

Em's eyes widen.

His heartbeat quickens and head becoming blurry.

He fainted.


The truck slammed its front against Em's body.

Em flew like a deflated rubber, bouncing like a ball in the sidewalk till Em hits the fire hydrant headfirst.

The truck driver stopped the vehicle and tried to help Em.

It is 5 am in the morning.

People are still getting up or preparing for their work so there are no people can be seen within the street.

The truck driver wanted to run away but his reason doesn't let him.

He knew that if he were to run away after committing a crime, the superhuman investigators will track him easily and after that his punishment will be more severe.

So with that reasoning, he called the ambulance and paid all the bill for the young man.

The Truck driver waited, fearing that he had murdered someone and will end up in jail.

After a while, a doctor appeared.

The doctor said that he was just unconscious and no injuries.

After hearing the news, he breath heavily in relief and waited for Em to wake up. 


In the hospital room.

Em sat up straight while processing what happened.

He knew that the truck hit him hard but...

He felt no pain.

"That was weird."

He voiced.

Because a normal human like him couldn't withstand a force of a head on clash against a truck.


The door opened and a beautiful black-haired nurse wearing pink nurse uniform.

On her left chest, there is a name plaque that has 'Eliz' engraved.

 Em understood that it is the name of the nurse.

"Hello Mr. Em Harbinger. I am here to inform you that you, has a right to press charge on Mr. Yofs. Also, due to your body as a superhuman, you've sustained no injuries."

 The nurse notified him.

Em frowned when he heard it and asked to confirm his suspicion.

"Me? A superhuman?"

Em asked.

The nurse was somewhat puzzled because if you cultivate body or mind you know it yourself, right? 

The nurse didn't voice his confusion because the young man in front of him maybe had just a short memory loss.

"Yes, the doctor partially analyzed your body that despite having a little mana, you have a strong body."

The nurse said in plain voice.

"Oh... I see."

Em replied, somewhat bewildered.

He didn't strengthen his body in his lifetime.

All he did is spend my time and days in waste.

If he encountered a hard decision, my trusty dice would arrive.

As soon as the trusty dice is mentioned, his eyes showed a glint of enlightenment.

"Nurse, can I see the full detailed of my body analysis?"

Em asked feeling excited.

Hearing this, the nurse somewhat frowned because she was just here to know if he would press charges or not but whatever.

"Yes, it cost 2 silver coins."

The nurse said.

"Also, what is your decision for Mr. Yofs?"

The nurse added.

She also needed to attend to other patients, so she hurried him.

Em felt his heart ache at the cost but when he remembered he could receive a compensation given by the driver, he rejoiced.

Em always watched news. 

SThe victim could receive compensation or press charges or both.

"Please tell Mr. Yofs that all charges will be waived if he gives 20 silvers."

Em replied with a smile.

The nurse nodded and she left.

Then, he met Mr. Yofs and Em received 20 silvers as compensation. 

20 silver is 6 and half months of work for Mr. Yofs.

But compared to being locked in a cell and not having a job, it was a wise choice.

After that, Mr. Yofs said goodbye and left while Em headed to the room for body analysis.

A machine met Em's gaze.

The machine is designed to analyze the body and give approximate value of stats of the user.

Em stood in front of it and dropped 2 silver coins prompting the machine to start.

After a while of scanning and analyzing, the machine printed a detailed report of his stats.

Em held the paper in his hands.


Str: 99+

Vit: 99+

Agi: 99+

End: 99+

Mana: 3


Em's eyes widen as he saw the stat panel.

Having a 99 average in physical attributes meant having attained the level 2 of body strengthening.

But seeing the + meant that it is still not his limits.

The manager who maintained the machined saw the results suggested that he should go for a higher tech machine in the Superhuman Center that cost 10 silvers.

Em thanked him for suggestion but inwardly he cursed.

"10 silvers for a single scan!? No way!"

Em kept it in his heart.

After checking out the hospital, he left.

He noticed that the sky turned dark.

It was nighttime.


At Em's house.

Em cleaned himself by bathing and changing his clothes.

Then he checked the fridge for any leftover food.

After thoroughly checking the fridge, he gave up.

He didn't buy any food to store making the fridge empty.

Looking at his wallet, he saw 18 silvers and couple of bronzes.

The silvers have face in the middle it and has carving at the edge.

The bronzes also have face but different and carving at the edge where same as the silvers.

This two are the basic currency of the world he lives in.

There also the gold coins and platinum coins that cost higher.

100 bronze coins equates to 1 silver.

100 silver coins equates to 1 gold.

100 gold coins equates to 1 platinum.

After the windfall this morning, his financial crisis was lifted, and he will not be forced to touch his savings.

Then he left the house aiming to eat at the nearest fast-food restaurant.

While walking, he summoned the dice in his possession and smiled.

If his guess is correct, the dice is the responsible for his growth in physical aspect, but he didn't know it till today.

His ambition to become a superhuman was ignited once more but the negative emotion he receives before didn't agree.

His negative emotion was pent up.

He experienced hate and disappointment.

Because he awakened a useless item, his status plummeted.

Making him suffer loneliness and desolation among his peers.

He was like an island and the hobby he developed to cope was gaming.

But today, it turns out that the ability he believed useless all those years was strong, he will...

He will...

"No, I will not become a villain."

He muttered under his breath and soon he arrived at the fast-food restaurant and ordered chicken with rice that cost 5 bronze coins.