
roaming the multiverse with random abilities!

this is sudden inspiration so I don't know how long this will go

SamiOyakodonLover · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

42th! fighting the emperor 1!

on a deserted island near goa kingdom, two man stood against each other, one has a red head with metal arm, the other had similar red head but with orange shade mix with it , they stare at each other for a minute and the older redhead said "boy, are you sure you want to do this? I wouldn't hold back ya know, haha" the man spoke with joy

the younger redhead spoke with smile "yes! I want to have a good test for myself, and against you , it's too good opportunity to waste!"

"well... I will comply , since you gave me a good gift earlier ,soooo... where is your sword?"

"eh..I don't have one..and never bother to train with one either" the younger give a wry smile while starching his cheek

the older had a twitching eyebrows and said "you brat! how are gonna fight!?"

"with my fist, of course!" he said with straight face

"who comes with sword fight without sword?!"

"huh?! who said this is a sword fight, old man?!'

"old man?! how dare you! I'm only 27! I am in the peak of my youth!" the older angrily

"ha! I'm 12! to me you old man!, TEHAHAHA!" the younger said with a smug

"wait 12?!" to all lookers that was shocking

"is he 12??"

"I thought he is 18??"

"he look like one..."

"and acts like one too..."

the audience muttered around them, everyone one who saw the young man challenge the pirate wanted to see the epic fight

on the younger side 3 woman with different ages stood looking at the fight , the youngest said with shock "wait! is Taiger-san only 12?! but he looks so mature...and dreamy.." the girl named kuina said the last part with blush

the middle one also was shocked but said "ahh~ this one's fated one is sooo dashing from young age~" hancock said with heart eyes

the mature one said with smug "see~ my tai-chan is so amazing ~ let me tell you some details about him later~" Lona said with a wink

"really, mother?! this one can't wait!"

Taiger will regret later bring his mother with him since his embarrassing childhood will be exposed later...

shanks looks at Taiger with smirk "ha! so you are really just a brat! you didn't have a father to teach you to respect your elders , so I will take this to my own hands, you should be grateful! hahahahaha!" he laughed thinking he giving him a favor

everyone looks at him with deadpan eyes while having the same thought 'you are his father!, you idiot!'

Taiger sigh and said "whatever , I will fight without sword, I can manage"

"suit yourself"

Taiger looks at kuina and smiles "kuina, focus on the fight!, you will learn so much from it!"

"UmU captain" she replied while umuing

then Taiger focused and thought 'alright, let's test the water first' he took a stance and ready and fight , he looks at his supposed father, throw a coin in the air , and stares

the crowd got silenced while looking at the falling coin

10 m

5 m

2 m

1 m


two fast wind generated from two spots upon hearing the coin touch the ground

*CLING* two metallic collision can be heard

shanks looks at his offsprings with surprised expression "oh?! you can use it?! this make things more exciting!" he gives a smile and slash his sword with more power!

Taiger coats his arms with armament haki and counter the slash with a swing of his own, the two continued back and forth , Taiger shoots a punch aimed at the stomach, the older redhead defense by raised his knee and coating it with his haki , and slash his blade at his unprotected sides

Taiger flips back and kicks the air multiple times as if Walk on it

"oh?.. you can mimic those agents? you are full of surprises! but don't think you can run!" then he hold his sword as if he wants to throw it but from the sword a red glow shoots from it

<< Crimson Crescent! >> a very fast crimson air pressure slash comes from the sword and chases Taiger who on the air!

"shit!" Taiger sense danger and prepare to block

<< tekkai : haki skin! >> he crossed his arms and active tekkai while fully coating his arms, the combined haki with the tekkai compressed skin made a look redder with smoke out of his arms


a huge spark generated from the clash and made the night bright with light!

Taiger falls down on his feets while having some brunt skin as a result from the clash which healed from his accelerated regeneration

"hoho, healed already! then let notch it a bit! you won't have a room to breath!" shanks smile and with a blur he disappeared and appears from Taiger

Taiger observation haki goes bonkers while his animalistic instincts like alrams in his head, his devil fruit made his sense 11/10 as if it's spider-sense but better

he dodge the sword with a hair width , but his father didn't give a him a chance to breath , and continue his barrage of attacks!

even with the combined effort of CoO , kame-E arts and Tiger-sense , he still barely dodge his attacker sword!

eventually, the attack starts and continue even of shallowly , shanks while slashing laughs "hahaha! too green too green! you still 100 years to challenge me!"

Taiger did not raise to the taunt and continue to dodge while healing and receiving injuries,

'I need to push him away from me!' Taiger start to prepare his whole body as if he is a pressure bomb

"hmm?" shanks sense danger and didn't want to caught be with what ever he is doing so he jumps back but slightly caught up with technique

<< rokuōgan : body release! >> his whole body was coating with pressure wave while he as using his haki to protect himself


a small explosion occur around Taiger body that pushed shanks away

shanks lands on his feet while breathing in relief "whoof, if that caught me , I won't go uninjured!"

Taiger smiles while talking between his breaths and looks at shanks with smirk "tch, you ran from it."

"heh, you believed I would caught in that?"

"not really, but it did it's purpose."

"..and that's ..?"

"it's gave me a room to breath!" Taiger smiles smugly

"hahahah, boss! he tricked you!" the fatman laugh at his captain

"shut up , fatty! I will get you later!" shanks said irritated but smile "good! you got me! let start round 2!"

"hahahahaha, captain got in the mood! the battle junkie mood!" man with long nose said

"I hope he won't goes overboard, the kid is already strong is such age, it a shame if he injuries him without remorse" said the vice captain

"alright then! let start!" before he starts he heard some cheers from behind

he turns his head to find the source and then smile wryly

"Taiger, Taiger, kick his ass! Taiger , Taiger kick his ass!" x3

he saw the woman he dears wearing cheerleaders clothes who knows from where and when did they put them on and start cheer for him

"come on!~ tai-chan! give him a beating!" Lona said while jumping and showing her good assest

"tai-sama! show him who is boss!" hancock give a seductive pose while throwing a kiss to him

"T-Taiger-san! d-do your b-best!" kuina said with extreme blush while swinging her hands above her head, this is the first time she wears feminine clothes and her embarrassment is seen but still continue to cheer for him.

shanks looks at the scene and his eyes burning with jealousy! "damn brat! you have three beauties cheer for you! what you can ask for more!"

Taiger looks and them and smiles brightly and said "since they are cheering for me this much I gotta not disappointed them!" then he starts to transform , his body become bigger, with much more muscle, his hair become white, he eyes become blue, his whole body become combination of white furr and black patterns, he grows a long white tail, and a tiger ears grows on his head

his whole body is full of energy he direct his gaze to his father and smirk "times to round 2!"