
ROXANNE: I've been transported to another world to become a popstar!

Aimi Sasuki was just an ordinary 16-year-old girl passionate about music and dreamed of becoming Japan's next pop star. However, she fears auditioning for singing competitions due to stage fright and a lack of self-confidence. One day, Aimi suddenly was transported to another world. In this strange world, she could sing to help the people and creatures there. With newfound courage, Aimi embarks on a journey of self-discovery and adventure.

Lavender_chan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

The power of music: Aimi's first spell casting!

I gazed at the wooden box with anticipation. Inside, I found an object colored in gold and silver, with intricate details on the exterior.

"A microphone?" I said confused. "In what ways does this help me in my quest? I mean - where are the speakers?"

"You want to be a bard, right?" The shopkeeper asked with a smile.

He then pointed to a small button on the microphone side. "With this little device, you can amplify your voice and be heard for miles around. As you can see, this microphone has speakers that will enable you'll be able to perform your songs to an entire crowd."

He placed the ancient music book and the magical microphone on the counter. He then smiled and said, "This should be enough to make you a star!" He winked.

I slowly reached out and touched the microphone, feeling its power. I looked at him in awe and asked, "Really?"

He nodded and replied, "Yes, just be sure to use it wisely." I was about to take out some gold coins but then a thought popped into my head.

"Hey, mister," I said. "How would I know you're scamming me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you see, you said this book came from ancient times containing songs and tales while the microphone is modern technology. They don't go together."

The old man coughed. "Well, you're right," he said. "But technology can be a bridge between the old and the upcoming. The microphone can amplify the stories from the book and help them reach more people."

"I get your point but how would I know this book or this microphone is magical? For all I know, you could be lying," I said. "Show me the proof. Show me the results of these stories being amplified."

A grin spread across the shopkeeper's face. "Try it for yourself, and you will see."




Outside the shop, I cautiously reached out and grabbed the book and microphone. The old man stood aside from the door while he watched.

It was decided that I had to pro from outside the store if he wasn't lying and that the music book and magical microphone were real.

I opened the book and was paused by its lyrics. The titles of the songs were listed and there were strange titles for each song. "Fireball melody?" "Beats of an ocean wave?" "Slumber Lofi?"

What kind of music titles are these?

I read a few lines from the book and pressed the microphone button. To my surprise, I heard my voice amplified and echo back to me.

"Oh, my god!" I said in awe.

"You believe me now? Play a tone!" The old man said yelling from afar.

I read them out loud and to my surprise, the microphone began to hum and the music started to play. I could feel the power of the words coming alive. I felt the vibrations of the sound waves in my body and I could see the old man smiling. I had witnessed a miracle - the power of words. It was a moment I would never forget.

"Oh. My. God." I said. "Did I just feel magic when I sang?"

He nodded and said, "Yes, my child. That was the power of words. When used correctly, they can be a powerful force for good."

"That's... unbelievable," I said. "Why on earth do people find bard classes so boring?"

He smiled and said, "It's because they don't understand the power of words. But they soon will."

I looked at my microphone and the book. I realized that I had a powerful tool in my hands to make a difference. I knew I had to use it to its fullest potential. I was determined to make a change.

Maybe it will be enough to save the king.

"So, are you buying or not?"

I looked up at the shopkeeper. He stared at me expectantly, waiting for an answer.

After a moment of hesitation, I said, "Oh! Uh, yeah sure."

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the money, handing it to him. He counted it and nodded, then put the item into a bag and handed it to me. I thanked him and left the shop, feeling relieved.

"Don't worry, Lucifer," I thought. "Your days of being trapped in a mirror will be over soon!"




I arrived at the cave as fast as I could. I knew what I had to do. I was going to free Lucifer from the mirror and restore him to his former glory.

"TOMAS! TOMAS, I'M BACK!" I yelled out as I entered the cave. I had to find the mirror, the one with Lucifer trapped within it. Tomas just made black tea with mini cakes.

He turned around with a smile on his face and said, "Ah, my dear Aimi! You're just in time for dessert. Want some?"

"We have no time for that," said Lucifer appearing through the mirror. "Aimi, did you get what you were told?"

I bow before the king, "Yes, I got a wonderful instrument that will break your curse!"

"Really? Reveal itself."

I took out the instrument and showed it to the king. Tomas was amazed by its beauty and said, "This is the instrument that will break Lord Lucifer's curse?"

I smiled and said, "Yes, it is."

"But," Tomas paused. "But it's a microphone."

I nodded, understanding his confusion. "Yes, it is a microphone. But it's magical. It can control the sound waves around you. It can make your voice sound like a symphony. You can use it to record and amplify your voice, and you can even use it to create special sound effects. It even comes with a magical lyrics book with tunes that you can sing along to. That's it that amazing!?"

Lucifer and Tomas looked at each other before Tomas spoke. "How do you know it would work?"

"That's what I said! But I got to try it for myself and I was surprised by the-"

"No, No, No, I mean - How would you know it will break the curse?" Tomas interrupted.

"Oh, uh, I don't know," I stammered. I stepped back, looking confused. "I just... I have a feeling it will work."

Tomas takes the book. "Does this music book contains magical spells that can break the curse?"

He opened it and looked inside and I held my breath.

"Well?" Lucifer asked.

I waited anxiously for his response, but he just stared at the book in silence. After a few moments, he slowly closed the book and handed it back to me.

He said, "I'm not sure. All it has are weird song titles and lyrics."

I felt my heart sink. I was sure he would find something. But I'm not giving up yet! I walked this long road to find a clue. I'm not going to give up so easily. I'll keep searching until I find the answer I'm looking for.

"I think it can work," I replied. "I mean - the spell can be in this lyrics book. We just have to find it."

"By how?" Tomas said.

"By me singing!"

Tomas laughed. "No, that's not going to work," he said. "We need to find another way."

"No, No, No, listen to me Tomas!" I said pulling him by the shoulders. "You only summon me here for one thing - and that is to free your king from the mirror that is holding him captive. You expected me to learn swordsmanship or archery or magic or whatever! But the point is I am bad at those things but I am good at one thing. And that is music. So I am going to use my music to free your king, that's the only way I can help."

I waited for the other's reaction. Tomas stared at me in disbelief. Lucifer spoke, "Aimi."

I looked up at the king. He looked at me with an expression of admiration. His lips curved into a smile. He nodded, approving of my words. "Thank you."

My cheeks blushed as my heart beats faster. I lowered my gaze, feeling proud of myself. His approval gave me the courage to keep going. God, his so cute!

"Well, I suppose it won't hurt if we give it a try." Tomas sighed.

I looked up at him, my eyes shining with determination. "I'm ready."

Tomas stepped back as I stood in front of the mirror. I held up the magic book opened the first page, and held the microphone. I took a deep breath and began to sing.