
roaming the multiverse with random abilities!

this is sudden inspiration so I don't know how long this will go

SamiOyakodonLover · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

38th! Shimotsuki Village

East Blue is commonly known as the weakest of all the seas, Pirates who are considered great and threatening in this sea are regarded as low rate compared to pirates from the other seas and especially in the Grand Line. Ironically, despite its poor fame, the East Blue was the birthplace of the most powerful pirate of all time, the late Pirate King Gol D. Roger.

this sea is also the birth of both the hero garp and the most wanted man , dragon.. specifically..the former son.. and also..many infamous individuals yet to come...

on this vast sea, some of it's peaceful village are meant to have rocky day...


East Blue , Shimotsuki Village

This village looks like a typical rural village with green grass and mountains all around the village. The village also seems to have a lot of rice fields.

The village culture seems to be based on feudal Japan and their customs, much similar to Wano Country. The people here are also shown to be Buddhists.

in a certain building in the peaceful town, a union of sounds can be heard at the same time



the wooden blade's friction with the air, the sweat dropping on the ground, the coordinated movement of the body , all indications say that this place is a kenjutsu dojo

"faster! stronger! preciser! a swordman as good as his body! a weak body is a weak sword man! but the opposite is not necessary true! the balance between the body and blade must be achieved in our and maximize your full potential!" the dojo master said with uptight tone

he looked like a middle age man with a pony tail abd wearing a glasses , he looked at the sight of his disciples and give a soft sigh

*haaah* 'it 43 years since the day father moved from our country to come settle here...in my old age I don't mind the peace...but these young seeds won't flourish in peaceful times...they need to push their limit...or they won't pass their own mediocrity...a wild flower will always beat a flower in greenhouse...' the man thought with some regret while trying to remember some of his father's tales his homeland..

then he looked at the dojo corner to witness weird scene...

"Oi! kuina! fight me! this time I will defeat you with my 10 swordstyle!" a 10 year old kid with green moss head said while Holding a 10 wooden swords around his body , any kind of wrong movement will cause for him to fell on his face

the girl in question looked at him at like he was a fool, she was a rather tall 11 years young girl in her years of blooming , she would be a great beauty when she grows up...

the girl named kuina decide to humor the moss head and said "hmm sure zoro...then get ready!" she take an typical swordman stand

"hefre , I'm komning" since they was a sword in his mouth, his words turn be to nonsensical

he Rushs towards kuina with fast sprint until he was a meter away from her , then he swing his 10 swords on her taking her in one swap!

kuina did a simple side step, Zoro went past her , he was about to spin , yet kuina didn't have it and kick his leg with her foot

this made Zoro loses balance and led all the swords to fell on him

"fool! good thing these are wooden! imagine if they were a real ones!" quina didn't know what logic inside of the green head of his and didn't want to know..

Zoro stand up to yell on her "hey! you supposed to strike a swordman with your sword , not kick them!

kuina simply scoffs and said "hmph! learn how to walk first with these "10 swordstyle" then start to speak about being a swordman!"

Zoro words stuck in his throat and know how to retort so he simply said "fine! the 10 swordstyle is not suitable for me! but I have my back up plan! the three swordstyle! when I perfected it, you will see! I defeat you and become the village strongest! then being the world strongest is just about the corner! HAHAHAHA" laughed in excitement for the future to come

"haha... I can't wait..." kuina laughed dryly and just igonred the blockhead

"hey! don't dare mock me!"


Koshiro , kuina's father and the dojo master looked at the two bickering like siblings with warm smile , it's must be said the his daughter is the most talented in his dojo, she defeated will the challenges and stood at top , yet this brat come and keep challenging her over and over..with all of different ways

if stubborn is talent..that this kid has the most talented ever, he also knows that his daughter keeps response to his challenge since she is rather lonely and as the only female in the dojo feels rather outcasted , so having him keeps annoying her rather make her happy

kuina looked at the short moss and smiles helplessly '..you know...Zoro...if you wait few years I bet you can defeat me..this is because of my limitations as woman...soon the puberty will catch up with you and give your a massive boast... while mine... doesn't help much in that regard...I love the sword... but should I continue this knowing I will still have shortcoming despite my efforts...' kuina though with sadness thinking she can't break past her limitations as female... well she in for treat later...

Zoro looks and kuina and thought 'tonight I will challenge you with real sword to decide who is the best! wait for it!' he thought with fire in his heart

but suddenly the dojo door opened with smack!

"master! hurry .. pirates! pirates came to the village!"

"again? this pirates are wild.. kids..stay here I will deal with them.." Koshiro said in dry tone , it's not the first time he cleaned the sea scum..and won't be the last, he was confident in himself since his father trained him to the bone since childhood

"..dad..can I come..?" kuina said with slight excitement, fighting against pirates always gives her the thrill

"*sigh* sure.." Koshiro said with a sight

"..why did you agreed easily?" kuina asks doubtfully

"you think I didn't caught you last time... come it's better for me to agree then disagree then soon after you sneak out... bring your blade.."

kuina just pulled her tongue "teehee, thx dad , I love you!" she grab her sword and quickly went to shore direction

"what I'm gonna do with you.." he helplessly smile and followed his hyperexcited daughter

"wait I'm coming too" Zoro said suddenly

"...fine but you can only watch..got it" Koshiro

"..got it , master.." Zoro said in weak voice and thought ' at least I can see a sword fight..'






but when the trio looked at the beach, they didn't see some nasty pirates , but straight up dogs get beaten down

"how dare you called tai-chan pretty boy!..I'm mean he is! but I don't won't hear this coming from the sea flith" a breathtaking mature beauty said while giving a pirate the kicking of his life!

"hmph! how dare thee interrupting this one time with tai-sama and okaa-sama! this one date has been ruined by thou scum!" another young woman to perfect face and body said to the rather bleeding captain

a handsome young man was looked the girls with wry smile, the same man looked the new guest with helpless smile and said "...sorry about the sight..they are usually nice and kind"

the trio dumbly nodded at the bizarre beatdown, but kuina had stars in her eyes , she moved closer to him, looked at him , blushed a bit since this was the first time seeing someone so handsome and said "excuse me.."

the young man smiles and said "my name is Taiger"

"Taiger-san...can I ask you a question?"

"sure , girl" Taiger smiles

"can I...be strong as them?!?!" she asks while pointing at the women who now she is seeing as idols..

Taiger mysteriously smile and said "...I bet you can... especially since you came for strong family.."

"strong family...?" she was confused

"that for later." Taiger smirks and said while looking at the his girls...