

Godsent_Banky · Fantasi
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57 Chs

Chapter 16 Restless Prince.

(Prince Joffrey's P.O.V )

After the day I saw the magazine that has Kara's picture imprinted on it, my life changed.

I was known as a very serious and not to play with kind of guy.

I was cold and ruthless when it comes to my enemies thus bringing the nickname the "Demon King," to myself.

Since the day I saw that magazine I became disoriented, I can't eat properly, I can't sleep properly and my work as a CEO was being neglected.

This pop princess Kara Stewart, though a young girl was very unique in my view.

Though young she has achieved a lot that no other girls of her age would be able to brag of, not even those spoiled royal brat princesses that my parents keep shipping me to.

Ever since that day I was getting restless and restless just because of her, just because of the unfathomable feelings I was experiencing. I was losing my mind every passing second and it was affecting me very badly.

In my office at the headquarters of my company, they were lots of documents that needed my signature but they were neglected.

Each time I try to work, negative thoughts keep clouding my mind, disrupting my focus on anything brought to my attention.

"What will I say when I see her?.

"How will she see me?. As a lunatic declaring love for an underage girl?.

"Will she even accept me?

"What if she is betrothed to someone already?..

These were the thoughts that were flooding my mind every passing second of the day.

I often lash out at my staffs and business clients all the time because of this massive feeling that was flooding my heart lately.

There was a time a female trillionaire C.E.O came to my office to discuss some business proposal, I was totally distracted and unfocused throughout the entire conversation.

The negative thought was flooding my heart again making me totally distracted.

"Sir, what do you say about the collaboration between our companies?"





C.E.O Denise, one of my soon-to-be business associates depending on our companies' collaboration, asked me, bringing me out of my reverie.

"What did you say, Miss Denise???.

"You know what???.

"This deal is off!!!.

"Get out of my office!!!!!!!!!....

I yelled at her because she distracted me from my own negative thought.

"W.... What did you say, Mr. Joffrey???.. She stuttered.

"I said the deal is off, Miss Denise," I said to her with a pause.

"So you can kindly use the door!. I said further to her angrily.


"Sir, this is absurd, totally absurd, this is for the benefits of the world if we go on with this project.

"You must be suffering from posttraumatic stress to utter such a word,"

"And looking at you, Sir!.

"You don't look so good!.

"Have you been getting some sleep lately, Sir???.... C.E.O Denise asked me.

"What the hell are you talking about C.E.O Denise???...

"You are the only one who doesn't look so well, considering the fact that you can't hear words anymore!.

"What about the "DEAL IS OFF! GET OUT OF MY OFFICE," you didn't understand or heard properly, Miss Denise??. I asked her angrily.

"I suggest you go see a doctor as soon as possible!. I yelled at her totally irritated with her.

"Fine! suit yourself C.E.O Joffrey!!!...

"Have a good day and have a nice life!. C.E.O Denise said to me, totally upset at the harsh words I used on her.

"Goodbye C.E.O Joffrey!. She said to me while leaving my office.

"Goodbye C.E.O Denise, I muttered with a gritted tone.

I slightly felt bad for lashing out at her, it wasn't her fault that a certain young girl have been messing with my head and of course my heart.

I have tried everything possible to get her out of my heart and head, but everything I tried seems to be fruitless.

I even tried decorating my penthouse, the one I was occupying currently with her pictures to make me feel at ease but that even made me feel more tormented with the negative thoughts.

This young girl was tormenting me day by day, seconds by seconds with her beautiful smile, her enchanting red lips, infact everything about her was perfect and it was tormenting me badly.

Every day I watched her videos on YouTube, it made me feel at ease for a short while before the negative thoughts pop up on my mind again.

At first, I thought I was just infatuated with her, or obsessed by her beauty!.

Damn this girl was a beauty for her young age, it was totally impressive, not every girl of her age is beautiful like she is, infact she deserved the goddess title that her fans all over the world have given to her.

Looking at this girl's beauty, I completely felt mesmerized, I completely felt like I have this obligation to her, to safeguard and protect her always, to maintain her beauty, to cherish her for the rest of my life.

This was just a feeling I had and I wasn't sure if I am in love with her or just drawn to her by her magnificent beauty.

I was sitting in my living room watching a TV Show in my penthouse when someone entered my living room unannounced.

Grabbing my gun, I quickly pulled my trigger ready to fire at the intruder when suddenly a guy about my age walked close to me and said:-

"Put the gun down bastard!. I came to check up on you bastard!.

"Damn it!. You look pale and disheveled, have you been having some sleep lately?? bastard!.

I was shocked to see this guy right now, if I remember clearly, he doesn't have an appointment with me or neither do I have an appointment with any business clients, I recalled vividly that I asked him to clear my schedule that I wanted to be left alone.

This guy in question is my best friend, the only best friend I had in the world.

His name is Sebastin and he is my chief of staff as a crown prince, and he is also my personal assistant as the C.E.O of Tagaryean Group of Companies Worldwide.

We grew up together as kids and we were best friends since then, our bond was totally strong and he is a very smart guy.

(Remembering the past, about thirteen years ago)

I was still very little, about seven years or so?. When he sneaked into the Royal Palace of Enchancia.

He thought he wasn't spotted, but he was wrong!.

The Enchancia Royal Guard is flawless when it comes to protecting the Palace and the royal family of Enchancia Empire.

They saw him intruding but were ordered by Empress Margareth, my mom to hold their horses.

She wanted to know the reason for the boy's intrusion.

I was sitting on a garden chair at the royal garden, observed by my mom when suddenly I heard a strange but cute voice about my age calling out to me.

I was startled by the voice because hearing a child's voice in the Royal Palace was strange, except that voice was mine and I knew very well that I don't sound like that, just in case I was hallucinating.

I was doing a very hard math assignment and when I heard that voice I thought it was my mind starting to laugh at my misfortune solving the assignment.

"Hey, princey, how are you?.

"Wow!. Is that maths?.

"I love math too!.

"Is it difficult?.

"I could help you if you want!.

I slowly turned at the voice and saw him standing at my back smiling brightly at me, his chubby cheeks were so cute that I laughed softly admiring his cute chubby cheeks.

"Oh, Your Royal highness!. I didn't mean to look down on you, I just thought you needed some help, Your Royal Highness," He said to me, feeling guilty for underestimating me, which he didn't mean to do.

"I was just.........

"Shh..... It's okay boy, no hard feelings and besides no damage was done!. I quickly interrupted him before he could continue.

Deep down in my heart, I knew the boy was right, I was having a hard time solving the maths assignment and it was totally toiling on me and I desperately needed guidance.

"What's your name boy?. I asked.

"Sebastian," He answered brightly.

"Nice to meet you, Sebastin!. I said to him with a bright smile.

"It's an honor to be in your presence, Your Royal Highness!. Sebastin said to me sweetly.

"Sebastin, earlier when I laughed, I didn't mean it in an abusive way," I said to him apologetically with a pause.

"I wasn't hurt or anything, I was only just admiring your cute chubby cheeks," I apologetically said to him further.

"I'm sorry Sebastin!. Can you please forgive me?. I apologized to him sincerely.

"Oh!. It's okay, Your Royal Highness, there's nothing for you to apologize for," He said to me totally embarrassed by his cheeks.

"Oh, Sebastin, don't make that face now," I said to him while sighing sadly.

"I for one, think you have the most amazing and handsome face in the world, when you grow up, all girls would be begging to go out with you," I said to Sebastin with a sincere tone.

"Thanks for your compliment, Your Royal highness!. Sebastin thanked me while smiling gratefully at me.

"And I also think you have the most amazing and handsome face in the world!. Sebastin said to me with a pause.

"And you are right, Your Royal Highness!. When we grow up, we would be the most handsome men with the most handsome face in the world!. Sebastin said to me while smiling brightly.

At last, I was relieved that his spirit has been lifted up again.

"Sebastin, You can call me Joffrey," I said to him while smiling brightly.

Ever since I was born, I never had any friends to play with, so I was determined to make him my friend.

If he was some wealthy son of a wealthy guy, I will just make my father the Emperor to issue a royal decree on my behalf, stating that I want Sebastin as my friend!. I said to myself while smiling inwardly.

"Can we be friends, Sebastin?" I asked Sebastin while looking at him with hope-filled eyes.

"I can't be your friend, Your Royal Highness, I'm afraid that's not going to be possible!. Sebastin said to me while sighing sadly, making me to sigh sadly.

"What do you mean by you can't be, that's not going to be possible???. I asked sadly.

"No, it's not that, Your Royal Highness!. I wanna be your friend, your best friend to be precise if only I could, Your Royal Highness!. Sebastin said to me with a pause.

"So why did you say we can't be friends?" I asked Sebastin, feeling confused.

"It's because we are worlds apart from each other, Your Royal Highness!. He said to me sadly.

"W.....What did you say?.

"How are we worlds apart?.

"How did you get in here if your parents are not noble lords to be inside the Royal Palace?" I asked Sebastin, feeling upset and confused.

"I'm a nobody, Your Royal Highness!. Sebastin said to me sadly while looking at my eyes intently, trying to see how I would react.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked him, feeling shocked.

"I'm an orphan and you've always been my role model, Your Royal Highness, that's the reason I wanted to meet you in person, thus making me sneak into the Royal Palace just to see you, Your Royal Highness!. He said to me sadly.

"What???.. You sneak here?. The Royal guards didn't spot you??" I asked him, feeling astonished.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness," He replied me warmly.

"Oh, Sebastin! You are so cool, you should be an army officer or a secret service agent in the future when you grow up!. I said to Sebastin, feeling amazed.

"If you get to practice and train with the skills you have now?. I said to him with a pause.

"What?" Sebastin asked me, feeling confused.

"No doubt you would become the most famous and well-respected man in the world!. I said to him, totally elated by his smartness and skills that I disregarded the fact that I wanted him to be my friend, making him completely shocked.

"Y..... Your Royal Highness!"

"Aren't you mad at me?" He asked with a surprised face.


"Why should I be mad at you?. I asked Sebastin, feigning Ignorance.

"I mean the one I sneaked into the Royal Palace, Your Royal Highness???.. He asked me, feeling surprised while looking at my eyes intently.


"Mad at your smartness or what??. I asked him, chuckling at his suprised face, his suprised face was totally amusing that I couldn't hold back my laughter.

"Hahahaha! I laughed!.

"You don't need to be scared alright?. I assured him calmly.

"Thanks, Your Royal Highness!.

"Thanks for forgiving me, I'm very grateful!. He said to me while smiling brightly and gratefully.

"My pleasure, Sebastin!. I said to him warmly.

"Your Royal Highness, forgive me for what I'm about to say, I don't mean to pry in into your personal life. He said to me, a little bit terrified from what he was going to say.

"What's the matter, Sebastin????... I asked him anxiously.

"It could piss you off or upset you, Your Royal Highness!. He said to me sadly.

"What is it, Sebastin??" I asked him anxiously.

"You can tell me and I promise I won't get mad at you Sebastin!. Okay??. I assured him sincerely with a bit of uncertainty in my mind.

"Okay, Your Royal Highness!. I'll just say it straight up, Your Royal Highness!. Sebastian said to me while hesitating a little.

"Go on!. I said to him bracing myself for the harsh words he might say to me.

"Okay, Your Royal Highness! That face you were putting on is a face of disappointment, Your Royal Highness, due to you not being able to solve that maths assignment, Your Royal Highness!. Sebastin said to me warmly.

"What!!!!!!..... I exclaimed at him but he wasn't freaked out but he still had his normal face on him.

"No offense here, Your Royal Highness! I used to have that face before when my dad gives me an assignment that I don't understand!. Sebastin said to me with a pause.

"My dad was a famous archeologist and he was also a famous mathematician,"

"His name was "Sebastin Wesley SNR," and he was well respected and I was proud of him, I was proud of his legacy and everything about him, and I still am now!. He said to me totally sad.


"Are you kidding me???..

"You are the only son of Professor Wesley????.. I asked him totally amazed.

"Yes, unfortunately, I am!. He said to me sadly.

"I was very proud to be my father's son!.

"I wanted to be like him, that's why I put on that face you had earlier whenever I am having a hard time solving any assignment given to me by my dad, especially maths, I felt ashamed of telling him I couldn't solve the assignment he gave me!.

"Oh, I see!. I said to him a little bit upset by his words, I felt we had much in common and I was totally right, hearing his painful words coming out of a very painful memory.

"Some people were heavily offended regarding my dad's fame and fortune! They were not happy with his success at all, so they plotted to kill him and they succeeded," Sebastin said to me further.

"They usurped his wealth and they threw me into the streets, shattering my happiness and my heart to pieces," He said to me with a pause.

"I didn't believe people could be so crew!. He said to me further while sobbing heavily because of the painful memories he just remembered.

At that moment I immediately took him into my embrace, startling him a little.

But later he got comfortable with my embrace and cried out his heart on my shoulders, staining my Princely golden regalia.

"It's okay, everything is going to be fine, alright??.. I assured and comforted him.

And there was silence for a while.

"Thanks, Your Royal Highness! Sebastin said to me shortly after finally able to recompose himself.

"It's okay!. I said to him while smiling brightly.

"And oh, I'm sorry for ruining your robe, Your Royal Highness!. He apologetically said to me.

"No I'm not angry at all! I said to him warmly.

"Infact, I'll keep this robe to remember the day I met you!. I said to him with a sincere tone assuring him that there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Thank you very much, Your Royal Highness!. He said to me while smiling brightly and grateful

"You are welcome, Sebastin, and oh wait!. I remember telling you to call me by my first name!. Didn't I Sebastin???. I asked him pretending to be annoyed.

"Oh!. I'm so sorry your highn.......

"I mean Joffrey!. He said to me while correcting himself from making another mistake of calling me by my title.

"So, about that offer??" I asked.

"Which offer, Joffrey?. He asked me a little bit confused about what I was trying to say.

"You know, the one you were offering to help me with," I said to him shyly.

It was normal for me to be a little bit embarrassed asking a boy of my age that I just met, to help solve my assignments.

"Oh, that! You mean your assignment?. He asked me brightly.

"Yes, my assignment, Sebastin I'm finding it difficult to solve. Can you please help me??.. I asked him shyly.

"I can help you Joffrey! But not by writing or solving the assignment for you!. He said to me warmly.

"What do you mean Sebastin?.

"How are you going to help me then?. I asked him, totally confused with what he was saying.

"I can help you by showing you the way! He said to me further while smiling brightly.

"I'm sorry but I still don't get you," I said to him while scratching my un-itchy hair.

"I want to help you by teaching you how to fish" not giving you free fish, so you can be able to fish on your own if I'm no longer there, thus making you to be self-dependent instead of leaving you stranded on your own when I'm no longer there with you, by giving you free fishes to eat," He said to me in an explaining manner.

"So??" I asked him, feeling confused.

"So, I want to teach and guide you in solving this math assignment, so you can be able to solve it on your own without stress, anytime I'm not around, he said to me warmly while patting my back softly.

I was disappointed that he wasn't solving it for me, but that disappointment vanished the moment he patted my back softly.

I felt elated by his sudden gesture.

So, he is seriously ready to make our friendship work. This made me smile happily.

"So, Joffrey, are you ready to learn this maths??" He asked me just like how an excited teacher asks his student during the first day of school.

"Yes Sir, I replied him with the same emotion.

"Okay, let's start learning student!. He said to me in total excitement.

And with that, he started teaching me the maths assignment carefully and in time I got the hang of it.

"Thank you very much, Sebastin, for teaching me this maths assignment, I didn't believe I would be able to solve it!. I said to him while smiling gratefully.

"Thank you very much, Sebastin, I'm very grateful!. I said to him, totally excited.

"You are welcome, Joffrey!. He replied to me with the same excited tone.

And with that, I got up from the garden chair and he followed me too.

I was totally excited to show my very first friend around the Palace.

"Sebastin! Come, I want to give you a royal tour of the Royal Palace!. I said to him with excitement.

"Joffrey, are you sure about this??" Sebastin asked me worriedly.

"Yes, Sebastin, I'm sure about this," I assured him.

"Won't you get punished by the Emperor and the Empress if we get caught??" He asked me worriedly.

"You know I'm a stranger, an intruder to be precise," He said to me worriedly with a pause.

"I don't want my first friend to get punished because of my bad actions," He said to me further with a worried tone.

I felt glad that he also cared about me that I couldn't help but shed tears of Joy.

"It's okay, I won't get punished! I said to him with a voice full of uncertainty.

"Okay! He replied back.

We were about to start our tour of the Royal Palace when an authoritative voice yelled "STOP!!!!!!....

And we stopped Immediately without hesitation.

"Shit!!!!. I caused inwardly.

That voice belonged to my mom the Empress, Empress Margareth.

And I couldn't believe that I had totally forgotten about her watching me.

She was sitting on a golden chair, observing me just a few meters away from where I was seated solving my assignment with Sebastin.

She must have spotted Sebastin a stranger who turned out to be an intruder!.

"Damn it!. I cursed inwardly.

"How could I have forgotten about her two naked eyes that were observing me closely!. I scolded myself inwardly.

Turning around slowly we greeted my mom:

"Greetings to the Lioness of Enchancia, the protector of the Enchancia Empire!.

"Long may you reign, Your Imperial Royal Majesty!!. We greeted her respectfully.

'Greetings to you, Son!

"And greetings to you as well, Sebastin Wesley!. She replied to us with a nod.

"Oh My God! she heard us?. I exclaimed inwardly.

"Now he's in big trouble, I thought inwardly while looking at Sebastin who seems to be shocked.

"I gotta save him from my mom's wrath! I said to myself inwardly with a firm tone!.

"Mom I'm sorry, I asked him to come, he was invited to the Palace by my orders!. I said to my mom with a convincing tone, trying to convince her.

"Silence, Son!!!.. My mom ordered with a commanding tone totally startling me.

She was glaring at me coldly making me feel the shivers.

"Mom but.......

"I won't hear another word from you, Son!. She said to me angrily, interrupting me from what I was going to say.

"I wonder how your father will look at you when your actions are brought to his attention??"

........... I kept quiet, not knowing what to say.

"Hmmm! I guess he would be disappointed in you, totally disappointed!! She yelled at me angrily.

"Or he could become the most proudest father in the world.

"Because, obviously, you are a very nice and caring Prince, the one that would totally invite a stranger to the Royal Palace out of the goodness of his heart! Someone he knows nothing about! What a benevolent Prince you are, Prince Joffrey!!!... My mom said to me sarcastically making me bow my head in shame.

"Sebastin Wesley were you invited to the Palace by my son?. My mom asked Sebastin turning to him.

"No, I wasn't invited by his Royal Highness, Your Imperial Royal Majesty!. Sebastin answered my mom honestly.

"So, how did you get in here without an invitation??" My mom asked Sebastin coldly, making him feel the shivers.

"I.....I..... I sneaked in Your Imperial Royal Majesty! When no one was watching.

"I'm very sorry for sneaking into the Royal Palace, I only wanted to see his Royal Highness for myself, Your Imperial Royal Majesty! He said to my mom with an apologetic voice.

"So, what now, what are you intending to do now???. You have seen the Prince correct???" My mom asked him with a cold voice.

"Yes, Your Imperial Royal Majesty, I have seen his Royal Highness! He answered my mom with a sad voice.

"Well, I guess this is where we say goodbye and part ways!

"I hope we meet again in the future someday.

"It was nice talking to you for a while, Your Royal Highness! Sebastin said to me sadly while curtsying to me and my mom.

"Goodbye Joffrey," He smiled at me making me to shed tears of sadness.

"Goodbye, Sebastin! May will meet again someday!. I said to him shedding tears and sobbing softly.

And with that, he turned his back on me heading for the large gate when I suddenly heard my mom's voice.

"Stop! Sebastin Don't go!. Please!. My mom emotionally said to Sebastin who was already leaving.

"You said what, Your Imperial Royal Majesty??. Sebastin asked my mom totally shocked with the Empress words he just heard.

"What did you say, mom??" I asked totally surprised by her behavior.

"One minute she was cold and another she's emotional?. I asked myself inwardly.

"I heard everything you told my son, I felt emotional hearing your painful story, so I wanted to be sure you were being honest with my son, so, asking you those questions coldly, was the only way I could test your honesty!. My mom explained to Sebastin.

"What????? Sebastin asked, totally shocked that he just heard the Empress say she was emotional hearing his painful story.

"What!!! This entire ordeal was a punk??? You were testing his honesty the whole time???.. I asked my mom completely shocked by her words.

"Yes, I was testing his honesty, Son!. My mom said to me apologetically.

"I was sitting down at one of the golden chairs when the Royal Guards informed me about a certain intruder, they told me he was seven years old judging from his looks," My mom said to me with a pause.

"They were totally waiting for my orders to shoot the boy intruding the Palace. My mom said to me further.

"I felt a sting of pain in my heart knowing that by my command the young boy could lose his life.

"I just couldn't say anything until I saw him heading your way, completely excited.

"He didn't look like someone who could harm a fly, not to talk of you, the Prince of Enchancia, so, I told the Royal Guards to hold their fire saying I wanted to know the reason for his intrusion, but they shouldn't take their eyes off him, I wanted them to monitor his every move," My mom explained to me.

"So, the Royal Guards spotted me and they spared me?. Sebastin asked my mom totally dumbfounded.

"Yes, Sebastin! And I'm very sorry if I freaked you out with my cold voice," My mom sincerely apologized to Sebastin.

"It's okay, Your Imperial Royal Majesty, I wasn't angry at you, or freaked out by your coldness, infact I am used to being talked to coldly!. He smiled at my mom.

"And here I thought you were smart and amazing, it turns out I was completely wrong!. I smirked at him trying to push his buttons.

But what he said shocked me completely.

"Here I thought you were a nice Prince, my role model to be precise, but I didn't know I was wrong about you, I didn't know that you were such a Royal brat!. He smirked at me in return.

"Mom, Do you hear what he just called me, tell him to apologize to me this instant!. I pouted cutely at my mom.

But she wasn't annoyed that someone insulted me, or moved my cute pouting face.

"Why would I do that??"

"You started it first! Apologize to him and he will do the same to you Joffrey!. My mom said to me while laughing at my pouting face.

"Mmmmmooooommmmm," I said to her pouting my face the more to her.

"I'm sorry but that pouting face ain't working on me today!. She said to me laughing.

"Awww, I never knew that his Royal Highness is a whinny Prince, begging his mom for favors!. Sebastin said to me but that sentence was engraved deep into my heart, shaping me into the powerful man I became thirteen years from now.

And with that, we continued the royal tour myself and Sebastin were intended to do before my mom interrupted us.

She led the tour herself for the sake of Sebastin.

She knew the Royal Guards will not allow Sebastin anywhere near the main Palace because of their earlier orders to keep their eyes on him, so she insisted on leading the royal tour.

Hours later, we were done touring the Royal Palace.

My mom led us towards the throne room while assuring us that everything is going to be fine.

Getting to the double door she stopped and asked Sebastin to narrate to the Emperor my father, exactly what he narrated to me at the royal garden earlier.

"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty!. He said to my mom with a firm tone.

"You! Ensure you back him up, if you really want him to be your "FRIEND," My mom said to me emphasizing the word "FRIEND."

"Okay, Mom!. I will surely back him up! I said to my mom while smiling at her.

"No "LYING" to Your Father!

"Do you hear me? No "LYING" to the Emperor!!.. She said to me emphasizing the word "LYING," to me.

"Okay, Mom! I sighed deeply remembering how I dared to lie to my mom, the Empress of Enchancia Empire in the name of protecting a friend.

And with that, the announcer yelled loudly, announcing our presence.

"Presenting the Crown Prince and the Empress:

"His Royal Highness! Crown Prince Joffrey Mountbatin Tagaryean!!...

"And Her Imperial Royal Majesty! Empress Margareth Mountbatin Tagaryean!!!!..

"The Empress and the Lioness of the Enchancia Empire!!!!...

The announcer announced our presence loudly, his voice completely vibrating and echoing round the throne room, followed by a loud trumpet signaling the nobles and lords that we are going to be entering the throne room soon.

And with that, the large double doors were opened from the inside.

"Greetings to Her Imperial Royal Majesty, the Lioness of Enchancia Empire.

"Greetings to His Royal Highness, the future Lion of Enchancia Empire!" The announcer greeted my mom and me while curtsying respectfully to us, upon our entrance into the throne room.

"Greetings to you too, Davos! My mom responded while nodding to the announcer.

And with that, I, Sebastin, and my mom entered the throne room, gracefully walked down the aisle.

The nobles and lords immediately curtsied as we walked towards the Emperor, my father who was sitting gracefully on his golden throne smiling at us brightly.

"Greetings to His Imperial Royal Majesty! The Emperor and the Lion of Enchancia Empire! My mom and I alongside Sebastin greeted my father, the Emperor of Enchancia Empire while curtsying.

"Greetings to you too!. He said smiling and taking the both of us into his embrace.

"What is it, my love?.

"You look worried about something!.

"What is It, my dear?. My dad worriedly asked my mom.

"It is about this young boy!. My mom replied to my dad with the same worried emotion.

And with that, my Dad signaled Sebastin to speak out.

Sebastin narrated everything he narrated to me earlier in the Royal garden.

My dad was upset and angry at the same time, looking at the face he was putting on.

My dad stood up from his throne and went towards Sebastin, making everybody in the throne room to hold their breaths, totally worried by what the Emperor was planning or intending to say concerning sebastin's punishment for intruding the Royal Palace.

"Sebastin, are you willing to stay by my son's side in good times and in bad times??" My father suddenly asked Sebastin, making everyone to sigh in relief.

"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty!. Sebastin firmly replied to my father.

"Then Kneel!!... My father commanded.

And with that, Sebastin knelt upon my father's command.

"By the power vested in me by the crown of Enchancia Empire as the monarch of Enchancia Empire!

"I, Jethro Mountbattin Tagaryean, Emperor of Enchancia Empire! Hereby dubbed thee!!. "Sebastin Wesley" of the house of "Wesley" as the new Chief of staff and personal assistant of my son, effective immediately.

"Let it be known throughout the empire, that you, "Sebastin Wesley" is now the official Chief of staff and must be given the respect of an official Chief of staff of the office of the Crown Prince of Enchancia Empire.

"Rise, Lord Sebastin Wesley!!!. My father said to Sebastin after appointing Sebastin as my Chief of staff, making the entire nobles and lords to be surprised by his sudden appointment to a young boy of seven years old precisely, as a Chief of staff.

"But what can they do??" I asked myself inwardly.

"It just happened unexpectedly leaving no room for argument. I said to myself inwardly.

"And besides, I and Sebastin won't be separated again," I said to myself inwardly while smiling brightly.

And with that, Sebastin and I became best of friends, we were totally bonded by our friendship, we considered each other as brothers, not as friends, people including, my parents mistake us as.

My father hunted down Sebastin's father murderers and executed them all ruthlessly.

The wealth they usurped was given to Sebastin by my father.

And with that, we lived happily.

(Back to the present)

"Put the gun down bastard!. I came to check up on you bastard!.

"Damn it! You look pale and disheveled,"

I was totally shocked to see this guy right now, if I remember clearly he doesn't have an appointment with me or neither do I have an appointment with any business clients, I recalled vividly that I asked him to clear my schedule that I wanted to be left alone.

This guy in question is my best friend, the only best friend I had in the world.

His name is Sebastin and he is my chief of staff as a Crown Prince, and he is also my personal assistant as the C.E.O of Tagaryean Group of Companies Worldwide.

"What the hell are you doing here asshole??" I asked him angrily.

"I told you to clear my schedule for the rest of the month!! I yelled at him angrily.

"I cleared it," Sebastin said to me nonchalantly.

"So, what are you doing here now, disturbing my rest?. I asked Sebastin irritatedly while glaring at him coldly.

"As I said, I came to check up on you bastard! He answered me nonchalantly.

"Just take a look at yourself!.

"You are pale!.

"You've lost a lot of weight because of a girl who doesn't know of your existence!! Sebastin said to me, totally pissed off with me.

"Why bother thinking about me?.

"Don't you have?? I don't know?? Your girlfriend or something to think about??" I said to Sebastin in a sarcastic tone while smirking at him.

"Says the guy who has been fantasizing about a girl! A girl who doesn't know about his existence!.

"She's a young girl of twelve years old!.

"She's a little girl fool!!..

How are you gonna fit inside her pussy, Romeo??" Sebastin yelled at me totally pissed off with me.

"I'm willing to wait for her till she comes of age, Sebastin! I said to him while offering him a glass of wine.

"Cheers!! He said to me clinking my glass of wine with his glass of wine.

"Cheers!! I replied him while smiling brightly.

There was silence for a little while before Sebastin broke the silence with a question I haven't even thought about.

"Do you even love her?. He asked me while smirking at me.

"I think so!. I replied him after a moment of ransacking my head deep in thought.

"I know you weren't in love with her! You are just obsessed with her Joffrey!. Sebastin said to me while smirking at me.

"Why will you say such a thing, Sebastin? I love her, okay??" I said to Sebastin angrily.

"That's because you are not capable of love! You are simply just a log of wood, void of any emotion," Sebastin said to me nonchalantly while smirking at me.

We were arguing about Kara when suddenly we heard a voice coming from the TV.

Alaric Whittman: "Good morning to everyone, welcome to the "WHITTMAN TV SHOW," live from Santa Monica, Los Angeles.

"I am Alaric Whittman your host for this show.

Turning towards the television, we discovered that it was an interview, not those usual talk shows they do most times.

Looking at the TV closely, I saw the words showing on the TV Screen as thus:-


I smiled knowing that it was Kara's interview, although it was a broadcast I was still excited to see Kara's face.

"Just look at you yearning for a young girl, who is of the same age as your sister, Princess Annabelle," Sebastin said to me, slightly irritated with my behavior.

"And what is your business with my love life?.

"If I am in love with a girl old enough to be my younger sister, how does it concern you asshole???. I asked Sebastin totally pissed off.

"You know what??" Sebastin asked me angrily.

"What??" I asked him while rolling my eyes at him.

"Just forget I said anything!. Sebastin said to me while turning his attention to the television.

He knew that it doesn't end well for the both of us anytime I get pissed.

"Good! I said to him with a gritted tone.

And with that, we watched the interview silently, but the silence didn't last long due to the fact that I broke the silence.

"What the hell is he saying??"

"Why is he trying to force her to go out with someone???" I angrily asked no one in particular while smashing my wine glass to the ground🍷 with force.

I was about to smash another thing when I suddenly heard Sebastin's voice.

"Take it, easy bro!.

"I didn't know you love her this much, I was just......

"I love her???.

I asked Sebastin interrupting him from saying what he was about to say.

"Of course you do, Romeo! That face you have on you is a face of a jealous man," Sebastin answered me.

"No, I'm not jealous," I denied swiftly.

"You are, You wouldn't have that face if you are not jealous, and you wouldn't feel jealous if you were not in love with her!. Sebastin said to me with a convincing tone.

"So, I do love her!. I said to Sebastin while smiling brightly.

"Just you watch what I'm going to do to that bastard! I said to Sebastin referring to Alaric Whitman as the bastard.

"I'm gonna make him wish for death but I won't grant him his wishes! I said to Sebastin while smirking wickedly at the TV screen, looking at Alaric Whittman with a gaze full of hate.

"Oh God have mercy on his soul!. Sebastin said to me, referring to Alaric Whitman.

I sighed in relief knowing Kara wasn't seeing anybody and I assured myself that I will be the first and last guy, Kara is going to have.

The next day, Alaric Whitman was stating in his press conference with a sad face.

These were the words he stated in the press conference:

"It is with a heavy heart am I giving this statement.

"The Whittman Talk Show is finally shutting down due to bankruptcy," He said to the press sadly with a hoarse voice.

Alaric Whittman getting bankrupt was my doing, I needed to punish him for the crimes he committed yesterday.

How could he dare recommend Kara to start seeing someone, this alone made me completely mad.

How could he recommend my future wife to see someone else?. This thought was driving me crazy so I made him go bankrupt.

It was the perfect punishment for a fool like him.

Two days later, I was looking at the comments regarding the sudden bankruptcy of Alaric Whitman on my social media account.

About eight point five billion people that commented, were asking him about who he might have offended so badly that made the offended person angry to the extent of getting him bankrupt.

Some concluded he might have offended a very powerful person.

Some were insulting him.

Some were saying it serves him right.

Some were saying that other celebrities yet to be interviewed by him, would be free from his vogal words used in interviews by Alaric Whitman.

"I guess, Kara Stewart the Queen of my heart saved their asses through me, I said to myself while smiling inwardly.

I smirked knowing that some people knew this man talks too much and he spouts nonsense from his mouth all the time.

"Fear Giver my ass!. I spat at his face showing on my phone screen totally annoyed.

"He had the guts to dare achieve fame by ruining the career of celebrities. I cursed in annoyance.

Perhaps I wouldn't be mad at him if he hadn't tried to ruin Kara's career, with his vogal words.

I planned to make him dance to my tune.

I would save his show for Kara's sake.

I wouldn't want her to hate me for it if she finds out later.

So, I decided to save his company, but he would become my slave.

I would torment him without mercy, thus making him wish for death but I wouldn't be willing to grant him his wish.

I threw the cellphone containing my saliva into the waste bin.

I then ordered Sebastin to save his company using my second phone.

With that, I went to the TV and switch it on so I could watch some movies.

And suddenly a music video was about to be played.

Looking at my TV screen, it was Kara's music video that was about to be played.

I smiled brightly looking at the soon-to-be love of my life if she could just accept me.

The music video started playing in no time, and it was titled "Kiss the girl"

It was currently showing a short film.

Kara was seen walking slowly in a garden, enjoying the cool breeze when her eyes suddenly caught something.

She slowly turned and looked towards the amusing view.

She was looking at some couples who by the look on their face, they had feelings for each other and no one was ready to confess their love for each other, especially the guy who was staring lovingly at the girl.

According to the music video, he was giving her a hint with his loving stare.

But the girl in the video was totally clueless about the guy's feelings for her.

And Kara went to the guy and dragged him from his table to talk sense into the guy's head.

And with that being done, the real music video started playing.

(Kiss the girl Song lyrics)

If you want something done?.

You better do it yourself!.

... Ah

... There you see her

Sitting there across the way

She don't got a lot to say

But there's something about her

And you don't know why

But you're dying to try

You want to kiss the girl

... Yes, you want her

Look at her, you know you do

Possible she wants you too

But there is one way to ask her

It doesn't take a word

Not a single word

Go on and kiss the girl

... Sha la la la la la

(Solo guitar)

My oh my

Looks like the boy is too shy

He ain't gonna kiss the girl

Sha la la la la la

Ain't that sad?

Ain't it a shame?

Too bad, you gonna miss the girl

Ah, ah

Oh Oh!!!..

It seems she doesn't wanna be alone But it seems you are too blind to see her feelings for you.

(Guitar solo)

Now's your moment!!! Floating in a blue lagoon of love Boy you better do it soon

Or you could lose her forever!.

No time will be better or you'll lose her!.

She doesn't say a word

And she won't say a word

Until you kiss the girl

... Sha la la la la la

Don't be scared

Go on and move your head

You gotta kiss the girl

Sha la la la la la

Don't stop now

Don't try to hide it how

You wanna kiss the girl

Sha la la la la la

Float along

And listen to your heart Your heart says you need to kiss the girl.

C'mon You wanna kiss the girl

Sha la la la la

Let the music play

Do what your heart wants

You gotta kiss the girl

You gotta

You gotta

You gotta

You gotta kiss the girl

Why don't you kiss the girl?.

Go on and kiss the girl!!!...

And with that, the music video ended showing the guy making the first move of kissing the girl passionately and the girl reciprocating with the same passion.

The song lyrics were amazing and I felt Kara was also talking to me through that music video.

I knew I had to win her heart soon and fast or I could lose her forever.

I quickly called Sebastin asking him to get me an appointment with Kara as soon as possible.

When the appointment was granted, I drove to the Stewart Mansion with full speed in my Lamborghini like the devil was after me.

I had with me a red diamond necklace, that I was intending to give to her if opportuned.

I knew deep down that if we met like business clients, I won't be able to confess my feelings for her.

"Sebastin send me the number belonging to Kara ASAP!!!. I said to him through my phone conversation with him.

A few minutes had passed before my phone suddenly vibrated.

Sebastin has sent me the number belonging to Kara.

"Hello, excuse me can you point me the direction of Kara's room??. I asked a servant passing by.

"May I know why you are asking for the directions of her room, Sir??.. The servant asked me politely.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Jeffrey, her godbrother. I lied myself out swiftly.

"Oh, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Jeffery!. Forgive me, Sir, I didn't know you were one of her godbrothers! I haven't seen you around here, Sir, that's the reason I questioned your intention of knowing the direction of Kara's room, I thought you were some stranger!. The servant said to me.

"No, I'm not a stranger, Miss!.

"I'm her godbrother, and you were right about not seeing me around.

"I'm a very busy man, so I usually don't get the chance for a visit due to the nature of my work.

"I was in the city when I heard she had an interview with the Fear Giver, so I hurriedly rushed here, so I can know how she's feeling.

"Having an interview with that Fear Giver is terrifying and I'm telling you this out of experience. I lied swiftly.

"Oh, I see!. The servant replied

"Yeah, So can you please point me to the right direction of Kara's room?. I asked the servant impatiently.

"Oh! It's up the stairs, climbing the stairs you would see a large corridor, the first room you see by the right is Kara's room.

"I think she's resting or so!. The servant said to me.

"Thanks for your help, Miss, here!. I said to her giving her a hundred thousand dollars.

"Thank you, Sir, you are so generous and I'm very grateful. The servant thanked me while smiling gratefully.

"You are welcome!. I said to her hurriedly while climbing the stairs, heading to Kara's room.

I was so excited that I'll be seeing her face to face.

"How would she look when resting?. I asked myself inwardly.

A few minutes later, I arrived at the door of her room.

Knowing I couldn't just barge in unannounced, I decided to give her a call.

She picked her cellphone and answered the call totally pissed at the caller which happens to be me.

We talked for minutes, and I confessed my feelings to her.

Well, she kept yelling at me to keep dreaming.

I walked into her room and approached her, I gave her the red diamond necklace belonging to my mom.

It was her first gift to me and it's going to be the first of many gifts I intend to give Kara when she finally accepts me.

After wearing her the necklace perfectly, I finally bid her goodbye with a heavy heart.

I didn't want to leave but still, I had to because I knew that servant might have gone to report to her boss who happens to be Kara's mom about my arrival.

The last thing I wanted right now was to be caught by Kara's mom.

I had already knocked out her Head of Security, so escaping won't be difficult.

I smiled at Kara knowing that if her mom should ask her about me, she will definitely figure something out to tell her mom.

And with that, I left the Stewart Mansion in my Lamborghini, heading towards one of my branch offices.

I was totally excited that I could confess my feelings to her, it was now left for me to woo her.

(Author's Thought)

Hello, Guys! Hi again!

It's me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I want to let My readers know that the song "Kiss the girl" was adapted from the little mermaid movie.

I only changed some words and added some lyrics to the lyrics making the song perfect for this chapter.

Once again I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I really appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love Y'all so much!

Creation is hard, so please if you have enjoyed reading this novel so far, please give it a thumbs up by rating the novel and give your thoughts about this novel in the comments section of this novel.

Your ratings and reviews encourage me to write more so please rate and drop a review if you find this novel interesting.

You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky