
Rosario + Vampire: Hidden Beast

Starr_Dakota · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

The Vampire Within

"Almost there." Eli sighed as he saw the tunnel to Yokai Academy come into view before he looked at the only other person on the bus with him and shaking his head at the nervous look the boy had. He out of the window once again as they went through the tunnel and when they came out of the other side moments later the sky had become a dull red and the moon was showing even though it was supposed to be the middle of the day. When they reached the bus stop the driver said something to the teen in front of Eli before locking eyes with him and Eli gave him a nod before climbing out of the bus.

"I know I didn't introduce myself on the way here but I'm Tsukune Aono and this is my first year at Yokai." Tsukune said as the bus drove off and Eli could tell there was something different about him.

"I'm Eli and I'm a first year as well." Eli told him in a calm voice and Tsukune gave him a smile before they began to follow the trail to the school. He noticed Tsukune looking around as if he was confused but Eli wasn't quite sure why. Maybe he had only been to human schools before this year and he wasn't used to places like this. Eli opened his mouth to say something before a girl with pink hair suddenly hit Tsukune with her bike and leaving him speechless.

"I'm sorry! I got dizzy and lost control!" She yelled as she scurried over to Tsukune before she bit his neck and quickly backed up after a few moments, "Sorry I couldn't help myself because I'm a vampire."

"You do know we're going to be late right?" Eli asked as he began to walk away from the strange situation and they quickly got up to follow him. He calmly listened to their small talk and after a bit of walking they finally made it to the entrance gate to the school grounds.

"Let's all meet up after the entrance ceremony!" Moka yelled as she ran off and Tsukune gave her a wave while Eli just shook his head with a chuckle. After the ceremony was over Eli made his way to his new homeroom and was surprised to see Tsukune sitting in the far side but what surprised him more was that fact he was trembling in fear.

"Sorry I'm lat-" Eli was cut off when Moka suddenly ran into him, catching him off guard and nearly knocking him to the ground.

"I'm sorry Eli!" Moka told him quickly before the teacher told them where their seats were and Eli quietly walked to his seat as Moka spotted Tsukune. She seemingly flew over to the surprised teen and Eli immediately felt the tone of the room change as everyone glared at Tsukune. He covered his sensitive ears as the students began to gossip in order to tune out the annoying muttering and once the class went back to normal he sighed in relief as he moved his hands. After what seemed like forever the school day finally came to an end and he waved goodbye to the two as they went to explore the halls.

"Is this it?" Eli asked as he stood in front of the dorms and examined the eery building before making his way to his room. He threw his bag on the bed and began to search through the drawers out of curiosity. He found basic school supplies for studying in his room and a book with a note attached. The note read 'I know how you like to read.' in a handwriting that seemed familiar but couldn't remember where he seen it before and he sighed as he sat down on the bed while opening the book. He realized quickly that it wasn't a normal book but a compendium of monsters and he read each page with interest before he heard the door begin to open.

"Well at least you're my roommate." Tsukune sighed in relief as he stumbled into the room and Eli quietly went back to reading after Tsukune sat at his desk, "You really don't talk much do you?"

"When I was in the human world I realized quickly that it was better to keep to myself and I guess staying quiet became a habit." Eli explained as he continued to flip through the pages and he noticed Tsukune writing something with an unsure face, "Planning on leaving?"

"How'd you know?" Tsukune asked him in a surprised tone and Eli gave him a strange look, "Was it that obvious?"

"Well you seemed off all day and I'm guessing being around other monsters after only being in the human world has you a bit shook up right?" Eli asked in a calm tone and Tsukune nodded his head as he went back to writing, "Well do whatever you want I guess but you're telling Moka yourself."

"I know." Tsukune told him as he put the paper in a envelope he labeled 'Withdrawal' and laid on his bed. Eli put his book away soon after and they both decided to call it a night. Eli woke up to the sound of his alarm and noticed that Tsukune had already left. He felt bad that one of his first friends was already leaving but it was his decision and he didn't want to get in the way of it. He quickly got dressed before grabbing his bag and making his way to the school's main gate, determined to see Tsukune off. When he got to the entrance he didn't see anyone there and figured that he was too late. He sighed as he walked towards the main building but he stopped when his sensitive ears heard Tsukune yell in pain and he spun on his heels before sprinting down the path at high speed. The two Rosaries on his wrist began to shake violently and after a few moments the silver rosary's cross shot off. His black hair turned silver and his irises changed to crimson as he caught the cross before putting it in his pocket and he had a smug grin as his speed drastically increased. As he got closer he could feel Moka's power change and his grin got bigger as they came into view.

"Know your place!" Inner Moka yelled as she kicked Saizo into the cliffside and she turned around to retrieve her rosary from Tsukune. She was surprised when he suddenly pushed her out of the way as Saizo sent his tongue straight for them and Tsukune's eyes widened as it closed in on him.

"What?!" Saizo yelled when his tongue was grabbed by Eli and all three of them noticed that his physique had change dramatically, "Another Vampire?!"

"I believe you were told..." Eli said as he snatched Saizo towards him and slammed his fist into the Orc's face, sending flying back towards the cliffside, "to know your place!"

"I honestly didn't expect to see another Vampire here." Inner Moka said with a smirk and Eli grinned at her before he took a small cross out of his pocket, "How'd you know we were fighting?"

"I could hear you." Eli explained as he clipped the cross onto one of the two Rosaries on his wrist and his body went back to normal before turning to Saizo, "The other me really doesn't hold back huh?"

"Well it's time to go back as well I suppose." Inner Moke said as she took the Rosary from Tsukune and locked herself away again. Tsukune sighed as he caught the unconscious Moka and he noticed the look Eli was giving him.

"Were you going to tell me you were human?" Eli asked in a serious tone and Tsukune laughed nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Doesn't matter I guess. Let's get back to the school unless you still plan on leaving."

"I think I'll stay a while longer." Tsukune said as he gave Moka a small smile and Eli chuckled as he began to walk down the path.