
Chapter Five

The day of the wedding 

It's the early hours of the morning with the sun not showing itself yet and at the Minifred family home there is already chaos. The head butler has a stack of papers in his hand as he walks around directing all the servants on where to put the decorations.

"Sir are we going for a light blue or a dark blue?"

"I swear we have been over this a billion times. Light blue light blue." He told maid before shooing her off.

"Sir are we using the purple or blue carpet for the Lady to walk out on?"


"Sir are we decorating the walls as well?"

"If we don't decorate the wall then we won't look festive enough for a family giving away its only child and a daughter at that." With all the chaos of the servants outside inside the room of Regina it was even more hectic. Her mother Eleanor directed the servants on how to dress her and the schedule of everything. 

"I want the loyalty dress to be without a single speck if she is seen in a dirty dress imagine the rumors this time around? Excuse me! Her revealing dress is too sexual add on a train to even it out. Even if we aren't exactly nobles we still have a reputation to keep. Regina sweet thing I need you to continue thinking about the Tombe pas de bouuree it's important that you get every move down otherwise the people will think that I raised you terribly and say its because of my bloodline." In the middle of the room and the center of the chaos Regina stood as still as possible just moving her arms a tad to try and make sure she still remembers the dance. She has only been practicing for a year and she did skip some lessons.

"Her hair is a mess fix it!" At the loud shout the two hairdressers ran around her pulling and stretching her hair after three hours of standing while getting both her hair done and dress fixed and any other accessories done it was time to head out and meet her soon to be husband.


Pier Family gate

Outside atop his horse Alaric is next to the carriage waiting for his mother to come out and join him before the procession leave. Glancing at the place of the sun he frowns before looking around, while also shooting the floating thing in the corner of his eye a look as well.

[System downloading ... 90%]

"Has anyone seen my mother?" I asked

"I'm here Alaric!" Turning I see my mother on a horse heading towards me. She wore a loose dress that only held onto her breast before flowing out to hide her form since showing it is just taking away the spotlight from the bride.

"Mother what took so long it's getting close to noon and the walk there and back will take at least an hour and a half." I said exasperated

"I'm sorry dear the maids took forever on my hair." She said indicating her braids with beads braided into it.

"It looks nice mother but lets get going so that we don't miss the correct hour to wed." I said frowning at the thought of Regina standing next to me. After a few minutes of making sure everyone is in place we start walking out the gate to see a hushed crowed as they know why the two of us are marrying. After a few minutes of this my mother looks at the with a frown.

"I know that he is the son of a unfavored concubine and the reason they are marrying is due to the girl and her drama but this is still a wedding do celebrate and not make it like a morning ceremony." She said, the people in the crowd looked at her before they stated singing the wedding march song.

"Down the river of a mothers tears. Down the river of many years. Two people come together to form a bigger river. Down the river it turns red. Down the river unwed no more. Two people come together to have some children. Bless! The husband to have a fruit full life. Bless! The wife many healthy pregnancy's. Wish the husband many concubines!" They sang as we walked this continued all the way to the Winifred family home.


"....Wish the husband many concubines!" Turning her head to the window at the sound of singing approaching them. Eleanor looks at Regina who looks very pale.

"Put some blush on her she looks pale. Dear its time to go are you ready?" She asked. Looking over at her Regina opens and closes her mouth a few times before responding,

"Did they just say ... many... concubines?" She asked. Looking at her daughter who grew up in a home with no concubines she could tell she wasn't ready to deal with any, especially since she didn't raise her to deal with them.

"Dear, listen to me it's normal for a man to have many concubines. I forgot to teach you how to deal with them without trouble and I'm sorry. But since I'm following you out of this home I will teach you as they come ok?" She said grabbing Regina's hands and looking her in the eye's softly. Regina nodded her head and took a few deep breaths as the maids finished dealing with her blush. Right at that moment the door to the room busted open and in walked Roger, who looked around the room in boredom. 

"Good the room is cleared out I plan on giving it to a concubine I have coming in I think she will like it. Also Eleanor I hope your room is the same as I will also be giving it to a future concubine. Now come we need you at the front door and ready to head outside after they finish the picking up bride chant." He said before walking off without them. Glancing at each other they also started heading out with the maids being sure to help hold up the back of her dress a bit so that it wouldn't get dirty.


Stopping at the gate of the home and moving over a bit so that the carriage can stop at the end of the blue long rug I jump down off the horse and turn to the people and line of maids and male servants. On my left standing tall in a brand new uniform is Lisa who has a big smile on her face at being able to ride a horse all the way here and even stand at my side. On the right is Rose who is on her knees panting while trying to make sure to sit up tall, she was forced to run walk to keep up with us as she doesn't deserve to ride a horse. Forcing a smile on my face even if it looked super fake I called out.

"Where is my bride? I can't see her?"

'Why she is waiting for you inside Sir!" The crowd called back

"What? Well then lets call her out." Turning to look at the blue decorated home I yelled out.

"Dear! Dear Come out Please!"

"The Sir would like to marry you young Lady!" After doing the call two more time the doors opened and out came Regina. Even with how angry looking at her made him his breath still caught at the sight of her. She's wearing a long gown that hugs her body in all the right places with a long train to help hide her curves some from the waist down. The dress has a sweetheart neckline that squeezes her breast to show them off a little. With the dress covered in branch like things that helped add to her goddess like appearance. It went quiet as she slowly stated walking towards me and the carriage. After four steps there was a drum that sounded with each step adding to the ceremony a sense of importance. Once she finally reached me her mother stepped from behind her and gave a deep bow to me almost as low a to royalty, which had her wedding dress that hugs her breast and flared out spreading out on the ground. 

"Son-in-law." Is all she said before raising her body and lifting her hand. I grabbed it and helped her into the carriage then turned to Regina. She looked at me her eyes looked wet as if she is holding back tears then she took a step towards me following her mothers example and bowing but for two seconds longer and standing up for me to help her into the carriage. When I grabbed her hand it felt rough which had me frowning. Why is it so rough? Once she was in and after making sure her dress is inside I jump up on my horse and turn to the crowd while giving my mother a glance. She nodded her head, then I spoke.

"We have the bride let's return to the Villa for the wedding!"

"Yaaahhh! Down the river of a mothers tears...."


Inside the carriage

"Mother he frowned when he grabbed my hand." Regina whispered as she stripped off her clothing as softly as possible as to not shake the carriage.

"What? Let me feel your hand." She asked with a frown. After grabbing it she frowned even harder and let go.

"This is why you should have stayed home and stopped sneaking out once you turned fifteen it feels like rock. I've told you time and time again a man doesn't like a woman who's hands feel like she works." She lectured while also helping her strip. 

"I didn't know rough hands lasted so long mother." Regina said in a panic eyes starting to water.

"Dear don't cry you will ruin the blush and have puffy eyes." Eleanor said quickly pulling the last bit of the dress off and passed over some small black shorts for her to pull on. Taking several deep breaths she quickly calmed down and pulled on the shorts and grabbed the dress her mom is holding out to her then pulled that on also while making sure that the breast wrap is in place. She is wearing an all black dress with sleeves that reaches her elbow and the length reaches just past her knees. It is a dress that's easy to move in. Tight at the top made of stretchy material and light weight so when moving around it flows easily adding to the movements and even more graceful look. While also wearing some small black pumps with straps that are easy to dance in for someone that has been practicing for a little while. 

"Ok once we reach the villa make sure to control your face the whole time your in pubic. We don't need you getting humiliated even more than you already are, ok?" She said while looking at Regina sternly. Nodding her head she reached up and tried her best to fix her hair as her mother waved her hand out the carriage for a maid then passed the dress out the window. The few people who got a look inside saw a nervous girl who looked close to crying as she fixed her hair.


As we reached the gate I took a glance at the number I have been seeing in the corner of my eye for the past two weeks.

[System downloading ... 95%] 

Then jumped off the horse passing it to a servant and ran to the end of the isle. A lot of servants and maids from the line of people ran to get into position. By the time the carriage door opened there was no more movement.

Outside the carriage stood Walter who is frowning while looking at her but still reaches out to help her and her mother out the carriage. As Regina quickly stepped into the middle of the isle she crossed her legs left foot flat and slightly forward and right foot pointed back so that she is using just her toes to keep her body still, the with her upper body held straight head high and arm down low in front of her and hands cupped a bit she slowly steadied herself before she was as still as a rock. The only movement being her breathing and the movement of her eyes as she glanced around trying to find her mother. After locking eyes with her and seeing her nod Regina too a deep breath and waited for the music to start.

Soon a light violin like sound started to play from somewhere silencing everyone as they turned to look at Regina and see if she will mess up her dance of loyalty. She quickly curtsied putting all her weight onto her left leg and lifting her right until it touched her calf then hopped foward carefully so as to not jolt her body making the dance look masculine. Landing on her right foot being sure to stand on her toe's while bringing up her left leg to the front and touching right where her calf would be at, all the while being sure to keep her eyes on Alaric the whole time. Then once more hopping to the left and again touching her calf with her right foot. Then she moved onto the next step stepping foward with her right foot keeping it flat she touched her ankle before kicking her left leg out a bit at an angle and gently swinging her arms out and down like the sides of a triangle. Then spinning around using the momentum of the kick she quickly found herself in the first position and halfway down the isle. This is when some voices started to sing softly as she started all over again all the while Alaric stood tall gazing at her. 

"At least she isn't messing up my reputation during this time." I whispered to my mother quietly. She shot me a glare shutting me up. Finally Regina finished the loyalty dance and ended with a deep bow to me. Reaching out she places her hand in mine and slowly looks up into my eyes. Gulping I take a deep breath as the blushing Regina closes her eyes tightly I lean down and give her a light kiss. The crowd of people there started cheering as they threw carnation petals at us signifying new love and the birth of a new family. As we turned toward the crowd I saw a blinking in the corner of my eye. Giving it a glance it said,

[Download Successful]

[Importing data...]

[Import successful]

Shocked I looked away careful to not change my expression too much since I'm under a lot of eyes and led Regina in front of the carriage and crowd we both gave the a bow, then I helped my new wife into the carriage before stepping in myself. As soon as the door closed the carriage immediately started to the villa. Ignoring Regina who is still blushing I turn and look at the little dot flashing in the corner of my eye.

[Welcome to the Royal Family System]

My cats Angel and Ember just ruined my christmas tree so I don't really want to talk to the right now.

Want to see some everyday post about me and my cats? Check out my Instagram ' irianabra'

angel_aricreators' thoughts
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