
Road to Valhalla

My name is Seraph. In a world that is filled with magic, science and arts of unbelievable kinds, I'm relatively ordinary. But then I met them. A group of assassins that work the machines of the world behind closed curtains. And the most striking is their leader, the woman which is the greatest mystery in the world. Though to the world we are all dead, each of us has a story of their own. I wonder if I can find myself a home among these people who call themselves Valkyries and more importantly can I solve all the riddles that surround them?

Yuri_1784 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
217 Chs

What he Sees

The townspeople welcomed us warmly but oddly enough, Chopper didn't seem to get cozy with their hospitality. I didn't take him to be one with a nasty attitude so I assumed he might just have a lot on his mind right now. I couldn't have been more wrong. He despised that place so much, he confined himself to the room we were allowed to stay in after two days and never went out.

There was a barracks, going down towards the valley where we had headed soon as we'd arrived in town. We met a man called Col. Erele, supposedly in charge around Halen. He told us about the conflict and how bad the situation had gotten because they couldn't contact the capital due to the bandits now running amuck, causing all sorts of ruckus.

"I've been here 7 years now", he told us, though I found him rather young, " This isn't war anymore, it's all about their revenge. We tried negotiating but they claim this part of land is their territory. And they sure as hell don't care about the people's wishes even if they have to use force. I can see their reason though. It's all the gold in this mountain. I can't just let these people be stripped away of their rightful fortune, can I?"

Chopper didn't seem to take even a little interest in anything Col. Erele said. I tried my best to cover up for that (I was raised right, you know) but his more than slightly conspicuous behavior was far too much for me to handle. I gave up trying in the end. The next day we went all around the town, meeting all the important folks and at night we came to our benefactor's home. It was a small bathhouse, or perhaps an inn or perhaps a restaurant. I couldn't tell. Actually, it was just a home, though I still have a hard time believing that.

"I am Chopper and this is called Seraph. You sent for us", this is how he introduced us to the girl that answered our knock.

"Chopper...?", she was quite clearly baffled at first but after only a moment of wondering, she gasped with surprise, "It can't be! You really are real!"

"That's not very welcoming, short lady", that was his way of addressing a young girl, perhaps.

She was an innocent girl of about 20 and honestly I couldn't help but sympathize with her when she stood with a mixture of emotions at everything Chopper said. In any case, she invited us inside.

"This is my grandfather", we were introduced to an extremely senile old man sitting in the tea room, "But he only talks during the day so you can greet him in the morning."

I dare not wonder too hard on that condition of his. Chopper's reaction, though, was a little more intense. Thankfully, the clumsy maiden didn't take that into account and showed us to a room.

"Please make yourself at home", she was rather cheerful, almost too excited now.

"So you're the one that made the call? You don't have any parents, it appears. And you aren't even from this town, I'd wager. Though I can see you are quite famous here but really, people who are so naïve and pure at heart to take upon other people's troubles are really just the worst. You should pack your bags, sell this place and descend down this troublesome mountain. If you go to the capital, you'll be settled within a year, get married and have 3 children, die at the age of 54 and be buried in the forest near your grandfather", somehow Chopper began sounding like a counselor as he laid down on his side, holding his head in right hand, making himself really comfortable. This is the position he'd be in most days from here on out so just try to imagine as best as you can.

Anyways, I really thought at that instant that this was the last straw and the girl would either cry or kick us out but when I looked up at her, she was beaming.

"Hey how'd you know all that? About my parents and me? Tell me!", she was like a little kid.

"Tch", this annoyed Chopper to no end, "Buzz off."

"Don't be like that! Tell me! You are like a knight in the shining armor, aren't you? You are so cool. Maybe you'll take me down this mountain and-", she began dreaming too much all of a sudden and I, for one, couldn't keep up.

"Problem kids", I heard Chopper mumble, "Everything about you is so obvious. This house looks like old people, it's that old man's house, right? And for you to speak of your grandfather before your parents is a clear sign they aren't the ones that raised you. Not to mention, how pathetic and fantastical your head is. That's gotta be a grandfather's doing. No reason some prick like you wouldn't be famous in this stinking town. I bet you go to sleep thinking of some prince riding a white stallion, coming to swoop you off your feet and taking you on a journey all around the world. Well dipshit, that's a pipe dream of the worst standard and I'm here to break it. About time you took a look into the bowl of reality."

Chopper laid down straight, with his eyes closed, a gesture telling her to leave now. I assumed the girl would take it lightly like before but I was wrong. She didn't look sad but she sure was lost in some thought. She got up, opened the wardrobe and took out sheets and blankets for us.

"Good night then. I'll see you at breakfast", she said, standing in the doorway, "Oh and I'm Eso and you can call grandfather whatever you want, he doesn't remember his name".

She smiled and then shut the door behind her. I forgot to thank her because I was thinking about her grandfather for a brief moment, but then she left and I began to think about what Chopper had said. I could tell by Eso's reaction that he was on point about everything. I had supposed he wasn't interested in anything at all but it seemed things had just involuntarily caught his attention. So I thought anyway.

The next morning, there didn't seem to be any mention of last night. Chopper was annoyed most all of the time but I think Eso liked our company. She and I got along well and she was most intrigued by Chopper's reactions. That day, Chopper told me to go out in town and do whatever because he didn't feel like seeing the outside world. He remained confined in the room most of the days and only came out for whenever Eso served food. I even got to talk to grandfather. He said his name was Olek, but next day he said he didn't know me and I was a thief, and that evening he said I was his son who'd finally come home from war. His name changed to Geryut the next day. I understood what Eso was talking about. In any case, chats with him were always revolutionary so I talked to him whenever I got the chance.

I only ever saw Chopper at breakfast after which, he said I should just stay in town and make acquaintances. He said that since I was there, I should make myself useful. I began to think I might not be able to follow what Lady had told me to do. But that routine was soon over. We plunged that town into hellfire.