
4 More Capes

While Saitama was in the arena trying to kill himself, a very similar wooden door appeared in another universe. The door looked extremely out of place as it sat against a wall in a very futuristic-looking room with a few people staring at it.

"This wasn't here yesterday so where do think it came from?" A man in a red costume with a lightning bolt on his chest asked the woman standing beside him.

"I don't know, but I feel slight divinity from it. Superman, can you see through it?" She asked the man in a red and blue suit with an 'S' on his chest.

"I've already tried. I have no idea what's on the other side of that door. How about you J'onn, do you feel anything from it?" Superman asked the green-skinned alien beside him.

"I don't feel much, but I know it doesn't feel dangerous," J'onn replied.

"It doesn't matter if it feels dangerous or not. This thing showed up in the middle of the watch tower and we have no information on it, who put it here or why they did." The last man in a bat costume said while glaring at the door.

"So Batman what do you suggest we should do?" J'onn asked.

"We open it up" Batman replied.

"Yeah, I don't know about that one Bats. What if there is a giant tentacle monster behind it that want to eat us alive? The man in red asked. They all just stared at him for a moment before Superman spoke: "Relax Flash. If there is a monster behind the door I'm sure we can handle it."

"Ok then, You go first," Flash said while crossing his arms. Before Superman could reply, Batman said: "I'll go first" while walking toward the door and cautiously opening it.

As soon as the door was fully opened, the 5 members of the justice league were met with a fantasy-looking tavern with two people in it.

"Welcome to the Rob's Multiverse Guild. I'm the owner Rob, how can I help you today?" The man behind the counter asked the league.

Hearing the word 'multiverse', Batman narrowed his eyes and quickly started thinking.

Batman was very smart but he didn't know much about the multiverse. What he did know though, was that it was extremely dangerous to tamper with.

The fact that the man in front of them who called himself the owner, so easily put a door inside the watchtower without any of the league knowing about it for hours made Batman even more cautious.

Batmen needed answers and if necessary, a contingency plan to take down this being.

Rob could tell what Batman was thinking without even reading his mind. Rob was a very big fan of Batman when he was growing up and even if Rob didn't agree with Batmen's no-killing rule, he understood why Batman didn't kill.

'Batman values life overall. His world was shattered by a random act of violence so he became a hero so that no other kid had to feel what he felt that night. He swore not to kill because even criminals have people that care about them too. Did it work? Well yes and no. Most of the low-level criminals aren't a problem for the law to deal with but the super villains... Well, let's just say that he and the other members of the league probably should have broken that no-kill rule.' Rob thought.

As Rob had his inner monologue, Batman caught his attention by asking a question: "Why did you put the entrance to this place in the watch tower?"

"Well if we are being technical, I didn't actually put the door there. I sent the doors out into the multiverse randomly. Yours just happens to appear in your watchtower." Rob replied.

"Doors? You mean there are more?" Superman asked.

"Yes, of course. But if you're wondering, I made sure to only send one door per multiverse so consider yourself special. Out of the infinite possible universes, your universe got the door. Congrats." Rob said while lightly clapping his hands with a smile.

"Why did you send them in the first place? Tampering with the concept of the multiverse could have disastrous consequences," Batman said in a menacing voice. Rob didn't know if Batman was trying to be menacing on purpose to scare him or not but it wouldn't have mattered because this was Rob, He fears nobody.

"Don't worry, me tampering with the multiverse with have no adverse side effects. And to answer your question as to why I sent the doors... It was because I was bored."

"You were bored?" J'onn spoke incredulously.

"Yes. You see, when you are the most powerful being in the omniverse, you tend to get a little bored from time to time, so I decided to entertain myself by doing this," Rob said.

"So that's all we are to you, entertainment?" Wonder woman said annoyed. She didn't like being a pawn in someone else's game. It's one of the reasons she left themyscira. Being a princess also made her a political tool, and even if the island of women didn't interact with the word of man, they did interact with the gods. And gods are fickle beings.

"Yes, you are my entertainment, but you don't need to be upset about it. If anything this guild will do more good for you than you could imagine." Rob spoke to her with a smile.

"And what exactly is this guild?" Batman finally asked the million-dollar question.

"Well..." Rob then proceeded to give them the same explanation as he gave to Saitama.


"Sound like fun, sign me up! What about you guys?" The Flash said with enthusiasm. They all agreed even Batman who was still cautious and got their new guild cards.

The Justice League all had similar cards to the one Saitama was given with the only differences being their respective symbol on the back of the cards and the colours of the cards matching their costumes.

"Now that you are all registered, feel free to look around but remember the rules," Rob said seriously. The Flash was the first to go. He quickly ran to the recreation room to see what it had inside. Flash was a serious nerd so when he heard that there was media from different universes in here, he immediately wanted to check it out.

When Flash ran to the recreation room, Rob noticed something about his powers. 'Huh... No lighting trail. I guess this Flash isn't connected to the speed force for some reason. That narrows the which DC Universe they are from. I wonder which Flash he is... He's probably Barry, Wally's costume has a different cowl.'

Rob could easily read their minds to put together a timeline and find out which exact version of the character they were, but that would ruin all his fun. So instead he decided to wait and see.

While Rob was thinking, the members of the League checked out the facilities. Wonder woman went to the training room, J'onn joined Flash in the recreation room while Superman and Batman each ordered a coffee and sat at a booth to discuss the new situation they found themselves in.

As the new members settled in, the entrance opened once again and someone new walked in. This time it was a white-haired man with a constant scowl on his face. Looking around and seeing the oddly dressed customer made the man say one word: "Fuck"

1254 words. These chapters just seem to be getting longer and longer.

The first one only had 972 words.

The second only had 753 and the third had 1247.

GH0STScreators' thoughts