
Rogue's Ascendance

Betrayed, cast aside, played for a fool and finally cursed. He wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his days grieving but it seems fate has other plans. He was cursed to be nothing more than a stepping stone, a clown, an antagonist. Done with the pain he finally stands up and decides to do something, to become more than what he is supposed to be. What does he do... Toy with the heroes? Grow stronger? Recruit the other villains? Defy the ones who cursed him? Answer: All of the above. Follow the tales of Azel the one who messes with destiny and gives fate the middle finger.

Xand3r · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs


??? [pov]

<YOU DIED? Blink! < p>

Matthew was still a bit confused about how he died, I mean he shouldn't have died.

*sigh* "The helicopter crashed into the east wing of the medical hall and I was in the north wing of the engineering hall, so how?"

The two halls were more than 4 blocks away from each other. Matthew sat upright and adjusted his emotional state and masking his facial expression, he looked around the white room of nothingness and finally noticed others who were there with him.

There were seven excluding him, the prettiest girl in the neurology department Sasha.

Right beside Sasha was her sister Natasha who was busy consoling her best friend.

Her best friend is a pretty half-Japanese girl and one of the few friends of the sisters.

Opposite the girls was a group of three boys Kyle and his entourage.

In between the two groups is a boy, who can be fairly described as handsome, the boy in question is Leon the genius.

Abandoned by his mother at a young age, Leon lived with his grandma as far as he can remember, at age 15 he made his first million.

Age 17 received multiple tech awards, and Age 21 is a company that can rival that of Pear, Samsung and the like.

He is what you describe as the man all want to be like.



It had been a few minutes since the group of 7 been discussing with a beautiful goddess who gave all of them a choice to be reincarnated into a fantasy world or thrown into the wheel of samsara and be reborn without any memories.

She also gave them enough time to cope with the fact that they were dead and gone and told them that if they agreed to be transmigrated, would be blessed with gifts.

Being the angsty teens they are, they agreed and were thus blessed with gifts; gifts are individual weapons or unique classes and magical talents.

After the blessing, Kyle attacked Leon and challenged him to show his gift.

Leon refused to show it and Kyle mocked him for that.

"Fine since you are so scared I'll go first."

Kyle said.

" Blade of gleaming light,

In your presence, joy takes flight.

Ancient sword,

with power imbued,

come forth!!

Joyeuse of Charlemagne."

Lightning sparks of gold covered Kyle, his entire aura changed and his eyes seemed to have sharpened.

A beautiful magic circle of red and gold appeared beneath him, and out of that magic circle emerged a longsword.

Joyeuse, a sword steeped in history, exudes an air of elegance and prestige.

Its hilt, fashioned from ornate materials, bears embellishments of gold and precious stones, showcasing meticulous craftsmanship, the guard of the sword carries intricate patterns, and the pommel is often crowned with symbols of royalty or mythical significance.

While holding the longsword the figure of a powerful king appeared behind him; the figure exuded an aura of courage and nobility.

The figure although a shadow of the past was tall in its gleaming armour adorned with intricate patterns and royal symbols.

His chainmail made from a foreign metal sparkled in nobility; the figure's eyes are closed and are visible through the visor.

Everyone was in awe, not expecting Kyle's gift to be that strong.

The figure snapped his red eyes open,everyone could feel a tremendous amount of pressure on their shoulders, despite the fact it wasn't directed at them. The pressure wasn't overbearing or suffocating but rather it was admonishing and it moved all present to bow, it moved all to kneel all... Except one.

"Now you."

Kyle said with a sneer after noticing Leon struggle, he grinned and puffed his chest in superiority.

Leon was struggling his knees refusing to give out, sweat trailing down his face.

He didn't know but something in him refused to bow, something stirred deep in his soul and that thing detested the very thought of kneeling.

Gritting his teeth he stretched forth his hands and chanted:

"By ancient steel and noble might,

emerge into the light!

From lakes and legend, rise once more, and grace this world with your presence,

All hail,


The area surrounding Leon changed, it became cool and serene, and you can even hear the faint whisper of the sea coming and going.

A small puddle of crystal clear water appeared in front of Leon and a hand came out of the puddle holding the legendary blade.


A blade forged in the fires of myth boasts a regal and awe-inspiring presence.

Its hilt is adorned with intricate, golden filigree, and a pommel that radiates a noble brilliance.

The blade itself, honed to perfection, gleams with a silvery luminescence, embodying the purity and power associated with the legendary King Arthur.

As it catches the light, Excalibur seems to resonate with the tales of valour and honour that echo through the ages.

Leon swung the blade a bit clumsily and gave Kyle a very smug smile.

The entire area became tense and the smell of gunpowder became prominent both boys looked ready to attack each other.

Eager to test the might of their gift.

The goddess overseeing them raised her brows in amusement.


The goddess diverted their attention.

"Time for you to go."

She waved her hands and sent them forth to the new world, not even giving them the chance to say goodbye.

"Uhh, what about me?" Matthew asked.

"You can drop the facade now it only two of us here." The goddess said.

Shrugging his shoulders he agreed.

"How much time do we have?

The goddess sighed loudly and lowered herself to Matthew's height.

"More than an hour."

She answered.

"Well, that's not too bad."

Matthew said and began tapping the air.

Matthew took a glance at the quiet goddess whose head was down and asked:

" Having second thoughts?"

"YOU kidding!!"

She said in a loud voice, with eyes filled with stars and a smile as bright as the sun; she continued:

"Not only do we get to rebel against those egotistical a-holes, but I also get to leave this paradise-themed prison."

Shaking his head Matthew wondered why he was worried in the first place.

[!!!!!!!!!!! ]

[External forces are trying to breach into Lavanear.]

[Redirecting backup energy into defences, T-minus 34 minutes before the breach.]

The entire area became quiet.



Matthew glared at the red-faced goddess.

"I thought you said we have more than an hour."


She stuttered and looked down refusing to look up.

Pinching his nose bridge, Matthew once again sighed in annoyance.

"We still go through with the plan, try to compress your essence and see if you can add other benefits for yourself."


She said looking more confident and sure of herself.

Matthew once again began tapping space.

A few minutes passed and Matthew began tapping the air furiously, his brows creased and his face showed an evident hint of annoyance.

"Where the hell, is this stupid piece of- oh there we go."

He waved his hands seemingly trying to retrieve something and a key was transported to his palms. The key was a medieval-looking one, it was dark brown with accents of white on it the edge of the key was fluttering, unstable, and always changing shape.

"Finally, let's hope it works."

Matthew took the key and placed it in between his fingers, then he pointed the key towards a space in the empty room.

The other half of the key submerged itself into the room like it entered a keyhole.

He rotated the key anti-clockwise and.




"What n-

Matthew suddenly disappeared from where he was, gone without a trace, not even spatial fluctuations could be detected.





In a place between nowhere and everywhere, everything and nothing, the void and creation.

Matthew could be seen wandering around a huge temple-like structure, inside the structure were a lot of books, like a lot of freaking books.

" The more I look at it, the more I feel this is a goddamn luxurious library."

Matthew kept on wandering the library, he had a feeling his steps were being guided or rather the library paths were subtly changing, shrugging his shoulders he just kept on following the change which was more noticeable than before.

After what seemed like an hour Matthew came to a stop.

"Took you long enough to show yourself."

He said to no one in particular.

"I had to make sure you came here without ill intentions."

A smooth feminine voice echoed behind Matthew.

Turning back he said.

"Long time no see Eve."

"Geh! it's you."

Although he couldn't see her face because she was talking through the violet-coloured floating orb, he could still hear her evident tone of disgust.

"What do you mean 'geh', I have you know I found the key so am a patron."

"Whatever just pick a book and be on your way."

The orb said as if trying to chase him away.

"Am in a bit of a scuffle so I want...."

He raised my fingers indicating I wanted 2 books.

"Uh, you have the gall to demand 2 books from me!! after what you have done."

Saying so the entire library trembled and the orb turned red, the area surrounding the orb became heavy and it became even harder to breathe.

'Let's see what you do now.'

While still struggling to breathe, Matthew said:

"Tsk, tsk first of all you....ca..can't kill me, secondly why kill me?.... I have a juicy deal for you, one that benefits both of us..what do you say?"

"Am listening."

The voice from the orb said retracting all the power she put out before.

Catching his breath, Matthew began negotiating.

"All the remaining seasons of Attack on the Beast."

" *scoff* if you think that will change my-"

"And season 2 of j.j.c with figurines of Gojo through the years and an exclusive live-size doll of daddy Kanami oh, before I forget an adult version of O.R.S."



'Yep, you heard right the all-powerful librarian of the supreme record is a weeb, yep a weeb obsessed with hot male characters, a perverted female weeb.'

"Are you thinking rudely about me?"

The voice from the orb said with a bit of high pitch.

"Nope, just your imagination."

Matthew hurriedly shook his head sideways.

"Whatever just pick from that section."


Matthew asked looking back at the whale ton of books and sections behind him.

Seeing the situation the orb reluctantly guided Matthew to books he could pick and he did.

After that, they discussed a lot though it was mostly Matthew trying to wring some information off her.

"Shoo, get out."


He began walking away from her and stopped.

"I left a gift for you, hope you love it."

With that, he was teleported out of the library.


With that, the figure of a mature woman with goldilocks in a gown of hold walked out.

Eve noticed the "gift" a long pink-looking thing in a box with a note on it.

"Knowing you probably be thirsty after watching all the stuff, use this to relieve your self-


Eve screamed out in anger, her cheeks were red and she was fuming.

She was about to incinerate the paper but decided to read it all.

FYI it can change its size and girth to any character you imagine <enjoy < ••>"

"....any character."

Eve held the box with care.

"Diana change my schedule and don't disturb me for 2 no 6 days, yes 6 days should be enough."

Eve said in a hurry as she was rushing to her room.

What she did who knows, what will happen I don't know, but am sure 6 days from now she will be a happy woman.

