
Royal Blood (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

3000 years ago, an ancient pharaoh lived among his people as the rightful ruler to the throne. Corruption spread across the lands, giving birth to Anubis army and his dark creatures of the night. One pharaoh, and one alone seeks to discover the secrets and power he possesses by master his inner peace. Through, desert sands, blizzard winds, endlessly tides and bloody battlefields. The people of ancient Egypt await for their King's return and protection. A mythological and Egypt setting book. This book contains: Mature audiences only Sexual content War / Gore Blood / violence

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14 Chs

Chapter 11

Scouts from the palace set out ahead as they were suppose to be approaching the southern village. It was the village that was calm and at ease with their chief. He felt something was approaching, a far evil and dangerous being unlike any other. Although, he hadn't seen anything coming at all he felt it could've been his imagination. Once he went back inside his tent, he thought at the Pharaoh and how he was able to help him. He vowed to protect these lands from harm, and he didn't see him breaking them any time soon. He wished that he would get to the forbidden realms without any problems at all. The chief eventually went to sit inside his chair, his guards beside him as they looked over to make sure he was okay. He smiled at them to let them know he was fine. They eventually looked back at the entrance, keeping their eyes on it.

The scouts eventually had gotten closer to the camps, and saw the small huts that the people where inside. They were on the hill tops, as they looked back seeing that Phineas and his men rode up. "How many?" Phineas asked the scout nonchalantly. "800, Sir." The scout said bowing. Phineas was with the priests, Ishizu once again, along with Dragon this time as well. He was the other priest whom held the millennium balance as he was bald, black, and had ancient text written on his right eye down to his jawline Phineas chuckled at the numbers they had, even so he felt that was nothing compared to his own men. He had been receiving men from all other, and not to mention Atem's army now. It was fully completed and all he had to do was kill some more. He felt his job was too easy for him, and he didn't mind taking the lives of children either.

"Haha! AHahahaha!" Phineas said aloud laughing hysterically. The others looked over at them, as they sat upon their own horses. Phineas suddenly stopped, as he smirked looking down at the village. "That is 800 men and women, who shall die by my blade." Phineas said smirking evilly, as he glanced over at his captain who was a skilled archer. He tossed his head back slightly one time, giving an 'nod' type of gesture, as the archer took out his bow. He then looked at his arrow and blew on it, which made it light on fire. He soon, put it into his bow, and took his stance, he aimed for the village. "How many men does it take to make everyone scream?" Phineas said coldly, as he scratched his chin when he asked. The captain smirked devilishly, as he pulled his bow up to his chest and aimed at a man in the village. "Just one.." he proclaimed, as he released it and shot the man right between his eyes.

The people from the village looked quickly, rotating their eyes to see that one of their own had fallen to the ground. Soon glancing up on the hill tops, to see troops as they screamed and ran.

Meanwhile, Crow and Atem had stop they're journey for some drinks and food. They had been riding every since they left the village. Crow was feeling hot, and extremely drained, he hadn't let the village in a long time. Therefore, it felt weird being out and about, without actually doing anything. He didn't regret it though, he wanted to see what awaited them at the forbidden realm. If Atem was a chosen person, then whatever awaited them was meant to be this difficult. Atem was over on the edge side of the river, as he scooted up some water for them to carry in their little sachet bottles. Eventually, Crow gotten up and walked over towards Atem as he watched him. "We aren't even close, are we?" He asked.

Atem slowly glanced over and eventually gotten up as he closed the bottle and sighed. "I'm afraid not." Atem said directly as he went to his horse. "We have a few ways to go, but I'm sure, it shouldn't take as no longer than 3 days." Atem stated. "Too bad, we do not have my grandmother with us. She would've told us an exact time." Crow said crossing his arms. Atem looked back at Crow and could tell that the death of her, was going to be forever inside his mind. He hated feeling the guilt because of her death, and he felt responsible for it. However, in the end he told himself he wouldn't allow her to die in vein, and not be remembered for her bravery. "She did what she felt was necessary though." Crow added on. "I suppose, I should be grateful for that." He said sighing and walking back to his own horse.

Atem didn't speak, as he felt it wasn't his place too, he climbed back into his horse, as Crow did the same. "3 days huh?" Crow asked confused. "Yeah, that's what I've seen from the bracelet." Atem stated. "Fine, then 3 days, I shall be by your side, and I'll make sure you get to that temple." Crow said firmly. Atem eyes slightly widened, as his determination was surprising to him. Atem nodded after awhile, and soon the two of them continued to ride their horses past the desert sands. The bracelet shimmered around Atem's wrist, as Crow rode right beside him. He slowly looked down at his wrist and pondered to himself about it. 'That, bracelet on his wrist. What if it's dangerous? Why would grandmama give him such a thing? What does it all mean?' Crow thought. Soon they had gotten into a desert sandstorm, however was prepared for that to come.

They grab they're shaw's they were suppose to cover from their face. The desert was getting stronger, as it blew every which way possible. Crow was behind Atem the entire way, and had to keep close in order not to get lost. It was strong winds, and eventually the sun was going down, which would make the desert dangerous, and also completely cold. Crow wasn't going to complain, he felt Atem wasn't planning on stopping any time soon, and since that was the case, they'd have to keep an eye out.

Since the sun was setting down so quickly it felt like, Crow took out his blade and kept it in his right hand. In case, something or someone did try and attack them he'd be ready to kill them. Atem thought silently the entire time he was on his horse, and wonder if Amore and Mana was okay. He worried about his priest's and wondered if Phineas had killed them. Those thoughts only made Atem more upset, as he narrowed his eyes down further. He hated this, he hated not being able to just go back and fight him, but apparently he was much stronger, and Atem needed something powerful to defeat him. Atem would take any help he could receive, and travel whatever distances needed in order to put Phineas down.

Phineas and his men, had slaughtered the village they were inside as the chief was the only one remaining. He was brought before Phineas, as Phineas stood there in his village. He was still on his horse although, as the men tossed the chief down into the ground. He was bloody, as he had a hard time looking up at him. Phineas smirked, seeing him down and unable to breathe barely, he parted his rough lips, as he took out his sword. He pointed it to the chief, as the chief scuffled his nose, and his eyes twitched. "Ahahaha! You fool, did you really think I wouldn't kill your stupid people. This is the last time I shall ask you. Where is the Wizard! Where is Mana and Atem!?" Phineas shouted angrily. The chief couldn't, bare to tell him where Atem was going.

That wasn't in him to give in, and Atem was his pharaoh, someone he couldn't betray, as his people got killed. He looked around at the lives of everyone, as they were all dead. The huts, burned to the ground, and the children killed and slaughtered like animals. The chief slowly gotten to his feet holding his ribs in pain as he glanced at Phineas and spoke. "I—do not know what you are speaking of! As I've told you a thousand times. However, what I CAN tell you, is that you are a bastard! You slaughter innocents, and women, you are a demon and you can go to hell! The pharaoh will kill you, and the God's know it." The chief said in his final hours.

Phineas smirked as he saw the chief try and be brave in his dying time. Phineas slowly released his horse as he clapped slowly at his speech. "Bravo, Bravo a touching speech, how moving... for a dying man." Phineas stated firmly. He eventually got off his horse, as everyone watched him, Ishizu included as he couldn't believe that this was happening. Her hand twitched at the thought of all of this, and she hated sitting here doing nothing, but what could she do? Phineas took out his sword once more and put it to the chiefs neck. "Atem... shall Never! Beat me. I will kill a thousand sons, and daughters before I EVER allow Atem to step foot in my kingdoms. And to show that I am a man of my word, I shall let YOU be the center of my wall."

Phineas said chuckling evilly. He soon sliced off the chiefs head with one swing, as Ishizu closed her eyes when he did. She reopened them, seeing his body fall to the ground headless. Phineas slowly bent down and grad his head showing it to his men and the priest's. "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU GO AGAINST ME! YOUR KING!" Phineas said tossing the chiefs head to his captain. Phineas soon walked towards his horse once again, and climbed up as he looked over at Ishizu for a moment. "Does anyone object?..." he asked leaning closer to her. Ishizu continued to look forward not eyeing him at all, as Phineas smirked and licked his lips. "That is what I thought, we shall head back to the palace.

However the rest of my men shall slaughter every single village and burn their children and women alive until I find Atem." Phineas exclaimed. The priests for the most part were quiet, and getting the feeling that Ishizu was feeling. He was too power hungry, and at that moment they felt that they knew Atem was suppose to die because Phineas allowed it. Although, they knew if they tried to go against him, they'd die, but their duties was to protect the villages and Atem's people, and how they are failing to do so. Phineas turned his horse around, as some guards followed behind while the rest pressed on. For now they hoped that wherever Atem was, he'd come back soon, and stop Phineas before it was too late.