
Rogue's Ascendance

Betrayed, cast aside, played for a fool and finally cursed. He wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his days grieving but it seems fate has other plans. He was cursed to be nothing more than a stepping stone, a clown, an antagonist. Done with the pain he finally stands up and decides to do something, to become more than what he is supposed to be. What does he do... Toy with the heroes? Grow stronger? Recruit the other villains? Defy the ones who cursed him? Answer: All of the above. Follow the tales of Azel the one who messes with destiny and gives fate the middle finger.

Xand3r · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Who are you<1>



Searing-bone chilling pain.

Those were the things you can read from Matthew's expression.

Matthew was in his soul form and was more visible than before In fact he was no different than when he was a human.

He was on his knees, his hands were enclosed, and his eyes were beyond red.

Tears were pouring down his face like a waterfall, he tried to scream but somehow he lost his voice.

He looked lost, desperate and beyond remorseful.

Matthew? Pov

When did I first meet her? When did I become her slave? Matthew thought deeply.

"Ah, it was that time."

My original and first life.

I was an ordinary civilian living in Uranus the only planet left in its stellar system, years ago a serious ailment struck the planet.

Because it was the only planet orbiting the sun, the planet couldn't handle the waves of meteors, radiation and UV rays.

It kept on worsening as the years went by.

It was later prophesied that the planet has less than 200 years to live; 4 brave souls were chosen as heroes to help us, they had two objectives:

1 look for a habitable planet.

2 find an artefact that can help the planet survive.

But alas the so-called heroes were selfish they left and never came back, another batch was sent then another.

Seven freaking batches were sent after the first one; we later found out that the heroes found another planet and forgot about their people.

Of course, after finding out we,

tried to migrate some people to the planet and the "heroes" out rightly refused, we begged but they didn't listen, finally having no choice but to resort to force.

We waged war against them, but it was a war we lost woefully, 10% of Urlings were killed.

After the heroes made a decree that the rest of life on Saturn and never and we must pay a tribute of gold, virgins and other valuable material to them every 7 years.

Hearing such news of despair everyone gave up but I didn't, I took a small sustainable spaceship and set to the stars, years passed and I found a planet at the edge of the galaxy.

The planet was called Pluto, a remnant of a planet from our stellar system.

It was a lost civilisation from a race called Earthlings.

I landed my ship and there I saw her, her statue had such an allure, so for the first time in years; I prayed if she could help I do anything, I'd be a slave, anything as long as she answered my prayer.

I worked for her, I killed for her, committed mass genocide, spread out her name and made her gain followers.

I remember once I killed an entire planet, the rivers were dyed and the planet itself was bleeding, I did it all for her amusement.

My last mission in my 6th life I was supposed to help her allow six specific people, and I did.

But alas it was all too good to be true.





I couldn't take my eyes off the screen,

I watched as my people, my race, my family;

went through hell and I couldn't do a thing.

As their skin slowly decayed, they screamed out in gut-wrenching pain.

As the flies perched their skin, a large maggot filled all parts of their body.

As they took their last breath, I watched it all.

I stared at my aunt who until her last breath was comforting her daughter.

'Is this my retribution, is this how I pay for the people I have killed.'


I turned to her and asked.

Hoping that everything that happened, everything I saw was a joke.

But alas, her next words crushed my soul and all hope I had left.

"Why, why? Apart from the fact that you broke your promise, I withheld my end of the bargain; you told me to save your planet and I did, I saved your planet."


It just dawned on me she was right, she did hold up her end of the bargain; I was the fool for not being clear enough.

I was the idiot for not being specific.

The old man was right, how can a foolish mortal like me hope to have a Celestial help him?

????? Pov

' Perfect.

His eyes look lost, without life, without light.

His whole form is dishevelled and his soul is erratic.

Just a bit more and I'll break him.

I can't wait-'

* Biz*

*Biz *

A low buzz snapped me out of my thoughts.

I looked at the message and lo and behold out of all time, they need me.

I stood up and transported my sweet, sweet Matthew to his new home.

That shall further break him more.

I was about to leave when I noticed, I was soaked down there.

"oops can't leave like this can I?"






(3rd pov)

What is the scariest situation or thing known to man?


a clown,



If you said darkness you are correct.

But one of the scariest things is "SILENCE"

Imagine what will happen? If you leave a grieving man in a dark room of pure nothingness.

A place where his thoughts are louder than a nuclear explosion.

"Am sorry."

"It's my fault."

"I should have done better."






He could hear them, their cries for help, their voices blaming him and his precious sister leaving him, even she blamed him.

"Not you, come back."

"Please don't go, am sorry."

Matthew stretched his hands seemingly trying to grasp the darkness.




"Do you want to do better? To avenge them?"

A wise old sage voice echoed through the dark room of nothingness.

Matthew looked around for a bit trying to pin the voice, but then began to hold his head.

"Not real."

"Can't avenge."

He rolled around on the cold pitch black floor.

"Not real."

"Can't avenge."

He scratched his head hard and began bleeding.

"Not real."

"Can't avenge."

He touched the wet blood and then proceeded to pull out his hair.

"Not real."

"Can't avenge."

He continued pulling hair from his scalp with a lot of force.





The dark room of despair and nothingness.

Capable of making even the strongest of souls go insane.

Leaving the person with their thoughts, the dark room guides a person to nothing but negative thinking.

It slowly corrupts a being steadily driving them insane.

It even can initiate a body for a soul.

200 years passed.

Matthew pulled out all his hair even though it kept regenerating, he pulled it to the point he couldn't.

210 years

He found a blade and began cutting himself, he slowly started from his hands.

270 years

The dark room is littered with nothing but Matthew's flesh.

289 years

Matthew kills himself for the first time.

321 years

Matthew has killed himself multiple times in the most gruesome way possible.

330 years

The voices telling him to take revenge came back.

347 years

He has been listening to the voice and began meditating, improving his mental health a bit.

389 years

He saw a flash of the face behind the voice.

391 years later.

"Who are you?"

Said Matthew.

With a chin full of beard and eyes devoid of hope.

Coming forth after Matthew's question was an old man in robes of rag, clutching onto a stick.

The old man was bent and resting his whole weight on the stick.

" A prisoner."

The old man's voice gave off an air of wisdom but his eyes were dark, hopeless and decrepit.

"I was one of her obsessions that she forgot about."

System: searching for host soul.

Xand3rcreators' thoughts