
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Derivasi dari karya
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44 Chs

There's something in the air


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




"Today we're going to be doing a different kind of target practice. Robert took out a couple of ball like objects. "Observe." He pressed a rune cluster on one of them which made it leisurely float.

"What are they for?" Harry asked while everyone was also asking themselves that question.

"These will be our new teaching materials." Robert gave everyone one ball each.

"They're surprisingly heavy for being able to float in the air." Jasmine remarked.

"And they're soft to the touch." Tracy poked the new equipment.

Smiling he replied. "This my fellow minions is the next level of our training. Let me show you why."

Robert walked up to the dummies and released the ball. "Depulso!" The ball rebounded from the dummy and launched itself into the air. "Descendo." The spell caused the ball hit to the target from above.

"We trained how to hit targets with our jinx practice. But now we're going to vemture into another important territory." He dramatically paused. "Which is using the environment to our advantage. For the safety of everyone here I've devised this balls with the help of other teachers."

"And how is this using the environment?" Susan asked.

"If we learn how to use the balls proficiently then we can also use other things. Rocks, furniture or even other people. That's why they are heavy. So we can adjust easier to other objects." Angelina said.

Robert nodded "You're partially correct. The most important aspect is after you all gain some experience and proficiency these balls will be used in our mock battles." The students gasped in excitement. "That's why they're soft. So that Madam Pomfrey won't jinx my buttocks off." The girls giggled while the boys sweated thinking about the no nonsense matron.

"Since not everyone can cast Accio we'll divide ourselves into groups." Robert walked to the center of the room. "Those that know the spells will do what I've just done." He motioned to right with his hand. "Those that still haven't learn Accio come with me to the left side."

Students from first to fourth grade followed Robert leaving the older students to their training.

"Can't we just use the other spells and go for the ball ourselves?" Susan asked.

"Great question Ms. Bones." He said. "Unfortunately you can't. Safety protocols. I don't need my ears getting torn off by Pomfrey because you got hit in the process of recovering the ball." He replied.

"But the ball is soft. Aren't you paranoid?" Fred asked.

"It's a good habit to have. And I need you to learn the summoning charm as quick as possible." Robert explained. "I'd like to at least start on its nonverbal casting during this school year." Robert said.

"Nonverbal!? But that's fifth year material?" Hermione was stressing herself out.

"Only because you kids don't have the mindset to pull it off." Robert scrutinized his students. "It needs concentration and will power. Both of which we gain as we become older. But you'll manage." He gave them a grin. "You have to."

"What have we gotten ourselves into?" Ron whispered.

"Just my luck." Neville sweated.

"You'll have time for self-pity later. Now, please place the ball on the floor and sit down." Robert showed them by example.

"Before we start I'll do one more thing." Robert casted a color changing spell making every ball unique.

"I'd like all of you to first focus and remember your ball. This will help you with intent. You need to have a clear vision of what you're summoning." The students spent about ten minutes on this phase.

"Now you'll try to cast the spell. But before you do, remember what you're actually trying to summon. Ready, begin."

Not surprisingly to him many balls seemed to move a little bit towards the students. Some even were able to summon it.

"Great job. With enough focus and motivation anything is possible." Robert complimented.

Draco puffed his chest. "It's only natural for people of my status to succeed." He sneered at Ron's less than satisfactory attempt.

"And how has your nose been doing? My fist asked to say hello." The redhead threatened.

"Stupid males and their power plays." Daphne whispered to Tracey.

"I know, but which gal doesn't like a strong man?" The girls squeaked. Robert started laughing at their surprised expression.

"Let's continue the lesson shall we." He winked and headed towards the older students.

"Is everything alright here?" Robert asked.

"Can't we do something more difficult?" Tonks said.

Robert chuckled. "If it's so boring then do it without any verbal cues. You wouldn't want the perpetrators to hear you coming?"

"I bet she would." Jasmine coughed at Mindy's words.

Tonks blushed and sent a couple of jinxes towards her mischievous friend.

"And they say men like innuendoes?" He smiled at the show of their friendship.

The training session passed quickly. Robert told the club members to leave the training equipment behind in the room so they won't lose them in mysterious ways.


After breakfast he had the day to himself as he had no classes today.

"Hello Hagrid. How's the hippogriff colony been doing?" Robert met the man on his way to Hogsmeade.

"Found themselves a cosy cave. I walk up there sometimes with their favorite meat." Hagrid said while taking a sip from his flask.

"Not judging but isn't it too early for that?" Robert pointed at the container.

"Have to keep meself warm somehow." The half-giant replied.

"But you've got thick skin." Robert remarked.

"I know." Hagrid roared with laughter making Robert chuckle in understanding.

"And they say you're a simple man." Robert waved and headed towards the town.

The walk to Hogsmeade during winter wasn't the most brilliant idea of his. He forgot that most of the time nobody plows the snow from the road. As there isn't much traffic going to the castle in the first place. Thankfully on the weekends Hagrid somehow gets the job done.

Robert's carefree attitude was swept away as he felt small tremors. It appeared as if they were converging on to his location. He pushed the snow away from him to prepare a more stable footing for himself. Revelio showed many red dots heading towards him.

He narrowed his eyes."They're too little to be spiders."

Darkness engulfed the snow below as a rumbling cloud of black made its way through the frozen fields. As it got closer Robert was able to finaly see its true nature. It was a murder of crows.

"Hopefully they'll acknowledge me as one of their own." He nervously chuckled as the birds encircled him.

After a few moments the swirling mass of omens made way for a rather small crow. It had an unnerving purplish hue showering its pitch-black feathers.

Robert regained his composure and gave a small bow. "And how can I be of service to you today?"

The crow flew up to Robert's shoulder. The young man took out some walnuts from his pocket. He always had some prepared for Zephyr just in case. The bird looked towards the offering and pecked at it humming in satisfaction.

"I don't believe this is a mere social call. Is there something you need from me?" Robert asked nervously eyeing the swarm of birds.

The crow's eyes interlocked with his. He saw a force of pure darkness trying to push through into his being. But unfortunately for the crow Robert's mind was baptized the epitome of nothingness.

"Caw?" The crow was puzzeled but it quickly changed into what Robert thought was genuine happiness.

The man sighed. "First you took my food and then you tried to confound me." Robert scratched the crow under its head.

"Was there a reason to your test? Ouch!" The crow stabbed into his hand with its beak.

"That hurt you little runt! What's your problem?" Robert rubbed his hurting hand.

"It's just easier this way to communicate with you humans." A haughty voice spread to his ears.

"Great. I wasn't aware of sentient crows in the magical world." Robert wasn't fazed by this abrupt revelation. It wasn't the strangest thing happening in this world.

"You're so funny you should become a comedian. At least you'll have a ton of peanuts for me." The crow jeered at him.

"Oh. A mocking bird, what a surprise." Robert rolled his eyes.

"If you're done then maybe we can get down to business." It replied while folding its wings. "I've been expecting to meet you for a very long time.

Puzzeled by the crows statement Robert asked."What do you want from me then?"

"Do you remember perhaps a book about illusions you picked up a couple of months ago?"

Robert thought for a moment. "That useless booklet without any spells?"

"You're useless dumbass!" Robert closed his ears from the screeching. "Don't even know how to read between the lines." The crow berated the man.

"But there wasn't anything substantial written in it. More of a guide to being a con man." Robert pinched the crow's beak as it wanted to stab him in the eye.

"If illusions are useless then what do think about them?" It pointed towards the sky.

Looking up Robert saw the crow's began flickering in and out of existence.

The crow puffed its chest. "That is the power of illusions boy."

"But what about the tremors? Were those not real?" The boy asked. "My spell showed your crows as real beings." He said with confusion.

"But my little apprentice, that's when you know you've reached the peak. When your illusions can bend reality."

Robert didn't know what to think. Somehow he found himself being recruited by a bird that knew parlor tricks. What's next? Flipping space?

Seeing the goofball's face the crow chuckled. "Well I'm not that good. But tricking scouring spells is a must have technique for a future illusionist."

"But you said you can will them into existence." Robert sighed.

"I said they can bend reality doofus. Not change the world." It berated the boy. "Besides, belief can bring changes to the world." A mischievous glint appeared in its eyes. "Even permanent ones."

Robert rolled his eyes at the explanation. "How about you redo that sales pitch and come back later?"

"Fool!" It squawked. "I'll teach you respect." The crow's eyes flashed.

Silence feel between the two. Nothing seemed to change in their close vicinity. Robert looked left and right, waiting for something to happen. But nothing did.

"Did you mess up?" He asked with amusement in his voice.

"I don't know." It smirked. "How about you check the time."

Curious Robert casted Tempus. "It's already been two hours?" He said confused. After casting a couple of times the results didn't change. He looked towards the creature. "Did you mess up my judgement?"

Cawing in laughter the crow answered. "Of course I did." It paused. "But not in the way you think."

Confounded Robert went through a couple of possible scenarios. "Did you make me not feel the passage of time?" He asked cautiously.

"Bravo, little wizard." The crow praised. "If someone were to see you they'd have thought that you were petrified."

Shocked by the revelation the man wanted nothing more but to lay down and wallow. "Can't I have something nice happen for once?" He began drawing circles in the ground.

"When you're done moping we can plan your tutelage." The crow smacked Robert's head. "I can't stay here forever after all."


"What's made you so tired, Mr. Crow?" McGonagall asked at dinner.

Slowly turning his head on the table. "I've been cursed Professor." A lonely tear dripped down his face. "I just want to go home." He whispered in melancholy.

"How's your project going along?" She ignored his childish behavior.

Seeing as his call for sympathy failed Robert sat up with a pout. "It's getting there."

"Bathsheda is slowly losing her mind with your new additions to the plan." Sinistra smirked. "You better have something nice prepared."

He dropped his head on the table and muttered something about a bird. "I'll have to ask Zephyr for some late shopping spree."

"At least you've had a taste of how tight my schedule is." Minerva said proudly.

"And I know its better not to disagree." The women chuckled at his deadpan look.