
Rock Bottom 18+

andreiamunchkin33 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Too early for flowers

He straightens his tall muscular body and starts walking towards me. He is wearing a mid-gray tailored fit long coat, a suit jacket and trousers in a lighter gray and a black button down, that hugs his muscular chest to perfection. His dark hair is combed in a wave to the side of his head and his face has now a three day's stubble. I wonder if he is trying to grow a beard.

"Morning beautiful" He greets me when we are only a few inches apart and God the sight of him close up, is much, much better. His scent swarms my whole body and I swear I can literally melt in a puddle right here at his feet. What is wrong with me and why do I have such a strong reaction, to an unknown man, from this little town all the way up in Michigan.

I am stunned for a moment, I can't find my words to give him a reply and that's mostly because several questions, want to be blurted all out at the same time. I swallow them down and reply with a simple "Morning to you too!" Why not let him take the lead and tell me what he is doing here this early in the morning.

His smile grows bigger and pushes the coffee cups towards me. "I've got you coffee... I didn't know how you take it, or if you drink any at all..." His face is turning red, and he looks like he is about to lose it. An involuntary smile spreads on my face. "... But I wanted to bring you something and I reckon its too early for flowers!" He finishes his sentence breathlessly, and a little giggle, bursts out of my throat.

"Thank you! I do drink coffee!" I say and pick up the one that looks like a latte from his paper holder.

"Great!" He replies and I cut him of. "Dean... what are you doing here?" He takes a step closer and says. "I didn't want you to start your day, without seeing me!" He replies full of confidence and tilts his head down closer to me. I don't know where this confidence of his comes from, maybe from the fact that I realise I am smiling too much. I lift my head up, looking straight into his eyes and yes, they are still as hypnotic as the last time I saw them. I exhale trying to make out an answer, when he suddenly grabs my hand and leads me away. "Aren't we having a meeting together at Lakeview shopping center? I've come to offer you a ride... and a coffee... and also breakfast since its still early... that is if you want it?" He stops in his steps and slightly turns, to wait for my answer.

"Thank you! I don't want breakfast!" I reply, not letting go of his hand. I don't know what this is, but it feels good and if I am to have it for the next few hours, until its time to go back to Chicago, then I'll take it.

"You sure?" He asks while opening the passanger door of his truck. I nod, flash him a smile and get in. I am surprised to find the seat already heated. This man is thoughtful and I have never been with someone like that. Well I only had one serious relationship, but I've never really felt first hand, how it feels to really be taken care of. Another truth is that this might not last... it might be the trick some men do, to get the girl and once they do, they take her for granted. I stop my wayward trail of thoughts, yet again when Dean get's in the driving seat. I look at him and it feels like a deja vu, like we've been here before like we've done this all the time. I feel my lips pulling into a smile and Dean mimics my body language, by smiling and leaning closer over the console between our seats.