
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Derivasi dari karya
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44 Chs

Magical beginning


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




A deafening sound of the Hogwarts Express encompassed the Hogsmeade station. Signaling that it was becoming closer to its timely departure. Children of all ages were seen rushing towards the station. The clacking of wheels, the sound of laughter it all told one thing. It was the end of the school year. Everybody was joyfully anticipating the summer holidays. No more worries about schoolwork and dreadful exams.

However, not everybody shared the same sentiment.

"Man, how did I end up here!?" Robert was peeved by the situation.

'I know I said I was bored...but this is ridiculous.' He thought

Robert Crow was sitting on a bench at the station. His eyes lingered on the morning edition of Daily Prophet, that someone had left behind.

"Another win for the Ministry!" Robert read mockingly. "As if. They just won't acknowledge how much of a clown they all are. Acting like buffoons before other nations."

The rag that some people call the news announced that a new policy pushed by the ICW corncerning means of transportation was rejected by the Wizgamot.

"Aladdin be damned. Why can't they just allow the use of magical carpets...meh." said Robert with dissatisfaction.

'Never mind that. What are you going to do now, Robert?' A question he didn't know the answer to.

How did Robert find himself in this situation? One day during a night stroll in a nearby park, he suddenly heard a voice beckoning him. He couldn't quite understand what was spoken. Was it human or an animal staking in wait, ready to attack.

Not trying to take any chances with the unknown sound he decided to do the most logical thing which was getting out of there. Unfortunately after turning around he fell into a portal. Nothing could express what Robert saw and felt while spiraling down in what seemed to be an infinite span of darkness.

After an unknown amount of time suddenly light appeared before him. Tired of the onslaught of cold and nothingness he unconsciously reached out towards it. With a sudden glare Robert blinked out of existence. The void acted as if nothing ever happened. As if there was never anyone there.

At an unknown location suddenly a cracking sound could have been heard. Everone that turned their head towards it saw a young man plopping facedown to the ground.

"Ouch! That was one brutal ride. At least I know why I never go to theme parks." Could be heard from the funny looking man.

Robert found himself lying before what seemed to be a train station. He felt lost and exhausted by this unexpected journey. Thankfully some middle-aged woman in what seemed to be robes helped him stand up.

"Are you alright dear?" The woman asked with concern in her voice. Robert still felt groggy after the not much enjoyed joyride of a lifetime. He tried to stand up however the chills still haven't left his body. The woman took out what seemed to be a stick and flicked towards the man. Robert felt a rush of warmth suddenly circling through him.

"You should know better than to apparate long distance without practice!" Said the woman when Robert didn't respond while helping him stand up.

'Apparate!? What is she talking about..oh no.' Realization hit Robert like a hammer.

'Am I in the world of Harry Potter?' He almost started hyperventilating. This must be a bad dream. Murderous cult followers with a deranged leader. No one doing anything to stop the rampant neglect of children. How riveting.

"I'm very sorry, but could you tell me where am I? Asked Robert with a trembling voice. He was praying that this was just a cruel prank.

"Where? In Hogsmeade silly. You should be careful now. Let the nausea run its course. It should be better after a while." The woman said and helped Robert walk to the nearby bench. Robert blanked out. His mind came into halt. Thankfully he was sound enough to continue his march towards the bench.

"Thank you." Said Robert with gratitude in his voice.

"Could you tell me the time, please? I forgot my watch". Robert asked.

"Well aren't you a comedian. You can check the time with Tempus. It's 8:30, dear." Said the woman.

"It had to get you good to be so confused. You have to watch after yourself more. Can you promise me that?" Asked the woman with concern.

"Ah, yes. Yes, of course I will." He replied without conviction. "Thank you very much for your assistance Mrs.?" Robert asked

"Mrs. Thunberry. It was my pleasure." She said.

"Unfortunately I'll have to leave you here. I'm in a bit of a hurry to work. Again, look after yourself young man. Goodbye." The woman said and left Robert alone in his thoughts.

"This is going to be a very long day." Robert said to himself. Nothing could have prepared him for the events that have occurred. His mind was still shocked and body in fight or flight mode.

It took a while for his breath to start evening out. He looked up from his hands and took in the view. Chidren, a red train and owls in cages. There was no doubt.

'I have arrived in the magical world of Harry Potter.' He sighed

Finally after coming back to his senses he looked over to the right and found an abandoned newspaper on the bench. The need for information fueled his arms with new found vigor. He grabbed the paper that was The Prophet and began skimming through it.

Hello. This is my first time writing anything longer than a school assignment. English unfortunately isn't my first language. So this story may be rough around the edges. However, I hope that it will catch your curiosity.

Thank you for reading and see you next time.

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