
Rogue's Rebirth

For the past few years Rogue has been treated as a slave by her cruel Aunt's family. They've stolen her inheritance and made her life a living hell, but an encounter with an elderly woman will turn her life from hell on earth to heaven, as long as she is willing to accept the drastic changes she will go through. Will Rogue be brave enough to grab this opportunity and crush the people whom she despises the most or will they end her life?

RougeDraco · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
102 Chs

Rogue's life is changing

"Hehehehe....Dr.Howard it seems like you don't have enough duties as the head of the trauma department, maybe I'll speak to the hospital's director about it?" Kyung sarcastically asked her apprentice and tried to keep a serious face, this guy will never change his silly ways. Dr.Park looks over at his best friend and just shakes his head, "Boss, you know he has an empty head. It's hard enough working with him on my team why do you want to curse me too? You know the director will also request for me to help him with whatever new duties he gets assigned. I feel hurt and betrayed by you." He tries to look pitiful and sad and Dr.Holiday couldn't stop herself from laughing at the two scamps.

"Very well Ji since you have always been such a good apprentice I won't tattle on Ronald. Ronald make sure you take Ji out for dinner tomorrow and properly thank him for rescuing you, understood?" Ronald's flabbergasted look was so funny that it made everyone laugh and for a few minutes they were able to relax and enjoy a peaceful moment. "Perry make sure that as soon as the messenger gets here with the paperwork you contact Levy to come personally and gets them. Tell him I want him to assign an investigative team to go over all the accounts for all the business that Rogue owns and Robert Drake has managed for the past years. Levy is to personally investigate the main office that Robert heads as President, I'm pretty confident that he will give us the most problematic issues there since that is his territory and he has backers in the board that would love to see him steal the company from Rogue."

"Yes, Madam. Will you also like me to arrange for a team of therapists and other medical experts for Ms.Rogue's recovery?" Dr.Howard wondered if they even remembered that him and Ji were in the same room with them, he sighs "Ms.Rogue is our personal patient so we will always pick the best professionals to help her in her journey to be completely healthy. We will be happy to provide the Holiday's a list of the appropriate people to work with them."

"Thank you very much Ron, once Rogue's ready to go home we will take your suggestions in consideration. Ji, how long do you think she will be unconscious for?" Dr.Park slightly frowns, "as you know when there's a head injury a patient can be unconscious for a few minutes to months or years. It's kind of up to the patient's willingness to get better."