to drink again Katherine kicked William out

of the palace and he moved back to hawaii. A couple weeks later Katherine felt awful for kicking her dad out of the palace so she called him but when he answered she hung up she couldn't handle it. After she called him she cried so hard she could barely breathe. In the past her father would always call Katherine a cry baby because when things got rough at his house she would call her mom. And when Katherine was in the 7th grade her father had said that she needed to shut the h*** up. And all she tried to do was get her father to stop texting and driving. Katherine knew that after that moment things would never be the same. But when she was 19 and she got hit by a car she kind of just let her father back into her life. She should have been more careful because she got hurt again by her father but she was lucky. She had her family to fall back on. No matter how hard she tried to forget about what happened she couldn't and it made her depressed but she told everyone that she was fine. She wasn't. It was harder than she thought. She was eventually ok. She was never completely happy because she always felt like there was a piece of her missing. Everyone thought that she had moved on, but she didn't. When something that awful happens you will never forget no matter how hard you try. For a while Josh would worry about Katherine. He thought that after 18 years that she would be fine but she wasn't. Katherine always looked happy and she was. But she always felt a little empty inside. Things with Josh and Katherine were actually better after her dad left. They would cuddle and he would take care of her more. When Katherine thought about who she would marry one day Josh had all the characteristics other than being a prince. Everyone felt sorry for Katherine but she didn't want them to worry. She would cry a lot because she wish her mother was here to take care of her. She missed her so much. She always knew that her mom was always there for her even if she couldn't see her she knew she was always there. Katherine's kids always helped her when she needed help and Katherine always helped her kids. Even though Max,Claire and Joshua Jr. didn't know what their mom was feeling they were always supportive. Josh was also really supportive. William had completely lost his relationship with Katherine. William didn't really care that he had lost Katherine. Katherine would cry a lot. She would have nightmares of him hitting her and she wouldn't be able to sleep. Max and Josh Jr. would call Katherine everyday to make sure she was ok. They were very nice to her and Katherine was very thankful to have children so kind. Josh always took care of Katherine. A week had passed. Katherine was still really sad but she seemed to be getting better. Little by little Katherine would forget things about her father like his smile,his voice. Before she knew it Katherine had forgot what her father looked like. They had no pictures of William and there was no social media so Katherine couldn't look up pictures of him. Katherine stopped having nightmares. William would always be Katherine and Claire's father but Katherine thought about him less and less. Katherine had erased all the memories of her father and her. Katherine just had to live her life without her father. Over time she came to peace with that. She wasn't sad anymore. Josh and Katherine went to go see their kids, nieces and nephews in Washington D.C. They were so happy to see their family. Katherine knew the president very well. Katherine and Josh and all the kids got invited to take a tour of the White House. Katherine was not a big fan of the president but she accepted the invitation because she thought it would be a good experience for the kids. As they were touring the White House an intruder snached the president and put a gun to his head. As soon as that happened the president's guards came and put a gun to the intruders head and they said "Drop your weapon!". The intruder had a ski mask on and he took it off when he saw Katherine. Katherine recognized the intruder it was William. William released the president as soon as he took off his mask.

William said "Katherine look at me.''

Katherine looked at him and she asked "What the heck are you doing here?"

William said "Katherine please let me explain." Katherine stormed off. Josh went after her.

Josh asked "Hey are you okay?"

Katherine said "No. The first time I see my dad in 18 years and he has the president at gunpoint."

Josh says "Maybe you should let him explain."

Katherine asks "Why should I? Nothing justifies what he did." As they go back in the white house they see the guards handcuffing William and taking him away. The guards tell Katherine that "This is the last time you will see this man because he put a gun to the president and he will be sentence him to death. He will be executed in 3 days so say your goodbyes." Katherine just stares at her father not knowing what to say.

Before they take him away Katherine manages to get a few words out she says "I hope that you have been happy the past 18 years without me because your life is coming to an end and it's all your fault." William just stares at Katherine with remorse. The next day later, Josh visits William in prison.

Josh says "Do you have anything to say for yourself?" William says "yes.You have to know that i was forced to kill the president but when i saw Katherine i backed out."

Josh says "What do you mean you were forced to kill the president.

William says "What i mean is someone threatened to kill Katherine if i didn't kill the president."

Josh says "Do you know who threatened Katherine?'' William said "No. Josh will you do something for me.

Josh said "Sure" because william was dying in 2 days and after all he was family.

William said "Just tell Katherine and Claire that i am sorry for everything that i did and if I was out of jail i would go to rehab if it meant getting to be on this earth long enough to make it right with my girls."

Josh said "Maybe I can try to get you out of here but that is going to be very difficult because you did almost kill the president but let me see what i can do.

William said "Thank you so much Josh if there is anything that i can do for you just name it."

Josh said "i don't think that will be necessary. I will get you out of here because i know Katherine will regret it if she doesn't give you another try. Just don't hope that she will open her kingdom up to you after everything you have done."

William said "Thank you so much Josh.'' Josh just smiles. Josh walks away and he goes immediately to the courthouse. Katherine and Josh have to go back to England tomorrow so Josh only has one chance to make this happen. [No pressure there] He asks the judge to let William live and the judge says yes. The judge says yes mostly because Josh is the king of england. The judge says that William has to do 70 hours of community service and that he has to be in prison for 10 years. Josh walks away smiling because he knows he has done the right thing. He goes right away to tell William the good news but when he gets to the jail he is informed that William was beat up bad and that he had to go to the hospital. Josh rushes over to the hospital to find that William is bruised very bad in the face and that he has a couple of broken ribs but he will be ok. Josh calls Katherine right away and when he tells her she rushes over to the hospital.

The first thing that Katherine asks is "is he ok?"

Josh then tells Katherine that "he will be ok. By the way I talked to the judge and she said that they are going to let your father live he just has to do 70 hours of community service and he has to be in jail for 10 years. I went to see your dad today and he told me that he was forced to kill the president but when he saw you he couldn't go threw with it and he also told me that if I got him out of jail that he would go to rehab."

Katherine said "Thank you so much Josh this means so much to me that he doesn't die. I don't know what I would do if he died. How did you convince the judge to let him live?"

Josh says "I wooed her with my good looks. It also helped that i was the king of England too." Katherine hugs Josh so hard. She thanks him over and over again for all that he did. As soon as they are done talking they see that William is starting to wake up.

Katherine then says "I can't do this. Believe me i am very glad that he is alive but i just cant be here."

Josh says "I understand. I am gonna talk to him and then i will meet you at the airport." Katherine kisses Josh and then she rushes out of the hospital before William can see her. Josh walks into the hospital room with his hands in his pockets and he waits for William to say something. William says "You did it Josh you got me out of jail."

Josh says "Not quite. I saved you from dying but you have to do 10 years in jail and 70 hours of community service. Oh and don't forget our agreement of you going to rehab if i got you out of your situation."

William says "Thank you so much Josh I will do anything because you have given me another chance at living and I will not take that for granted. It's time i get my life together for real this time."

Josh says "I am so glad to hear it. Well I have to go I am meeting Katherine at the airport because we are going back to england because we have a kingdom to rule. Get better okay William."

William says "Trust me I will. Thank you again Josh." Josh walks away smiling. Josh didn't know this but right after he left william made a call to the man who threatened Katherine's life. Its someone you know it's Jacob, Katherine and Claire's half brother. He threatened the presidents life because he knew that Katherine would be at the White House and he was hoping that Katherine would be killed in the crossfire. Jacob was always jealous of Katherine. Katherine would boss him around a lot when he was growing up but that's only because she cared about him. Katherine had to look out for her little brother. Jacob's father was killed in a car accident 10 years ago when he was only 16 years old. Jacob became suicidal and he moved to California when he turned 18. He fell in love and had 4 kids but Katherine and Jacob were never close after what happened with his father. While Katherine and Josh are on the plane ride back home she gets a call from a old friend from middle school. Her name was Kara.

Kara asks "Hey Katherine how have you been?"

Katherine says "I have been good how about you?"

"I have been good as well. My husband and i had a couple of kids but they are almost grown. Do you have any kids?''

Katherine says "Yes i do have some kids i have 7. 4 of them are grown and the rest are still young."

Kara says "Wow i have 3 teenage boys but i can't imagine raising 7 children."

"Yeah it's a challenge but my husband is very awesome and my sister and I are raising our children together. We have 12 children between the two of us.

Kara says "OMG that is a lot of kids i bet you have a lot of help."

Katherine says "Yes we do. It becomes easier when there are more people helping out. That's enough about me what about you."

Kara says "You always loved talking. Remember you would always get in trouble at school for talking too much. My boys are in their last year of highschool."

Katherine says "Wow did you have triplets too?"

"Yes i do. That's so crazy that we both had triplets."

By the time Katherine realizes what time it is she says

"Wow we have been talking for so long my plane is about to land. It was so good talking to you Kara. We will have to meet up soon."

Kara says "Yes we will have to meet up soon. Bye Katherine.''


As soon as Katherine gets off the phone

Josh asks "Who was that?"

Katherine says "That was my best friend from middle school. That was the first time we have talked since the summer before 8th grade."

Josh says "Wow that was a long time ago."

Katherine says "Yeah it is a long time. At the end of 7th grade i moved schools because my mother didn't like the school i was going to so i moved schools. As you can see we didn't keep in touch."

Katherine puts her head on Josh's shoulder. The pilot says that they are almost on the ground. As soon as they get off the airplane they see a stranger walking towards them. The woman walks toward them and she says that her name is Kayla.

Katherine says "Who are you and how did you get here?"

Kayla says "My father says my sisters are princesses"

Katherine and Josh look at each other.

Katherine asks "Who is your father"

Kayla says "My father's name is William. Are you Katherine?"

Katherine says "Yes i am Katherine. We must be sisters.

Kayla says "I guess so."

Katherine was thinking to herself that 16 years ago she only thought she had one sister but she had found out 2 years later that she had a half brother and now she found out she had a half sister. What is wrong with her parents not telling them that they had other children.

Katherine calls Claire. Katherine tells Claire

"Hey our dad had a kid and never told us about her. We now have a half sister on our dad's side and a half brother on our mom's side. Why can't our parents be honest with me and tell me that they had other kids?''

Katherine asks Josh "Have you thought about giving up the castle and moving out of England and moving back to where we first met?"

"I have thought about it but, we have responsibilities here in England"

Katherine says "I know but it would be cool to travel the world together."

"Yeah but how would we do something like that? Who would rule the kingdom?" Josh asked

"I have the ability to pass it on to anyone I please if I wanted." Katherine says

"How come I didn't know that we could do this?"Josh asks

"Well I didn't think to mention it because we never talked about leaving but, I think it's something we should consider. I don't want to die here like my mother. God bless her soul. I have been cooped up here since I was little and I just don't want to spend the rest of my life here."

"I totally understand. We have spent 18 years here ruling the kingdom."Josh said

"Then it's settled, I am going to give the crown to Max and Claire and they can decide what to do with it." Katherine says

"I don't think that my brother and your sister are ready for the responsibility. But it would be really cool to travel the world together."

"Yeah but we have to have faith that they will be good rulers and then they can give the crown off to their kids when they are ready." Katherine says

"I guess we should have faith. We should leave tomorrow."

Josh smiles and then gives Katherine a big romantic kiss.

A day later,

Katherine and Josh give their thank you's and they say their good - byes. They leave right away for the airport. They are off to the most romantic place on earth, Paris. They hadn't been on a trip together in 20 years so they thought they had owed it to themselves to take a trip of a lifetime and spend all their time together. Right before Katherine and Josh get on the plane, Katherine gets a call from Sibley Memorial Hospital saying that their daughter Kate had been in a fatal car accident and that she was in a coma. Katherine and Josh rushed to the hospital in Washington D.C. When Katherine and Josh arrived at the hospital they saw someone they hadn't seen in 20 years. It was Katherine, Jacob, and Claire's mother. Annabelle most likely saw the accident on the news and had come to the hospital.

Katherine said "Mom? Is that you?

Annabelle turned and around and said "Yes dear it is me."

Instead of running to her mother Katherine just stood there and said "How could you fake your own death? Was it to run off with Jacob's father?

Annabelle said "So you have met Jacob."

"I met Jacob 20 years ago. Josh and I raised him as our own son. Where have you been for the last 20 years? Things with dad were tough and I really needed you there to comfort me."Katherine said

"I am really sorry you had to go through that without me but, you're right I did run off with Jacob's father. He died 12 years ago and I couldn't come back to the palace."

"You could've at least told as that you were alive but no you just had to keep that from all of us just like everything else. I have to go see my daughter. You can just leave."

Katherine and Josh walked off to see there daughter who was in critical condition. Katherine was crying on Josh's shoulder when Kate's doctor came in.

He asked, "Are you Katherine and Josh Hancock?"

Josh said, "Yes we are. Are you the doctor?''

"Yes I am. Kate is unfortunately in a coma but the good news is that she should wake up in the next week. She was seriously injured though. She was lucid when she came. She said the person who hit her car had I licence plate of Brad." the doctor said. Josh looked at Katherine scarcely.

"We know who hit her. You need to call the authorities."

Katherine needs to take a little walk so she decides to walk around the hospital. When she leaves the room she sees a boy Kate's age crying outside her room.

Katherine asks "Do you know the girl in this room?"

He says "Yes I know her, she is my girlfriend."

"I am her mother. What's your name, son? Katherine asks

"My name is Gabe. We have been dating for two years."

"Well it is nice to meet you. You can call me Katherine."

"It is nice to meet you too, Katherine.So how is our girl"

"Well the doctor said that she is in a coma, but the good news is that she will be awake in the next week, we just have to be patient." Katherine calls out for Josh.

"This is Kate's boyfriend, Gabe."

"Well it is nice to meet you Gabe. I am Kate's father, but you can call me Mr. Hancock". Josh gives Gabe the half smile.

"Well in that case could I talk to you privatly, Mr. Hancock?"

Katherine smiles because she knows what is about to happen. Josh and Gabe walk outside of the hospital to talk.

"So what was it you wanted to talk to me about?" Josh asks

"I first would like to say that I love your daughter so much and she makes me very happy". Gabe says

"That is good to hear son, but what is it that you wanted to ask me?" Josh asks

"I know we just met so you don't know me very well,but i would be able to answer any questions you have for me, the only thing i would ask of you is your blessing to ask Kate to marry me." Gabe says

"Well son, I will let you marry my daughter, but I would like to ask you some questions." Josh says

"Ask away.'' Gabe says.

"Ok, my first one is do you have any brothers and sisters?" Josh asks.

"Yes sir, I do. I have 3 older sisters and one younger brother."

"Ok, my second question is a little personal. I was wondering, if you still had both of your parents?" Josh asks

"Unfortuntely, I don't. I grew up in the foster system with my siblings. My siblings and I are all blood related. I got emancipated when I was 17 and i got out of than rached place. I took my brother out of the system when i was 18 and raised him myself." Gabe said

"Well that is quite a story I am sorry that you grew up that way. I am a police officer i could try and find your parents if you would like." Josh said

"With all due respect, sir I never want to see my parents ever again they abondond all 4 of their kids for no good reason." Gabe said

"Well i dont think it is that simple. I have secret that i have never even told my wife before and i am going to tell you but you have to promise not to tell anyone." Josh said.

"Understood, dad" Gabe said

"Watch it son, too soon. I will let you know when you can call me that. Josh said

"Got it. So what is this secret that you have never told anyone before."

"When i was in my last year of highschool i got a girl pregnant. She told me she got an abortion but right after she left to go live with her grandparents. So i am thinking she never had an abortion." Josh said

Gabe stands there in awe.

"Have you ever tried to look him/her up online? You definetly have the resources." Gabe said

"I have and i found out that it was a boy, but what am i supposed to do?" Josh asks

"I am not sure sir, but what i do think you should do is tell your family. They would want to know." Gabe said

"I will think about it. We should probably go back inside and tell Katherine the good news and then you can ask Kate when she wakes up soon". Josh says

"Okay." Gabe said

The thing was Katherine was listening to their whole conversation. She was expecting Josh to tell her about his kid out there but as time moved on he never brought it up and it made them drift apart. One Sunday afternoon in Paris,years had passed but Josh finally said

"Hey Katherine there is someting that i need to tell yo---". But before Josh could say anything after she kissed him so passionately.

"I have known for years now. When you were talking to Gabe after Kate's accident 3 years ago i was listening. I have known about your son for years now and I found him. His name is Jack. He is 33 years old and he actually lives in Washington D.C with our kids. I wonder if they have met. We have to get all the kids to come here and we have to tell them that they have another brother." Katherine said

"Why didn't you say anything all this time?'' Josh asked

"I was waiting for you to tell me. It took you awhile though." Katherine said

"I just didn't know how to tell you that I had a kid in highschool and I didn't know anything about him." Josh said.

"I forgive you and we are going to get through this together. I am going to call the kids. I love you, Josh." Katherine said

"I love you too, Katherine. Thank you for being so understanding. I don't know what I did to deserve you."

"Me neither.'' Katherine said. She then laughed.

Katherine went to call her son Joshua first

"Hey mom what's up?" Joshua said

"Nothing. I need you to come to Paris." Katherine said

"I love Paris and all but why do you need me to come to Paris?" Joshua asked.

"We need to have a family meeting." Katherine said

"We haven't had a family meeting in years. Why do we have to have a family meeting now?" Joshua asked.

"Your father and I have something we need to tell you and it can't be over the phone." Katherine said

"Ok I will be there in a week. Just a quick question, can i bring a date?'' Joshua asks

"I would recomend not bringing a date but you can do what you want." Katherine said

"Ok, bye mom. See you soon." Joshua said

"Ok, son see you soon". Katherine said

"1 down 6 to go" Katherine says to herself. She then decides to call her 13 year old that lives with her sister in England.

"Hey Ellie, How are you?" Katherine asks

"I am fine mom, i miss you." Ellie says

"Oh honey i miss you too, How would you like to come visit me in Paris?" Katherine asks

"That would be so cool. That is on my bucket list. But why are you asking me to come to Paris?" Ellie asks

"Well your father and i have something we need to discuss with you all so we are having a family meeting." Katherine says

" Mom i hate family meetings, but i guess they would be better if they were in Paris." Ellie says

"Ok, sweatie i love you see you in a week.Oh and just to let you know your brother, Joshua is coming to pick you up and bring you here."

"Ok. I love you too, mom see you soon." Ellie says.

"Ok now i have to call Joshua and tell him he has to pick up his sister. I hope he doesn't bring a date because that would be awful becuase she would find out about us." Katherine says to herself. She dials Joshua number.

"Hey honey, I need you to pick up your sister at the castle." Katherine says to Joshua

"I can't sorry mom". Joshua said

"And why can't you pick up your sister?" Katherine asks

"Becuause i am bringing my date and i don't think that she should know about us."
