
Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

She was a simple girl who was brought up in a simple household, or at least that was what others thought about her. She is full of mysteries and secrets but was always seen as naïve and innocent girl. Or, simply…it is more precise to tell that she keeps that facade for her own good. But why?? Only she knows the answer. However, unlike other girls of her age, who dreamt of getting married to rich and famous guys, she preferred to find someone who has simple life and easy going family. In short, she just wanted to lead a happy and ordinary life. However, she uses to believe that it would only be possible if her life partner was an common, uncomplicated guy. But why?? Was the reason behind her beliefs had something to do with her past? Or, was she vexed with her life to the extent of sticking by her self-made rules? On the other hand, he was the CEO of one of the most prestigious companies across the world. He was cold and aloof, someone who despised any sort of intimacy with women, be it physical or emotional. His world revolved around his work and his family business. Though he has complicated family, he love them to his core….and, apart from them and his friends , no one matter to him. But, for the first time in his life, he fell for a woman just with a glance. It all happened when she was turning down her Boss's love proposal. Despite of her simple attire, he found her enchantingly beautiful. He could tell that she had so much more to herself than she let others see. He wanted to be the only person before whom she could be her true self. The very moment he laid his eyes on her, he knew deep down in his heart that only she could be his soul mate. And, he was willing to go any lengths just to make her his. Even if it meant working as an employee in his own company. Just like he wanted, she fell for him. But would happen when she ends up catching his lies? Even if she agrees to accept him, what will be awaiting for her in the life she opted to live with him? Moreover, who exactly is she? Why does she prefer to be low-key? And why is she being so secretive about her past? What and all troubles she might have to face because of his complicated background? What would welcome her when she stumbles back into the very life she wanted to run away from? More importantly, will their love be strong enough to face all those odds that are waiting for them? ......... No misunderstandings between couple. Lovely and understanding couple with mature communication skills. ....... #Comedy #Love #Friendship #Mystery #Thriller #Family #Revenge This book is perfect blend of everything. I hope you will give it a try. ....... I am also author of Ms. attractive and inciting CEO The devil's little Villainess. Please do check out the books ..... Discord sever https://discord.gg/3CC6KgK Please feel free to contact me....

Har_V · perkotaan
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A vacation for both of them.

"You will always be the one and only one love in my heart Brina. There is no place for a second thoughts." he whispered into her ear as if he just read her like an open book. 

In meanwhile, Harry smiled, thanking god's for bringing light into his sister's life. 

"Though I want to see the live action, romantic movie, we have something to talk. I just got reports from doctors and also the lead from our investigation." he said. 

Harry gave an understanding look to Louis. As they did the team work, they were able to find everything that happened today evening. 

Nolen's uncle who is a local don has deep networks and he indeed used them to mask his involvements in the attack. 

Though Harry and Louis suspected Russell's and rounded off their target on Nolen and Nadia, they couldn't find any proofs to confirm their involvement. 

But together, Louis and Harry easily found out about everything about the attack and how Nadia and Nolen cooked the plan up behind Carson's back with the help of their maternal uncle. 

Harry just got the lead and they are now progressing in finding the solid proofs. 

"What did the doctor's say?" Louis asked Harry. 

For him, her health and well being comes before everything…. 

"If I get to sit beside my sister then only I will tell you." Harry said, baffling both Louis and Brina. 

Though Brina isn't that surprised or shocked, she still felt it too childish of Harry to talk like that. 

Well, when is he not childish? 

Louis who is no less than Harry when it comes to vinegar eating competition, shook his head. 

"All right. Don't tell. I am going to ask the doctors myself." Louis said totally sending Brina off guard. 

She is aware of Louis's childish behavior but she never thought he will be on par with Harry. 

Now, she have to handle two childish, over protective, vinegar eating 'kids'. 

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. All she could do is to watch the drama enfold. 

"If you want to go and ask the doctors, you need to go out from this room and if you do so, I will conquer your place which should have been mine actually." Harry said, pointing his finger to the place on Brina's bed. 

"Then, I no need to go out just for a simple task. I can just call and ask them." Louis smirked and he is about to make a call when Brina snatched away his mobile. 

She pinched the space between her eyebrows and shook her head, annoyingly. 

These both!! 

Can they be more 'grown up'!!

"Harry, this is a huge bed and can't you just sit on the other side or you really want to sit beside me." she asked. 

Louis hideously smirked, making fun of Harry. 

Harry pouted. "But that is farther side and I can't even hold your hand." he childishly answered. 

"Grab a chair and sit down then." Brina deadpanned. 

"No. I want to sit where Louis is sitting." Harry childishly complained. 

Rhianna who just came inside, burst out laughing. 

This is actually too hilarious!!

The formidable CEO's of two multinational companies are fighting like a small kids. 

"Your girlfriend came, Harry. Go to her all right and leave my girlfriend." Louis said still acting childish. 

Though he and Harry are just acquaints before, their time together in Brina's villa made them closer. 

If there are someone who loves Brina more than their life, it will be them and it made them feel closer.  

They are fighting for the same cause and it is to keep Brina safe and happy. 


Brina was so happy seeing them like this. It made her remembers her brother Seth and Harry. And, how they used to fight just like this. 

She missed it so much after her brother died. And whenever she was to meet Harry and Rhianna, she used to remember that happy memories they created together with Seth. 

And, that is one of the reason why Brina stopped meeting Harry and the others too often. It was nothing but a heart ache for her. 

She never felt completed without her brother and Harry's banter and childish fights. It used to make her feels empty and more lonely. 

But, now seeing Harry and Louis fighting like this, Brina started feeling as if those empty gaps are getting filled bit by bit. Though their type of love is different, Louis loves her selflessly just like her brother Seth. 

Both of them are protective and patient with her. They knew what's best for her. 

Louis filled her with the same sense of security she used to feel with Seth. Although the time they spent together is short, Brina felt more and more close to Louis.  

The only difference is Seth is her brother and Louis is her lover.

In meanwhile, Uncle Tom came inside and seeing four of them, he felt happy. Brina is like a daughter to him and seeing her single without any man to love her and protect her, he used to feel very gloomy. 

But now, with Louis to protect her and love her, he knew that his family is now almost complete and fill. 

He just hoped it will remain like this. 

"All right children, you can have your banter later, but for now, let me explain you all about Brina's condition." he said. 

"There were no any major problems. However, due to her head injury, she needs to rest properly. Till she gets better, she should not work or use mobiles, laptops and other electronic too often. It will effect her eyes and also her head. She is lucky that she didn't get hit on any sensitive region of her head, however it is just a lucky miss." Uncle Tom explained. 

"So, for a few days, she should live like our ancestor with no electronics and company works. Brina how about you go and spend your time in the forest like forest people." Rhianna joked. 

"I agree." Louis said but rather seriously. 

"Brina, why don't we go for our trip like just how we planned. But let's make it two weeks rather than two days." Louis said. 

"I will join too." Harry right away said but Rhianna smacked his head. 

"You have very important meetings, Mr. Smith. This time you can't cancel them or throw that work on others." she warned. 

'Why don't he understands that he should give this new couple some quality time to get more romantic and intimate.' she thought, rolling her eyes.

Hey guys.

As you are sad that Louis didn't confess... here is the spolier.

He will confess to Brina during vacation.

Har_Vcreators' thoughts