
Rogue Masters

The story follows Kain, an orphaned young man from the modest village of Eldenbrook, where he learns to survive by mastering the art of thievery to quell his hunger. As he grows older, he becomes a part-time errand boy for Willem, performing various tasks in exchange for meager coinage. One day, Willem entrusts Kain with an assignment – delivering an ornate envelope to a prominent figure in the royal capital. Determined to prove himself, Kain embarks on a journey that takes him through forests, rivers, and elements, all leading to the majestic city he had only heard of in tales. While exploring the city, Kain has an unfortunate encounter with a mysterious individual, who unknowingly causes Kain to lose his valuables. Kain's determination is undeterred, and he sets out on a relentless pursuit to recover his belongings and uncover the mystery identity of Mr. Oblivious.

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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Kain's life commenced in the modest confines of Eldenbrook, a small village seemingly plagued by ill fortune. Orphaned from the start, he had to master the art of food thievery to quell the unrest within his stomach. Advancing in age did not markedly ameliorate his circumstances. He transitioned from being a full-time urchin to a part-time errand boy, undertaking sundry tasks for a certain individual named Willem, who compensated him with a modicum of coinage for these errands.

Subsequently, an event of considerable import transpired. Willem bequeathed Kain an ornate envelope, housing a clandestine assignment: its delivery to a prominent figure in the royal capital. Equestrian mode of travel? Regrettably not. Carriage conveyance? Equally inadequate. Kain donned his pedestrian footwear and embarked upon this pilgrimage, traversing through forests, traversing rivers, and confronting the elements head-on. His objective lay set upon the majestic city he had only hitherto heard recounted.

Thus, Kain finally arrived at the grand metropolis. It is noteworthy to describe this locale as a paragon of grandeur. Towering edifices, markets teeming with activity akin to beehives, and streets seemingly subjected to a daily regimen of meticulous upkeep. It was akin to Eldenbrook's more prosperous and sophisticated relative. Kain's eyes practically verged upon the point of detachment as he absorbed this panorama.

Nevertheless, a dose of reality was imminent. The urban denizens weren't exactly rolling out the welcome wagoln for our protagonist Kain. Laughter, derisive remarks, and disdainful glances rained down upon him as if he were a walking punchline. Nonetheless, Kain remained undeterred, determined to derive maximum fulfillment from this sojourn.

While navigating the streets, Loren had a run-in with Mr. Oblivious, who basically steamrolled right over him. Kain promptly extended apologies, but Mr. Oblivious, ensnared in his own mental reverie, paid no heed to Kain's existence. A quintessential illustration of such behavior.

Subsequently, having engaged in urban exploration, Kain decided it was opportune to find solace upon a commodious bench. He resolved to conduct an inventory of his possessions, only to be confronted with the dismaying revelation that his pockets were bereft of valuables, much like a politician's promises. Alarm bells began to clang within him. The prized envelope? Vanished. His hard-earned currency? Evanesced into thin air. An air of consternation enveloped him.

At this juncture, Kain experienced a moment of realization – a proverbial light bulb illuminating his cognition. Mr. Oblivious! The very individual who had colluded in his own mishap, completely oblivious to Kain's misfortune. Kain was spurred into action, embarking upon a quest that entailed traversing the city with a fervor akin to fleeing a specter. He maneuvered with a serpentine grace, resembling an individual of questionable sanity in his dogged pursuit of justice. Ultimately, he began gasping for breath as he fell to the ground amidst the street, ready to assume the role of "Man Whose Sanity Has Vacated the Premises."

In an unexpected turn of events, a royal entourage suddenly descended upon the thoroughfare. Horses, carriages, and a retinue clamoring for passage. Emerging from her opulent conveyance, none other than Princess Elara made her grand entrance. Her retinue endeavored to intercede, yet she was resolute, shedding her regal demeanor as she approached Kain, her smile possessing a warmth that could melt even the frostiest of landscapes. "So, who's causing this traffic jam?" while Kain struggled to comprehend, his thoughts dominated by the presence of royalty. Finally, he introduced himself as Kain, hailing from the humble village of Eldenbrook.

At this juncture, a plot twist unfurled. The princess, seemingly unacquainted with hardship, elected to dispense candid revelations. "Oh, Eldenbrook, the tiniest village of 'em all," she purrs, sarcasm dripping like maple syrup. She's sizing Loren up, doing her best to seem totally unimpressed.

Remarkably, a savior materialized unexpectedly. A contrite and deferential gentleman stepped forward, seemingly intent on securing the accolade for "Brother of the Year". "I apologize, Your Highness, my younger sibling here has acted in a rather foolish manner. I assure you, I will have a serious conversation with him that will leave a lasting impression on him well into his elder years." The princess, however, displayed an air of indifference, promptly signaling her desire to depart.

Curiously, the mysterious individual who bumped into Kain earlier was unveiled as a cunning charlatan, concealing valuable jewelry pilfered from the princess herself while artfully feigning remorse. Thus, Kain found himself awestruck, jaw agape, as Mr. Oblivious and the princess departed, leaving him in a state of perplexity.

Kain, though well-intentioned, found himself with a line on the tip of his tongue – a "Thank you for your assistance..." that was left unspoken, as Mr. Oblivious strode away, thoroughly engrossed in his aura of self-assuredness. Suddenly, a revelation struck Kain with the force of lightning. It coalesced within him, realization dawning. Mr. Oblivious, the source of his predicament, had been the very individual he pursued. A surge of renewed vigor propelled Kain into a fervent pursuit, careening through the streets with the fervor of a supernatural entity. An intense chase ensued, rivalling the most thrilling of cinematic spectacles.

Alas, the chase culminated in a disheartening denouement. Mr. Oblivious eluded Kain's grasp, his vanishing act akin to that of a wizard donning the cloak of invisibility. Standing amidst the street, hands placed resolutely on hips, Kain exhaled a sigh of frustration.