
Episode 12: Mengmeng Starts Learning Magic (Part 2)

Today is the fourth day of Mengmeng's magic training. Early in the morning, Granny Meow called everyone to the 94th floor. Granny Meow said to Mengmeng and everyone, "Today we are going to the town. For the senior students, it will be a review. Jiajia and Yangyang, you still need more practice in operating the large shopping cart. Today, you should practice more. As for Mengmeng, everything is new to you. You need to watch carefully, learn carefully." Mengmeng nodded earnestly. Granny Meow continued, "Do you know why I called you to the 'detention room'?" Upon hearing this, Mengmeng and the other siblings answered in unison, "To learn to sit still and meditate." "Correct answer! True magic is no longer about external slogans and forms, but about internal determination. The deeper your determination, the greater the power of magic," Granny Meow replied.

Mengmeng suddenly understood why everyone would meditate before going to sleep. At first, Mengmeng imitated them without really understanding why they did it. Now, she finally understood that meditation is the essence of magic. Momo said, "We spend almost half of our time meditating every year. Especially in recent years, the Demon Country has been restless, and there is a looming threat of a cosmic-level war. Our magic needs to improve as soon as possible."

Miao Grandma led everyone to a peculiar confinement room on the 94th floor called the "Center of the Circle Confinement Room". This confinement room was composed of a bulky circular solid wall, with only the center part being hollow. Everyone had to climb to the top of the wall using a ladder, and then Miao Grandma, from the top, chanted an incantation and waved her magic wand to activate it. The center part of the circular roof would open, just enough to accommodate Miao Grandma and the seven siblings. Everyone then swiftly descended inside.

Wenwen said, "Miao Grandma, why haven't we been brought here in the past few decades?"

Meow Grandma sighed and said, "Ah! This is the place where my Traceless"ancestor" taught us to meditate in seclusion."

"Oh, really?" everyone exclaimed.

Momo said, "There must be something different about this 'solitary confinement' room compared to others."

Mewo Granny said, "Momo, you're right. Indeed, being confined here for one hour could potentially compensate for ten lifetimes, but at least it could be equivalent to half a lifetime of practice. The specific outcome varies from person to person. Jiajia and Yangyang, you are level 8 in magic. I hope that during this confinement, you will focus completely, remember to concentrate on visualizing and guiding, and push yourselves to break through to level 9 or even level 10 quickly. As for the rest of you, your opportunity has come. Some of you have been practicing for decades without reaching level 10. Today, it's up to all of you."

Xinxin excitedly said, "Mewo Granny, I'm curious. After reaching level 10, is there a higher level? Is magic as vast and profound as you are?"

Granny Mewo smiled and said, "Of course there is. Learning has no limits, and the realm of magic is immeasurable. However, in our magic training camp, it has been traditionally set that the ranking goes up to level 10. The levels beyond 10 vary for each individual and are no longer used as a competitive reference. The purpose is for you to cultivate and refine your own skills. The true opponent in this world is yourself, understand?"

Everyone replied, "Understood!"

Then Grandma Meow suddenly pointed her magic wand at the roof of the circular secret room and chanted, "Hulala, hulala, magical spirits arise. I channel the power of the ten generations of divine reincarnation and the spiritual energy of the 'Traceless Master' to emit a beam of love." As she spoke, the circular top of the thick-walled secret room automatically folded to the sides, and a very powerful yet comforting white light descended from the top of the secret room. Everyone was enveloped in the white light. Grandma Meow urged everyone to quickly sit in meditation. When everyone was ready, Grandma Meow said, "Do not faint during the meditation, remember to follow the guidance and instructions of the divine spirits. This opportunity is not easy to come by. The love beam empowered by the spiritual energy of the Traceless Master comes only once every thirty years, and you happen to be here for it."

Mengmeng immediately entered a meditative state. In her meditation, she saw the images of her parents from her past life and the adorable aunt she had seen on the 'Rainbow Bridge' before. Excitedly, Mengmeng said, "Hello, Dad, Mom, and adorable Aunt Mengmeng."

Dad and Mom calmly said to Mengmeng, "Now we are no longer your dad and mom. We are merely consciousness existing in space, belonging to the void. And you should know the truth now, you are the greatest love magician of ancient times, the 'Ancient Master of Wisdom'."

Mengmeng responded calmly, "Yes, I have seen that I am the 'Ancient Master of Wisdom'." Mengmeng started feeling a profound and indescribable state of being, realizing that they were in a dark space during meditation. They saw themselves sitting with closed eyes, able to see what was above their head, a magical "seven-colored light."

Then, Auntie Mengmeng said, "Ancient Master of Wisdom, please activate the crown chakra, heart chakra, and root chakra in sequence. Stay in the light."

Following the instructions, Mengmeng felt a deep clarity in her mind. She could see light bursting out from the top of her head, her heart, and the soles of her feet. In an instant, the light expanded and elongated, and soon Mengmeng found herself completely enveloped within her own aura of light. Suddenly, she couldn't feel her own presence anymore. All she could see was the radiant light, without any sense of self.

Finally, Aunt Mengmeng smiled and said, "Child, well done. You can go ahead now. It's amazing to see that after so many lifetimes, you still possess the unwavering composure of an ancient wise master. Transforming the intangible, I wish you the best in becoming the greatest love sorcerer once again."

After Aunt Mengmeng finished speaking, Mengmeng had already completed her transformation. She felt her whole being brighten up, and her spirit became particularly energetic. Granny Meow saw Mengmeng's complexion and knew that she must have gained a lot from the transformation. She wanted to test Mengmeng's composure, so she clasped her hands together and pushed them apart, releasing an invisible energy towards Mengmeng's chest. Mengmeng sensed the powerful energy coming at her, but surprisingly, she remained completely unaffected. Granny Meow was amazed and closed her palms, saying, "Incredible. Finally, my Traceless" ancestor, someone can avenge you, my heart's grudge."

Then Jiajia, Xinxin, Momo, Wenwen, Chengcheng, and Yangyang also completed their transformations one after another. They all appeared to be in good spirits, but the visions they saw were completely different from what Mengmeng saw. For example, Momo saw the "Book Fairy," Wenwen and Xinxin saw "Aunt Mengmeng," Chengcheng saw a tall "Flying Horse God," Yangyang saw the "Music Fairy," and Jiajia saw the "Green-clad Flower Fairy."

Granny Meow listened to everyone's responses and smiled, saying, "I already know that Wenwen and Xinxin have reached level ten, congratulations. Momo, you were originally at level 9, and now you're only three squares away from reaching level ten. Though it's a small difference, it's a pity. However, before the white light dissipates, I plan to use my inner power to support you to level ten. Watch this." As she spoke, Granny Meow sat in the forbidden room with her hands crossed and drew a circle with a wave. Suddenly, a huge white light appeared in her palms. After a moment, Granny Meow placed her hand on Momo's chest, and everyone saw Momo being enveloped in the white light. After a while, the white light disappeared on its own. Granny Meow smiled and said, "Alright, today is truly worth celebrating. Four level ten mages have been born."

Jiajia and Chengcheng, on the other hand, successfully advanced from level 8 to level 9. Everyone was overjoyed.

Afterwards, they all happily went to Love Town. What stories await them in Love Town? Stay tuned for the next episode.