
Robert and Nathan

After finding out in the most terrible way possible‚ that his girlfriend cheated on him‚ Robert Eucliffe finds it hard to process all this on his own. He invited his best friend Nathan Cook over for gamenight and some drinks‚ but things take a huge turn of events when the two hunks get intimate with each other and wake up the next day naked in bed. What happens now? Will these two best friends finally admit that 9 year of friendship was all meant for something special to happen between them? Or will they just brush it off and see if as another fling?

Erotic_God · perkotaan
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31 Chs

Chapter 20

•Robert's POV•

I drove all over the place‚ looking for Nate‚ and still no sign of him. Ever since he stormed out of the hotel‚ in the state he was in‚ I looked for him. And I couldn't find him.

I was pass midnight when I checked the time on my phone. He didn't answer my calls and also wasn't his house. I got worried and there was only one more place left to look for him. Dillan's parties.

This time the party was held at the golf club. Not exactly the right venue for a large group of fratboys but the owner is greedy money loving fucker‚ one can easily bribe him into anything even horny fratboys turn his club into pornhub and tarnish the place's name.

That's all that normally happens at these parties as long as Dillian is involved. I really hoped Nate wasn't here. Not that I don't trust him‚ I know that he wouldn't cheat on me. But he is not in right state of mind to be surrounded by drunks. He could easily get in a fight or worse: Hurt someone badly!

Since Kindergarten Nathan was like this. He looks like a guy you don't want to mess with and yes nobody wants to mess with Nate. All thanks to his father constantly tormenting him‚ Nate was left with nothing to do other than letting all that anger build up. Eventually it all fell apart and he became the short tempered angry man he is today and tonight he got reminded of his childhood in the most terrible way possible. I can't imagine what he would do in such a state.

Finding him was my main priority right now.

Walking across the lawn‚ I passed quite a few couples getting at it behind the trees and bushes. Disgusting but I am not going to act like Nathan and I did not get into business at the mall's parking lot.

Atleast these guys did it in the dark. We did it in broad daylight!

Thinking back on all these memories‚ these past few days and how things happened so quickly‚ feels like it happened months ago instead of days. And now I can't imagine ever losing that.

I do believe Nathan would resent me. He hated his life and now he found out that I should've been in his place.

I admit that finding out my parents were not my parents‚ was shocking and a huge blow‚ but all I can think about right now is Nathan. What this could do to him…I love him.

I walked inside the building. More crowded inside than it was on the outside and Dillain was obviously the centre of it all. Girls all around him while they were standing at some pool table. Talking and having drinks.

He looked over at my direction and when I saw me‚ he waved me over.

'Nope. I don't have time for this.'

I roll my eyes and start looking for Nate. He wouldn't have himself surrounded by so many people. He's probably at a more isolated place like that bar. The golfclub obviously has a bar. If it didn't have one‚ Dillan wouldn't have come here to have his party in the first place.

But when I reach the bar and look for him there‚ there's no sign of him. I'm slowly losing hope. 'Come on Nate. Where are you?'

"Hey Rob!" Dillan came behind me patting my shoulder.

If it wasn't for his recognisable voice I would've gone ahead and slam my elbow in his face. Not that I don't consider that thought‚ I just got a fright.

"Whay!?" I snap at him.

Dillan held his hands back‚ "Geez dude chillax! No way I would mess with you. No after last time!" He's referring to that night I see. The black eye looks less worse than it did yesterday. "Want to have a drink?"

"I'm looking for Nathan. Have you seen him around?" I ask avoiding his question‚ because I don't want a drink. I want my Nate.

"No…is that why you're so gloomy?" Dillan tilts his head‚ "What is it with you and that guy? Your obsession with each other is getting weird…don't get me wrong. I know you're friends but you need to give each other some space."

"I doubt you would understand." I tell him as I shove his hand off my shoulder. "People like you will never understand. There is more than just loyalty in a friendship if you know what I mean…oh wait…you don't!"

"Really now Robert!? I made mistake. For how long are you going to hold it over my head."

"Whatever‚" I decide to leave and shove my way pass him‚ "You'll never change Dillan. Stay away from me." second time I used that line. I am surrounded by so many toxic people and I just want to cut them out of my life.

I get back in my Jeep and drive to Nathan's home. No use going through the whole town again. Hopefully I do find him there and even if I don't‚ I still have hope that he will come home.

I parked the Jeep in his driveway before I step out and head inside. Moving to the living room before I plop myself on the couch. His bike is missing too. He must've come here from the hotel before he left with it again. If that thing is not here then Nate surely isn't around so there is no use checking through the house for him.

"Hello?" A voice comes from the kitchen.

My eyes fly open and I jump off the couch. Stumbling back and quickly grabbing the nearest weapon i can find. It's the TV remote‚ but I'm sure this can come in handy. I did take boxing classes from Nate‚ just for fun‚ but I won't hesitate fighting back. No piece of shit will kill me tonight.

"Who's there!?" I called out. Making sure I keep my voice deep and my tone firm. Some burglaries get easily intimidated when you have a fearless approach.

I hear heels clicking as they near the kitchen entrance. And then a blonde head peeks out. "Oh Hi. You must be Robert!" A woman? "We never met before‚ but we once talked on the phone. My name is Niveia!" Her voice was obnoxiously loud as it came. She already came rushing to me on her heels. Dressed in some denim cowgirl shortd and a white tank-top. Her blonde hair tied in a single ponytail.

To kind of think of it‚ her voice does sound familiar.

'Wait. She's the chic who answered Nathan's phone the other night!'

"Wait I know you‚" I point my finger at her‚ "You're Shado's girlfriend‚ right?"

"That's me!" She squealed seeming pretty excited because I just stated that fact right. "Nathan used to talk a lot about you! Nice to meet ya!" She eagerly held her hand out for a handshake.

I lower the TV remote to not hold it like I'm about to hit someone with it and then I extend my hand out to her‚ shaking her hand. She seems incredibly nice. Not threatening at all and now I know why she is in this house. That means she knows where is Nate.

"Eh nice to meet you too." I tell her and then withdraw my hand before tosisng the remote on the couch. "Do you by any chance know where Nathan is?"

"Don't worry…" Niveia turns on her heels heading back to the kitchen. His swaying while she moves‚ I could swear she got some type of catwalk-syndrome or something‚ "He's over at Shado's place. Looked pretty upset if you ask me. Eventually got worried about you so they send me here to check up on you. I just need to call him and tell him you're okay."

I walk after her feeling very much relieved. He's okay and it looks like he's more like close friends with this Shado. I can't help but feel a bit jealous.

Niveia was on the phone when I walked in‚ "Hey Nathan. He's okay. Don't worry. Bye." And then she hung up.

"So he takes your calls‚ but he can't take mine." I say to myself more than to her. I can tell that the pain in my eyes is evident and she would see that even though we just met‚ but I can't help it. Maybe he is avoiding me.

"Hey I am sure maybe he needs some time on his own? What happened between you two really…I never saw him like that before even though we only met two years ago.."

"Two years ago?" I ask her as I move over to the cabinet taking out a bottle of rum. I desperately need one of these.

"Yea. Daddy sent me to boarding school because I was too much for him to handle…." Niveia explain while rolling her eyes and hanging her mouth in a sassy way before she looks at me again. "But even as I was new in that school I easily made new friends with Shado and Nathan. They made me feel like I was in some place where I could belong‚ ironic since nobody wants to belong inside a boarding school."

I take a sip from the rum. I do want to know more about Nate's connection with Shado and am interested in learning how he met them. It seems he did make other special friends on his side. None of my friends at high school were much of friends really. Only stuck around because of my status and how rich my family was.

Atleast Nate wasn't alone where he was. I was always alone when he wasn't around. Even now it feels like I am alone again. I don't even know how to deal with my parents revealing that I am not their son. I try not to think about it but knowing 23 years of my life was a lie‚ is a hard blow.

"Did you two get in a fight?"

I look at her and quickly shake me head. Seems she doesn't know what happened and I am not in the mood to explain. "…long story. Anyway now that you know I'm fine you can go."

"Aren't you coming with me?"

"He doesn't want to see me." I say then shrug. "So why should I bother. It was nice meeting you Niveia."

"How did you two meet?" She follows after me even when I left the kitchen. She talks a lot to be honest and is she chewing gum?

"Funny story actually. I can't remember." it's obviously a lie. I just don't feel like talking.

I go sit back on the couch and sink back in taking another sip from the bottle. Niveia sits next to me holding a bottle of wine in her hand. "You shouldn't be so hard on him Robert. I mean with his PTSD and anger issues …Nathan is more fragile than he is a hot head no offence. I just knew him long enough to know that he sometimes just acts impulsively. And Shado is always the person who consults and looks out for him. He's much safer around her."

"He has PTSD?" I feel stupid for asking that question. Of course he would be left traumatized from his childhood. I get the anger issues but I never thought about how truly broken Nathan was. He always tried to put up a strong face and now I also realise that after years away from each other‚ he might still not be the bestfriend I knew back and then.

He never shows me his vulnerability. 'I just wish he was more open with me. And that he stopped building up walls whenever he's upset.'

"If you have something on your mind‚ you should talk to him about it." Niveia says gently patting my hand.

I look at her then sigh‚ "…Nathan and i were friends for years. Things just changed so quickly. We were always used to being like brothers we never thought what being lovers would be like. Maybe we rushed things. I want to get to know him better…." I want to be the shoulder he leans on when he is upset or unhappy. Maybe that's why I envy Shado.

"Know what? You're right." I then say to her before I stand up. "Let's go. You know where they are right?"

"Of course I do!"

"Good. Okay then. I would like to meet your girlfriend too." I say to her and then we walk out together.