
Rosabella and the Beast

Ella (Rosabella) is being treated like a slave in her father's house, but when Emperor Carl comes to her father's house for a visit, her stepmother poisons his current Queen because she wants one of her daughters to be with him. But Ella (Rosabella) has no idea that she is going to find out who she really is and who her birth parents are, as well as be with Emperor Carl instead of her stepsisters. Ella (Rosabella) also found out that her stepmother had never divorced from her first husband. Therefore, she is no longer her stepmother and her stepsisters are no longer her stepsisters. Her stepmother comes up with different plans but Emperor Carl, Luke (Ella (Rosabella)'s adopted father), Ian and his sons. Paige, Ella (Rosabella)'s stepmother's first husband and sons. They come up with a plan which allows Emperor Carl to finish his stay at Luke's house and make love with Ella (Rosabella). Ella (Rosabella) goes to the Royal Palace thrice, once to save Emperor Carl's first wife, second to break the spell that was placed over Emperor Carl, and third time to be with Emperor Carl for the rest of her life. Her stepmother and stepsisters get banished to another kingdom. They ended up in a Royal family and never set foot back in their home kingdom. Ella (Rosabella)'s adopted father ends up with the woman he had loved before his second ex-wife forced him to marry her instead. Ella (Rosabella) goes from a servant to a princess to a Empress and proves her fake ex-stepmother and stepsisters wrong.

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51 Chs

Rosabella is bleeding

Julia took hold of the cup and took it downstairs. Emperor Carl helped Ella (Rosabella) stand up and allowed her to falter into the bedchamber. Angela, Ellie, and Gemma minced right behind them. Emperor Carl helped Ella (Rosabella) walk over to the bed, and Angela got a pyjama ready as Emperor Carl urged, as he was worried about Rosabella.

"Be careful when you help Rosabella get ready for bed and into bed. I will have guards at the door, and they will ensure that her stepsisters and stepmother do not come in or come anywhere near." Angela, Ellie, and Gemma nodded. Ella (Rosabella) sat on the bed and looked at Emperor Carl as she spoke.

"Thank you for helping me out of the chair and for helping me get here." Emperor Carl looked at Ella (Rosabella), reassuring her, and took her right hand. "You are most welcome, and I hope you'll recover from what happened to you."

Ella (Rosabella) nodded as he kissed the back of her right hand and left the bedchamber. Angela, Ellie, and Gemma carefully helped Ella (Rosabella) prepare for bed. Ellie removed the duvet as Angela and Gemma helped Ella (Rosabella) lie on the bed. Ella (Rosabella) slowly placed her head on the pillow and felt something.

Ella (Rosabella) quickly sat up and stared at the pillow. Ella (Rosabella) looked at Angela and asked. "Can you get my cordial, please?" Angela nodded and went to get it. Angela returned with the cordial and gave it to Ella (Rosabella). Ella (Rosabella) used her left hand as she lowered her forward and felt where the blood was coming from.

Ellie quickly left the bedchamber and found Emperor Carl as she confessed to him. "Rosabella is bleeding from the back of her head and is going to stop the bleeding with the cordial that she brought with her." Emperor Carl quickly walked into the bedchamber with Ellie and marched right over to the bed.

Ella (Rosabella) knew he was there and knew she could not see where the bleeding was coming from. Ella (Rosabella) shakenly gave the cordial to Emperor Carl because he could see the wound more than she could. Emperor Carl took hold of the cordial with his right hand and remembered it was only one drop.

He gently poured one drop from the cordial into the wound, and it healed before his eyes as he gently touched the area where the wound was. Ella (Rosabella) knew the wound was healed and slowly raised her head. Emperor Carl knew the wound was healed and quickly placed the lid on top of the cordial as he changed the pillow.

Ella (Rosabella) lowered herself back into the mattress and carefully placed her head on the pillow. Emperor Carl gave Angela the cordial and set it back where she got it from. Emperor Carl placed the duvet over Ella (Rosabella) and put her hands on it. Emperor Carl sat on the bed and took hold of Ella (Rosabella)'s hands as he explained.

"You did not deserve to be beaten up and thrown out of this bedchamber. I will only let your father come here and spend quality time with you. Your stepmother and stepsisters will stay in the bedchambers I gave them. You get some rest, and I will see you tomorrow."

Ella (Rosabella) nodded, and Emperor Carl leaned over to kiss her forehead. Ella (Rosabella) fell fast asleep, and Emperor Carl gently stroked her face as his heart missed a beat. He stood and left the bedchamber, waiting for Angela, Ellie, and Gemma to leave it.

Angela and Gemma came outside the bedchamber as Ellie was the last to leave. Ellie slowly closed the door behind her, and Emperor Carl pointed out to them as they looked at him. "You three must be mostly careful around Rosabella tomorrow morning and help her get anywhere in this palace. Whatever you do, do not rush her, and make sure she is feeling safe. (He looked over his right shoulder and saw two guards walking over to them.)"

"The guards will guard Rosabella's bedchamber and her. They will let you three, me, Rosabella, and her father in, but they will not let anyone else in. The general will come to tell anyone who tries to get into the bedchamber who cannot be there. To leave, the general will bring more guards to switch with the guards already guarding the bedchamber."

"You three must keep your eyes and ears open, just in case Paige, Sarah, and Anne try to hurt Rosabella again or sneak into the bedchamber they are not allowed to be in. One of you must get me, the guards, or the head of the household. If one of you gets all three of us, it will help Rosabella even more."

Angela, Ellie, and Gemma nodded, knowing he was telling the truth and meant every word. Angela remembered something and spoke, "While Rosabella was in the rose garden, she spoke. 'Why do I feel nostalgic when I am in the rose garden?' I could not help but wonder what she meant. After you left, she picked a red, cream-white, and golden-yellow rose."

"She dropped them in the living room, and I felt she wanted to pick the same ones." Ellie felt something in her pocket and pulled three flowers out as he predicted. "I do not think that would be necessary because I got them and picked them up after she left them behind."

Ellie slowly opened the door and quickly placed them on the table. She double-checked if Ellea (Rosabella) was asleep and slowly closed the door as Gemma asked. "But what will you do with Rosabella's stepmother and stepsisters? They did not even care about Rosabella and did not say sorry to Angela, Fred, and Lucy."

"Us two, Julia and Emma. Rosabella helped us two to stand and care about us two, Julia and Emma." Emperor Carl knew Gemma was telling the truth and let them go as he went to Luke and Paige's bedchamber. He was about to knock on the door and the door opened.